The 1-18-08.com site* was updated sometime today with the addition of a ROAR sound, that plays after SIX minutes exactly.
Unfiction has uploaded the MP3 file to enjoy immediately, if you can't wait just SIX minutes!
The name of the sound file is VX.swf. I'm not sure if that has any significance, but there is a VX nerve gas...
UPDATE: the link above is to our mirror of the original 1-18-08 site. DO NOT go to the original 1-18-08 website anymore. The domain expired and is no longer controlled by Paramount, and someone else snatched it up to run ads with malware.
* Thanks to withoutamartyr for finding this, and to mhovis for providing the MP3.
It might have just been my computer acting strange, but the first time I heard the roar on 1-18-08, it sounded muffled. Afterwards, there were sounds like air bubbles under water and swimming. Now, listening to the site a couple more times and listening to the MP3, there are no more air bubbles.
ReplyDeleteI have a copy of the site from this morning, and the roar was definitely not there, so they must have updated it sometime during the day.
ReplyDeletemaybe to get everybody to think "nothing here" after the downtime then add the new page code and the new flash file later on so everybody has thought there was nothing new... that or some idiot forgot to update it during the downtime lol
ReplyDeleteWhy did they call the new flash file vx.swf? i wonder, seems like a strange name
ReplyDeleteI guess it's an old prediction but there are 5 photos on the site now so my guess that the rule of 6 should apply there too meaning only one more photo to go?
ReplyDeleteso what do we do with the roar???
ReplyDeleteplay it backwards :D
Sounds like some kind of whale roar to me.
ReplyDeleteListen to it closely.
I think we're dealing with a whale-mutant here kids.
I think the photo with the three friends faces symbolizes the monster. 3-headed...
ReplyDelete...there are at least 3 different roars in tha mp3 file.
And the land sea and air theme is reiterated at slusho site. Why not knock over the whole statue of liberty? It's not voltron obviously, but something maybe like voltron, it "separates" and then recombines at will. The SOLs head seemed to be snatched off & carried aloft??
It's a walrus!
ReplyDeleteThis is suspicious...I chased down some "Satoshi" links and ran across an ARG company that has this "for sale." URL was registered prior to the premier of the teaser.
Has a monster via grainy camcorder -- it seems way out of context for the site. Like the teaser the video, it leaves more questions than answers. The graphics are very similar to slusho's.
Not related: http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/moshi-monsters/
ReplyDeletei wonder if we could get our hands on a copy of the original bloop
ReplyDeletewell i mean the one they heard out at sea
ReplyDeleteThey have the bloop audio at Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloop
ReplyDeletei found it...this is in realtime and sounds nothing like a bloop but the soundfile that created the bloop is just this file sped up 16 times
im just wondering when this is all gonna make sense
- m(--) in morse code
-the roar
-the myspace(which i think are out of game)
-and satoshi
i saw the gizmondo link before you posted....did u peruse the page at the link u posted or even watch the video i linked in?
ReplyDeleteseems like a product with no real target audience...
btw, what's the proof its unrelated?
moshi monster's company is sponsoring this game "find satoshi" at http://www.billion2one.org/
- satoshi reference
- slusho looking site
- mysterious monsters
- url registered just prior to teaser
- cryptic video of monster that starts and ends abruptly
anyone know what satoshi is???
ReplyDeletelook what i found
any clues?
Interesting, they could be OOG, but also look fairly real. Confusing. Has anyone checked out the trailer at 1:35 - 1:36? Look at the left of the screen, two girls are running towards camera, past a black SUV and something jumps on them? Any thoughts?
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ReplyDeleteMaybe it's a hint the monster is in the sixth photo?
ReplyDeletecould be, although I doubt it, I think JJ will want to keep the monster completely hidden until we see it in the movie, maybe even right towards the end. I mean seriously, look at lost, that gives nothing away...EVER!!!
ReplyDeletemaybe. who knows.. there must be a sixth photo somewhere because of all the 6's in this campaign ( hey maybe there will be six websites in the end :D )
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ReplyDeleteWow, great that the site is back! Oh us of little J.J. faith. :-)
ReplyDeleteYou guys are doing great work on this, especially you Dennis, thanks for everyone's input! It makes it more fun
Or who knows, maybe we wont even see the monster at all, maybe we'll just hear roars and see destruction? Who knows, its JJ Abrams, he's got all sorts of tricks up his sleeve.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm starting to think it is some sort of Revelations type of deal...JJ did deny it being called "Monstrous". I think it is 3 monsters...cuz there are "3" roars supposely and "3" posters describing "3" things. The 6...I think its a reference to "the number of the beast".
