Monday, February 8, 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Here are some screenshots from the "10 Cloverfield Lane" Super Bowl trailer. I have compiled them into an album at

Update: Here is a better screenshot of the license plate. I adjusted the levels, and the number appears to be; SCH 3N38

Brock pointed out in the comments that the plate appears to be from Texas:

One other interesting thing I noticed, the "hazmat" suit appears to be hand made, out of duct tape and soda bottles.

Leave a message in the comments if you find anything interesting!


  1. Can anyone make out the plate on MEWs car?

    1. Blue with a white and yellow state name... could be Connecticut or Nevada. Idk of any other states with that color scheme plate

    2. Its a older Texas plate.

    3. yes it matches texas plates. you can barley make out the star at the top left hand corner and there is a symbol in the middle between the letters and numbers that can be made out to be the symbol of the outline of texas

    4. Sorry, but the plate is an Illinois plate.

    5. Could you elaborate? Not saying your wrong. You can't make it out either way so mine was just an educated guess. Totally could be wrong just trying to find which plate that would match to from Illinois?


      It's the regular Illinois plate. It just looks like something red has been smeared on the plate, could be paint from the accident for all we know but Illinois plates have red lettering.

    7. That's definitely a Texas plate.

      Ohio and Idaho get silver and bronze.

      Here's a side by side comparison. (You can practically make out the Texas state emblem in the middle)

    8. SexyMandy gets it!

      If it is a TEXAS plate why is the letter C on the TEXAS example so completely different (more elongated) than the C on the movie image?
      Why is the number 8 also not even close, again (more elongated)?
      TEXAS plates of that design use black for the digits. The ones in this movie image sure look red to me (however this could be deceptive due to lighting and maybe I can't see colors as well as I thought)
      Finally, TEXAS passenger cars...not trucks.....always use a letter first and then three numerals to make up the last four characters of the plate....I have never found an exception to that unless it was a vanity plate. I guess it could be a personal plate but sure would be a weird one.

      Here are my examples for Illinois (sorry, hope I'm not breaking rules but I don't do imgur) Please take notice of the H, 8, S, N and 3 as all seem basically exact as the movie image plate.

      Who knows! The props department probably made their own plate based on wherever the filming is taking place....which I believe is somewhere near Chicago. So it could be made to look like a certain state plate.....but maybe they didn't do that great of a job. Suppose to be a 5 million budget, maybe they skipped on authenticity?

    9. Thought I add a better TEXAS example than the one you had. This one has three of the characters contained in the movie plate for a better comparison. Again please note the C, H and especially the number 3. TEXAS 3's end arms have a very distinct upward turn torward the middle...maybe a half inch or more. Whereas the 3's on the movie plate have a MUCH LESS upward turn of the ends....almost no upturn at all. Almost exactly like an Illinois 3

    10. I'm probably overthinking this, but ...

      SCH3N38 can be turned into leet 5C#34138, whicg can be rotated to #341385C which is a hexidemical color code for deep violet (although it's not an "internet safe color"). When looking at the statistics applying to the color, I put in 34.0 by -86.4, which is registered as Oneonta, AL, USA.

      Not saying the plate is from Bama, but maybe that place has something to do with the story? IF it's a vanity plate, maybd that's a clue. Not sure what it could be a clue to... Maybe the site of the.... I don't know ... thing/event that started this whole problem. Maybe it's where the story takes place?

      Anyone have any ideas? Because other than the decoding overload, I'm lost....

  2. Just found out about this film today, ahhh it's been too long Cloverfield Clues.

  3. The Cloverfield monster roar at the end is very straight forward

    1. Did anyone else notice, that the roar (although similar) is rather different from Clover's roar in the original? It's deeper. Almost sounds like a human scream, put through some syth effects. Just something that I noticed...

      The special features on the original, states that Clover is a baby, looking for its' parent. Could mommy be making an appearance?

    2. I remember that at the end of Cloverfield someone says that "it's still alive". It could be clover but older? Who knows how long after cloverfield this movie takes place. It would be interesting to see an adult monster though.

    3. I believe it safe to assume that we all would agree, what would be interesting to see would be...

      ...both of them!

  4. Can anyone read the sign to the left of mews head?

  5. If you notice her clothes, the beginning car crash has to take place before her captivity while the next shot of her running from the car has to take place post escape, as seen by what she's wearing in the last scene. Also, there has to be some connection to the Eiffel Tower, with numerous photographs and paintings in the bunker and the fact that people who ordered Swamp Dog got puzzle pieces for a puzzle of the Eiffel Tower.

