Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tagruato Sword Update

The website has now been tagged with the Sword logo - on the About Us page and the Deep Sea Drilling page. There appear to be no other updates at this time.

Also noteworthy, the Sword on the page has shrunk and turned to black.

Are we missing something... or will the next step be a Sword on the or JamieAnd sites?

* Thanks to Sajid A and Nick P for the update!


  1. First comment woot! i was just about to lose interest in the Cloverfield viral game, but then the new picture came on and the new object thing came up; which i was about to comment on the previous post but got beaten to the punch =(

    I believe that this has some connection to TIDOwave, or it's some secret Tagruato thing that we wont find out more about until the release. i think there will be an easter egg that will lead us somewhere online that will tell us a HUGE clue. but that's just me. =P

  2. Wonder if there is a tie in to the cloverfield dvd we're all waiting for. =)

  3. hey does anyone remember the password for the jamie and teddy site? was it jill something?

  4. The password for is jllovesth (J.L. Loves T.H.)

  5. On the slusho page I got to the quotes... there was one quote that said "She's one of them" What would that be about? Do you think it has anything to do with Cloverfield? Or is it just a random quote?

  6. Just speculation, but couldn't the swirl be a... whirlpool? Some connection to TIDOWAVE. Maybe WHIRLSWORD?

  7. Guys,

    I Notice some changes in the Tidowave page...

    1. No introduccion with the mock "Tagruato" page and the hands and all the stuff.

    2. I saw the page early and there was no comments in the there are many comments.

    I think we can expect more changes....or more stuff...

    See Ya!!

  8. WOO HOO! I fiugred out something important (Yeah, i'm nick) btw, when I sent Dennis the e-mail, the sword was on the top-right of all of the tagruato pages, not just About Us and the drilling pages.

  9. Ive been so caught up in the Batman viral marketing ive missed all these new updates. So forgive me if this is a poor question but the movie didnt occur in the present..could all this be leading up to the dates that the movie was said to occur (wasnt it May or something)?

  10. I THINK THE SYMBOL IS THE tidowave logo with a sword through it u know the wave, like tagruato killed tido??

    u decide

  11. Maybe it's like 'follow the signs' or sumthing...this is awesoume!!! it feels like youre a part of something big....i agree with buisness socks...that date was said in the future so maybe its all leading up...but then why have the myspace pages been left......

    great name 'business socks' by the way!!

  12. Can't speak for the comments, but I just clicked over and the fake Tagruato page is still there. Is it possible that you just went directly to the "blog" page? (That's where the link in this post points to:, not just

  13. Not sure where I'm going with this but, the number 6 figures in to many things in this whole game. could the symbol be upside down?
    does this have something to do with "Horns down"?
    Just throwing it against the wall to see if it sticks.

  14. What if this odd "cult" thing is a faction of its own, separate from Slusho! and Tagruato and TIDOWAVE? Like they're putting up all of these strange subliminal messages, or something?

  15. That logo first appeared in the upper right corner of the blue banner (the one with white characters "Tagruato").

    And it's quite clear that resembles the shell thing that shows the "priest" in the "cult" from the manga.

  16. Ummmmm.....its on this website now.

  17. lee - I think Dennis has done that on purpose.

    business socks - Everythoing pre-1/18/08 was pre the film by the same amount of days - i.e 1/18/08 = 3/21/09 (monster attack in film time). I doubt they'd break from that - remember, everything has been perfect so far, why would they change it?

  18. i have a question that i think is worth to ask, most of the comments and posts on the tido wave page, slushoo and tagruato, are made by the people in charge of the viral marketing or anyone can post?

    because in that case we can't use those elements to make solid theories.

  19. I belive that the comments on TidoWave (and the quotes on Slusho's Happy Talk page) are ALL fan generated. Unlike the MySpace comments, there is no way to verify the author, so I wouldn't read too much into them.

  20. Don't know if anyone else picked up on this but a buddy of mine just pointed out that the sword symbol on the Teddy picture is a reflection of the ones on Tagruato and Slusho.


  21. Uh, guys, ever wondered why only TWO pages of the tagruato site were tagged with the sword? Why only 2, why not all 5? I think that those two pages must hold some clues or links to sites that have clues or maybe just easter eggs, I don't know. But it's worth a try to at least check the pages tagged!

  22. Any one been brushing up on their history

    I just found out the Teddy thing, and i'm guessing that we are getting there. What i wanted to say was that teddy said he works for a company called tagruato which you probrobly know, but did you know that on their history page it says that the company was founded in 1945. And what happened in 1945, the ATOM BOMB. also in their history it said the company started in 1945 on the island of Kyūshū, Japan’s southernmost island. Heroshima and Kyūshū were two of the island bombed by the atomic bomb.

    P.S. Godzilla was created because of the radiation of the atom bomb infecting the Kamoto Dragon.
