Friday, July 28, 2017

Slusho Truck at Comic-Con 2017

Steve Zaragoza, from the Cloverfeels Podcast, spotted a Slusho truck outside of Comic-Con last week, handing out free drinks. #InGame

The truck displayed a new twitter account - @SLUSHOTRUCK - and based on some of the tweets, it appears to be driving around the country.

There's also a snapchat snap code that gives you access to a special Slusho filter (for 1 hour).

I don't know much about Snapchat, but this appears to be some kind of secret message:

Wave for happy time robot?

The website appears to be down at the moment (since no one uses flash anymore), so maybe some updates are coming?


  1. Translates to ask for happy time bot!

    1. This will tell you everything you need to know.

    2. You dont have to be so hostile we're trying to work together. and ive been to that thread, must have missed the talk about the symbols and still dont see it so please enlighten me Lou

    3. also regerdless of the purpose of the code.. that shit says ask for happy time bot in emoji lol

  2. Here we go again....

  3. I hope so! I cant believe this sites still here honestly. It was ground zero for the best theories and news. Please whoever runs the site get the message out there that the ARG is alive again! We need HELP!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