  6. Also, the plates could possibly be PA. They're blue on the top, white in the middle and yellow on the bottom. It would make sense if the film takes place in New York still.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Has anyone noticed any changes on

  9. Dennis,

    I didn't find anything (yet), but I thought you'd enjoy a link to a 1080p version of the Super Bowl trailer that's about the same quality as an Apple trailer. Might help with the digging.

  10. I used the 1080p version from YouTube, and it's basically the problem - a lot of this is filmed in low light, so the video quality suffers.

    With that said, I obtained a *slightly* better version directly from Paramount, and you can barely make out the license plate. I've attached a screenshot to this post.

  11. Might be late to the party, but I remembered the old Cloverfield website, "" and tried it with the new movie date,, and was led to a picture of a bomb shelter and it's definitely intriguing. Clearly a reference to the Swamp Pop shelter on the website. Any leads?

    1. further from your point I've tried to play around the links through Everything links to a forbidden access except for which hints to continue the search at its homepage!
      what house are we looking for?
      I'm a huge fan of Cloverfield from Singapore but back here there is absolutely no hype or marketing for 10.cloverfield lane : (

    2. I find it interesting that the web address for has 2011/05 in it...does this mean that someone uploaded it 3 years after Clover invaded and bomb shelters were needed?

    3. I found this site last week. I'm surprised it took this long for someone else to find it.

    4. this was one of the first places people looked and its already be decided that its a game jack and irrelevant to the arg.

    5. Okay, but what about that weird YouTube account?

    6. I just noticed the numbers show up on the dimensions of the "tutorial" at the bottom left.... So I'm not sure it's completely irrelevant...

  12. plates are Texas, doesnt mean it is in Texas, she could be traveling. Clearly the sound of Clovy in the end of the trailer. The light has me scratching my head. maybe just a helicopter coming up over the top making it look like that through the house. I thought I saw a similar bright white light on the side of her car as she is crashing but that could just be oncoming car that caused the accident. cant wait to see what we all find next!

  13. I edited the shots of the monster coming over the house, it almost looks like Clover is coming up and his arm is on the right side...what do you think? Is it Clover?

    1. I see it now you have pointed it out.

    2. That also looked like an explosion though....

    3. That also looked like an explosion though....

  14. I found something very interesting again involving swamp pop. The flavor it appears they are drinking in the trailer is called Satsuma Fizz. Googling about I found that the Satsuma is a fruit that originated in China and Japan. The place where the fruit was originally exported from is the island region of Kyushu in Japan. Kyushu is the place Tagruato corp got its start in 1945 by original head of the company Kantaro Tagruato. Coincidence?? I doubt it.

  15. I accidentally posted on an older post so I'll just copy it here. Remember those numbers? 4, 8, and 16? That can be translated into Bible verses.

    8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

    9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?

    10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)

    11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

    12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

    13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

    14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

    15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

    16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

  16. You must be thinking of the Lost numbers: 4-8-15-16-23-42

    The numbers from the jukebox are 48 & 13.

    1. I apologize, the numbers that kept appearing were 4, 8, and 13. Like, there was a photo that had a 4x8x13 frame. The price of the bunker was 4813 dollars. The jukebox. Anyway, that was just a theory.

      I remembered that the "secret gift" given to was given to Megan on her 13th birthday, so maybe the numbers 4 and 8 are connected to the gift itself?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You remember ot wrong, the numbers in the picture of the shelter were 4-8-16, jukebox - 4-8-1-3, and the price of a long term shelter supply is 4813. So you got wrong rhe first one, but anyway these numbers appear too often, so it must me something, or it's just a reference to something in the movie, but to my mind it has nothing to do with the code or gift, dunno

    4. Licensw plate reference....

      SCH3N38... [3N38]... N=41 in some 1337/levels. So it's [34138] you can pull 4, 1, 3 & 8 from that or add the 3s and get 4, 8, 1 & 6. It might be overreaching, but it's a thought.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I searched the numbers on the licence plate and they all came up texas plate

  19. I checked out and found the homepage to be . It all looks semi-legit except at the very bottom, there's a link to a "yesimarobot".... Definitely a clue. Leads to page with a pic of a robot an email & a phone # in arizona.

    Then, some things on the site don't add up. The picture gallery... Look at picture number 148. Now search for that house. *cue twilight zone music*. I also began noticing recycled home images and some sloppy "random" house numbers like 11717 three times in different cities.

    In "El Mirage" theres a house #13841... I thought that was odd bc it's got 4 of the clue numbers in it.

    Anyone else find anything more?

    @Fivrik... I don't it's not a hoax site

    @methodology ... Delete all the stuff behind ".com" and youfi,d the homepage

    @anonymous.... I'm not sure that you actually believe it's a hoax site or not, but it isn't and it's worth looking into. It might be a red herring from jj & co, but it's not a fake.

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