There has been a lot of discussion about the audio in the
1-18-08 trailer since my
"Cloverfield On Five News" post.
Specifically, in the piece, you don't hear the monstrous roar, but instead you can hear Rob say
"Shut up" in response to
"Looks like you should have left town a little bit earlier". Some people were wondering if there was a different trailer in the UK. In fact, the creator of the piece for Five News,
Philip Bloom, left a comment here stating:
I shot and edited the report for Five News. I downloaded the trailer from the Apple Website and edited it in Final Cut Pro, I only took one channel of audio which is the only explanation as to why the roar isn't there and you can here Rob clearly. I guess the stereo mix is quite separate. Try it for yourself.
Well thank you Philip, I did. Not being a Mac person, I loaded the HD 1080P version of the trailer into
Adobe Soundbooth, and separated the channels into individual tracks. As you can see above (click for larger image), the trailer has 5.1 surround sound audio, which consists of 6 channels (from top to bottom): Left, Right, Left Surround, Right Surround, Center, and Low Frequency Effects (LFE). As you can visually see, there are some big differences between the tracks, so I invite you to listen for yourselves.
Here are 256Kbps MP3s of each of the tracks (3.4MB each):
LeftRightLeft SurroundRight SurroundCenterLow Frequency Effects* Lower quality clips are available here.And here are some interesting quotes that I didn't notice before:
"Anybody seen Jason?""Anybody seen Jeff?""Shut up." (or is it "should have"?)"Get in the subway!"Please leave a comment if you find anything else interesting (and let me know the time and which track you heard it on)!
UPDATE: I have created a BitTorrent for the files here: