Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Birthday JJ Abrams!

Jeffrey Jacob (JJ) Abrams is 42 today. Happy Birthday!

Thank You JJ... for Cloverfield, Lost, Fringe, Alias, Felicity, and even Star Trek! You rock!!

* Thanks to Hijinx at EvilPuppetMasters for knowing this, and to iushosh for the photo!


  1. MAN THAT SCARED ME! I saw the photo, but didn't read the headline and the first thing that popped into my head was "please don't be dead...". That's a relief. Happy B-Day, JJ!!!

  2. Happy Birthday JJ! You sure dont look 42. I thought maybe 33 or 34.

  3. This is portuguese,sorry,please translate.
    Oi,eu sou um fã brasileiro de Cloverfield,e esses dias estava vendo Kenan e Kel.Kenan começa a cantar uma musica na frente de uma máquina de Milkshake:Slush-o,Slush-o!É o melhor que existe!Slush-o,Slush-o!É o melhor que existe!
    Será que foi dali que eles tiraram o nome?

  4. translated^

    This i portuguese,sorry,please translate. Hello I am a Brazilian fan of Cloverfield, and those days were seeing Kenan and Kel.Kenan begins to song a sets to music in the front of a machine of Milkshake:Slush-o,Slush-o!É the best one that existe!Slush-o,Slush-o!É the best one that exists! It will be that was from over there that they removed the name?

  5. So I'm just curious if anyone else noticed the slusho shirt he is wearing... If you've been to you probably recognize the robots and the puzzle of the ingredient size... has anyone tried matching his shirt?
