Wednesday, March 2, 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane IMAX Poster

Slashfilm has an exclusive 10 Cloverfield Lane poster created for the IMAX version by UK artist Kevin M Wilson (aka Ape Meets Girl). They also have a short interview with the artist.

The poster has some hidden Easter eggs from the movie, and other things...

Check out the interview and full-sized poster at

UPDATE: A higher-quality poster is now available, which I have uploaded to my Imgur album.

UPDATE 2: Kevin Wilson, the actual artist who created this poster, has responded to a few of the comments in the post! Hi Kevin!


  1. The only things that stand out to me are the 'hidden' Bad Robot robot in the field, the hidden TRS on the mailbox, a missing screw from the bunker door and Megan's name carved into the post... The windows of the farm house are also interesting as they are light by something behind them and appear to show at least some kind of body behind. Can't wait to see how long it takes before the 'monster is in the clouds' theories pop up again.

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    2. Clovie?

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  3. My conspiracy theory is something is written in the grass. Just can't tell what yet..

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  5. my english is bad, someone noted that clouds look strange?

  6. My eagled eyed wife and daughter are seeing a small 7 on the top left of the mail box diagonal to the top left screw and below the mail box on the horizontal piece of wood they see from left to right a calligraphy style A as well as regular Y near the back of that wooden base.
    PS: this whole ARG has been a blast!

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  7. Sorry, but The Duct Tape on the bottom right of the MailBox below the A looks out of place too. We have all used duct tape, going vertical especially for outside jobs doesn't work well.

  8. Anyone else see the face in the grass above the s

  9. Have you seen the "TRS" on the mailbox?

    1. It seems that is an allusion to Dan Trachtenberg (@DannyTRS) the director of the movie...

  10. My Theory: the characters are all Borrowers and they live inside the mailbox of 10 Cloverfield Lane.

    Megan was the daughter of John Goodman but she was killed by Clovie in the first film while looking for supplies. Michelle was also looking for supplies, and had travelled with the human she lives with in their car. After Clovie attacked, the human was killed, and Michelle was stranded by the car in an unfamiliar place. John came to her rescue, but Michelle had no idea what was happening, hence trying to escape.

    That's what I gathered from the movie poster, anyway ;)

  11. Anyone else feel like the duct tape fold resembles the Eiffel Tower?

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    9. Mr Kevin Wilson - brilliant poster sir! I keep thinking I see different figures in the windows...trying to play with the lighting to get a better view...I sadly don't have a 48" monitor

  14. Totally unrelated...but did anyone see Megan's latest tweet? "words cannot even tell you how i'm feeling today"

  15. Hi Kevin Wilson, thanks for making such an awesome poster!

  16. I'm so confused. I came here hoping to see more from the artist and 99% of their comments are removed. Was it a fake?

    1. Sadly, no. I'm guessing Kevin removed his comments because someone got upset that he pointing out that people were seeing things that he did not put there.

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    1. That's what I get for trying to help out fellow fans. Thanks dude

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  18. So sorry I missed this conversation. Kevin, great work on the poster - I live in a van and have no where to hang it, but I'll definitely buy one if they are made available.

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  20. Hey guys. I tried to help out by nudging some of you back on track. Apparently that wasn't appreciated. Sincere apologies. I'll leave you to it

    1. Sorry that one bad apple spoiled the bunch :(

    2. It's not fair we get to miss out just because some troll decided to show up, I was really looking forward to reading what Kevin said...Now I'll never know

    3. On behalf of the non bad apples, we're sorry Kevin. Thanks for swinging by though, and awesome poster!

    4. As a frequent visitor and non-ashamed geek of all things CloverfieldClues, I was really looking forward to seeing an artist's insight and inflating that excitement and fanfare a bit larger. I'm not sure what happened, but if the result was pushing someone, anyone away from what, I'm sure was intended, the funnest of circumstances, makes me really sad.

      Apologies from the more thoughtful and open minded of us.

  21. Does the missing 4th screw on the mailbox make reference to someone using a piece of the bunker to write "Help" on the window? Is the duct tape supposed to show that the bunker's structural integrity is compromised? Are the dirt splatters on the mailbox supposed to look like blood?

    Regardless as to what are actual clues and what we are reading into it, it's a great poster!

    1. I took the 3 screws to represent each one of the people inside. I've heard from a number of people that no one inside is how they appear so maybe the screws imply that all 3 are screwed up in some way or another. Just a though.

    2. I like that interpretation.

  22. Maybe I'm trying too hard to see something but I think there is a clue to what is on the other side of the house hidden on the base of the mailbox. If you magnify the poster and look closely at the right side of the wood base [that the mailbox is sitting on], it kind of looks like the work "WAY" scribbled in. If you look closer though the "W" look very similar to Clover, the "A" looks like a house, and the "Y" looks like a stick figure girl, maybe running towards the house. Is it just me?

    1. lol I see it but you are definitely reaching

  23. Are you serious? It says Megan.. C'mon peeps.. Apologies to Mr Wilson for his totally unacceptable treatment by some here.. Takes a lot of nerve and some kinda stupid to tell an artist he doesnt know whats in his own painting..