I'm fairly certain we will se the monster, simply because at Comic-Con, JJ said he wanted America to finally have a monster they could be proud of or whatever, it would be real hard to do that if no-one ever saw it! Bet it would save him a fortune in CGI production costs though... Uunlsess the monster is actually big bird, and he's using the original Seaseme Street muppet! lol.
ReplyDeletei found a connection between the "river thames" and the movie...
ReplyDeletethe incident in london occurred on 1-19-06 they think the whales entered on january 19 and the events following lasted 3 days when the whale died overnight on the 21st
not much but its close to 1-18
I still go back to my theory after accepting that it probably won't be Cthulhu:
ReplyDeleteRead the Slusho history. That's the movie. The son gets transmutated into some whale-mutant because of mad science.
The end.
That's where my money is right now.
I felt the slusho site gave credence to the Cthulhu idea. Deep secret underwater ingredient? Sounds HP lovecraft to me.
ReplyDeleteThat 1:35 - 1:36 object jumping by the way is a body being thrown after the cars are smashed and landing on what looks like two men with ties on.
ReplyDeleteI think this will be a modern day Lovecraft tale... Put the Cthulu or Cthulu like monster in the present day
ReplyDeleteThose orkut sites seem fake. "We're planning a surprise going away party for Rob. Maybe I'll bring my lion. It's alive and it's huge." Too funny to be real.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Faust: the history of Slusho is the movie. I bet Rob is going to work for Slusho in Japan.
"satoshi" is the slusho email recipient's name at the slusho website.
ReplyDeleteSounds pretty much like king ghidora/monster zero to me
ReplyDeleteAlso, just to point out if no one else has seen it..
The sound file plays at 6 minutes exactly right ? The slusho.jp website's slogan (also titled on it's window), "You can't drink just 6!". Or is it just me..
Yeah, I agree, I've looked at it over and over again now, thxheynow, and it's definitely someone/thing being thrown. But how they hell has it been thrown over an SUV and who or what the hell has thrown it!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! It freaked my g/f out...thanks...
ReplyDeleteThe guy isnt bein thrown...hes runnin for the SOL head n jumps over da car
ReplyDeleteIt jus so happens dat those 2 guys were dere n he landed on dem
Its a body being bounced in the air like that red car/suv thing... it may even be a cgi person and then a dummy dropped on some people in the forground. Thats what i got out of it anyway. Not that its an issue but its a slow news day ;)
ReplyDeleteHeres another meaningless fact for you .... if your looking down broadway in the shot ... everything in front of 401 and the yellow textiles sign is added in from another street. Especially where the head comes to rest... there are no apartment looking buildings like that on that part of broadway. Its big commercial buildings and all. You can do a street view of manhattan on google earth and get the same view.
ReplyDeleteJust thought I'd mention that an "Albert Pike" registered the domain themonstrousmovie.com - Albert Pike was a satanist who predicted 3 world wars! We've already had 2......
ReplyDeleteDon't know if it means anyhting but worth throwing it out there!
If you go to the apple trailer site and put the mouse on the picture where the city is located and save image then open it and zoom, there appears to be a woman's face where the monster entered between the buildings..........
ReplyDeletethat sounds like a super-whale to me. perhaps some millions of years old organisms have collective control over a whale and have mutated it into something sinister........
ReplyDeleteSounds an awful lot like the "monster" from the early epsodes of Lost.
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! if you watch the trailer, just before the first monster roar you hear a woman say,"THEY LIVED."
ReplyDeletehas any one else found that on the trailer home (from apple) the statue of liberty is facing the city? does that have any relevance, like "youre next" i dunno, continuity.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if anyone else has said this so far, but if you go to the main website, theres the five pics obviously...but if you put ur mouse on the pictures and then click and shake it up and down the pictures flip over revealing messages from his friends Jamie and "J". On both letters some of the letters are blurred.. On one letter the letters that are blurred speel out scared, and the other i can't figure out.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it means anything but u should check it out.
omg are you serious? So many countless people are wrong on this....the monster is NOT a whale!!! and nor is it some mutated product from slusho!!! lol!!! I watch monster movies all my life and this is the most original design I have seen, never mind how cloverfiled delivers with the nuances of what we live with in this day and age....this is the Godzilla of the new millennium. I saw the movie and the monster is incredible!! and a sequel is on the way! pay attention at the end! If not pay attention to the record setting at the box office!