Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cloverfield at Walmart

I saw this poster for Cloverfield at Walmart today. There's something missing, but I just can't place my finger on it....


  1. The statue of liberty is missing, as well none of the buildings are damaged, no smoke/rubble it's just the figure in the ocean.

  2. or the destroyed buildings.

  3. I guess the Statue of Liberty qualifies as Copyright Infringement, now. :P
    They didn't get permission to use it, maybe?

  4. whoa! man, if only we could figure out what is missing...hmm...I think the one building is missing a glass window on the 47th floor...could that be it?

    haha, very nice find!

  5. WTF??? The buildings aren't wrecked, the statue's gone... Walmart IS EVIL!!!

  6. wow they don't have their 'Logo' that's weird! it look ALOT different with out liberty

  7. Why in the world did they remove the statue? Also, what's with those lines?

  8. I saw the same poster at my local Walmart and didn't even notice that there was no statue.

  9. yes, i noticed that too this weekend! whats up with the ((())) in the middle? is that supposed to be like a shockwave of the monster approaching? and where is the big gap in between the buildings that the monster goes through? something is fishy about it. Why would they make a special poster just for a store? clue maybe?

  10. Did you notice the buildings weren't destroyed either?

  11. ...huh...wonder why they'd do that. Maybe WalMart still thinks 9/11 is too close or something? Hell, WalMart still thinks young music listeners don't want to hear cursing on their CDs...so...anything's possible! :)

  12. yeah.... and thats not wierd or anything..........

  13. HAHA! I'm sure they felt the headless statue was "un-Amercian". Despite the fact that almost everything they sell comes from China!

  14. I saw one of these at my local Wal-Mart as well. It took me a while to figure out what was missing. I guess Clover went back to finish eating his dinner after he wreaked havoc on New York City. ^_^

  15. And why are the buildings in one piece?

  16. are you joking me? why can't you put your finger on the MISSING STATUE!!!*

    *indicates sarcasm on a massive level.

  17. I tried to post before, but, something got screwed up.

    To me they were probably thinking the torn of head of the Statue was probably un-American.

    Yeah...this coming from a company who's good come mostly from China.

    Good find, Dennis.

  18. Bleh, more sanitizing for the sake of sales by the Blue Beast. I'll just say this...guess where I WON'T be buying my DVD from? :)

  19. Some simple things can be hard to describe when you are not using your mother tongue:
    I guess the cuts in the middle will be used to fix a piece of cardboard on the poster, displaying the statue & the destroyed bulidings, as soon as the DVD is released or maybe a few days before.

  20. I agree thinking that it's a Wal-move in keeping their store family-friendly, since the image of a decapitated Statue of Liberty might be a bit too scary (WTF?) for people walking into Wal-mart. Can you imagine? Walking into a Wal-mart and being "WTF IS THAT? I DID NOT EXPECT TO SEE SUCH A DRAMATIC TERRIFYING IMAGE WHILE WALKING INTO THIS HERE WALMART. THAT UP-ED MY DRAMA QUOTA FOR THE DAY." (of course that's the point... to make you see the movie... ugh.)

  21. It's obvious that the real monster here is Wal-Mart. Of course, I knew that for a while now, haha. xD