  24. Sorry, I'm late. What the heck happened?

  25. People like this are absolute morons...

    "Roberto AyalaMarch 3, 2016 at 10:34 AM
    Yes there is. I have a 49" 4K monitor...."

    Like how are you gonna tell the dude who MADE the poster what is or inst there. lol IDIOT

  26. I'm either tripping major tits or I see a man holding a little girl in the right side of the clouds.

    1. I know I'm not tripping! It's a LSA taking away a little girl.

    2. ...i actually see a little girl face possibly MEW in the upper right corner in the clouds she looks like shes being awoken by someone and theres a pillow behind her head idk...its weird how clouds makes it really easy to see things your mind wants to i think MEW is a hottie 😍😚🤘👌🏾

  27. What happened?..... :(....cant we all just get along?

    1. People want answers and when they don't get them they start raging and acting like babies is what happened. Great poster Kevin! Can't wait to see the film!

    2. ohh.. cool name tho bro

  28. Something I just noticed, but there seem to be handprints on the door of the mailbox, just under the lefthand corner of the window. The patterns of the splatters look much more chaotic than the rest of the mailbox and kind of make it seem like someone was hitting the door and trying to get in. Wasn't there a screenshot from the trailer a few weeks ago of a window with bloody handprints on it?

  29. Has someone notice the weird figure in the highest window of the left side? Maybe is just me.

    Sorry if there are some grammar mistakes, second language

  30. Kevin, in case you see this:

    1) Thank you for creating a poster that captures the spirit of Cloverfield so well. The 2008 film was a little movie about a big monster shrouded in even bigger mystery. I get that same feeling with this poster. You definitely made it for those who love to dig a little deeper. So thank you!
    2) And thank you for taking the time to come over here and hang out with the fans, and trying to help us enjoy that 'digging', even if we're way off and our shovel is about to hit an underground utility line.

    1. Hey Kevin you really captured the hues and tone of the movie as far as I can tell.forget great poster its a really cool piece of your work

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  31. really excited to see this movie. can't wait to find what's really going on outside the bunker and if howard is an antagonist. personally, I don't believe he is and it's just the marketing made to look that way. I think michelle hitting him with the bottle and making a run for it probably happens near the beginning of the movie and once she sees what's outside, she decides that the bunker is a way better and goes back down there, also getting to know howard and realize that he's not such a bad guy after all, just a little paranoid

    1. Unfortunately I don't think it would make sense for the bottle being smashed over his face in the beginning. As we see when Michelle is brought into the bunker her leg is in a splint from crashing her car/truck. When she makes a run for the door after smashing the bottle her leg is no longer splinted. At least those were my observations :) I could be wrong!!

    2. it might happen near the halfway point. she's still wearing the clothes she was brought in with and howard doesn't have a bandage on his head. maybe half the movie deals with michelle and Emmett ( john Gallagher jr. ) trying to get away from howard, with Emmett being a little less willing then michelle, hence why he doesn't participate in the attack on howard, and then the other half deals with the monster, with the three of them working together to survive. just a theory.

    3. That would make sense!! Although it'd possible they don't have much for extra clothing and they just washed the clothes she came in with maybe? Who knows!! I'm super excited to find out though!!

    4. ya me too. the track listing for the soundtrack is up online, and, as much as I want answers, I would never forgive myself if I found out before I saw the movie. that's the magic of jj abrams. keeps you guessing until opening day!

  32. also, thumbs up to bad robot for going all out for the arg, dan Trachtenberg for making what looks a pretty kick ass movie for his first feature film, JJ abrams for his mysterious way of making movies, and, the man of the hour, kevin Wilson, for making this wonderfully mysterious poster. truly a work of art. great job bro

  33. Kevin! I absolutely love the poster. Sorry for the "monsters" in the comments. Read your interview on Slashfilm, awesome they had an artist do the piece that had an appreciation to Cloverfield as we do. Guillermo Del Toro even liked your art on Twitter!

  34. Patton Oswalt has seen 10 Cloverfield Lane and he tweeted his spoiler free thoughts.

    "Wow. Just saw 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE. Non-stop tension, insane-o ending, and a testament to the power of single malt scotch. GO SEE IT."

  35. Just some more stuff to my " Howard isn't a bad guy" theory. He tried to warn people, but like all movie government superiors do, he is ignored for shady reasons and thrown to the wolves. So he goes underground, prepares himself for what's coming and even leaves supply's to be found for anyone to pick up to help themselves survive, as well as taking in emmet and Michelle. Emmet was trying to get in, hurting his arm in the process and Howard helped him. Michelle crashed her car and Howard helped her. Of course, Michelle does what any young woman who wakes up in an underground bunker with a shifty old bearded man who advises her against leaving does and tries to escape. The simulation shows room for four people, meaning Howard intended to take in other survivors besides himself and megan. And of course, Howard loves his daughter and his anger is probably his self hatred for failing to keep her safe
