Tuesday, July 10, 2007

You Can't Drink Just Six

A new website Slusho.jp was reported by TLC member Chucklez.

One of the code names for the 1-18-01 project is "Slusho". The site has a very similar feel to the Apollo Candy website from the Lost Experience ARG.

There is a "feedback" section where you can email the Slusho website, but as of this moment, it is just auto-replying with a form letter:

Slusho! loves your mails!! You Can't Drink Just Six!!!

Now...off to hack the flash files... :)


  1. Nice!

    Concerning the CKROX site, I'm not sure if this has any meaning, but take a look at the source code:

    url's used in the movie
    text used in the movie


  2. What the heck?! Is there a significance to the number 6 possibly? Or to the amount of filled Slushos on the bottom of the page? Time will tell I guess. Thanks for the update.

  3. BTW, someone posted on Nonsense that Abrams said that Ethan Haas has nothing to do with the movie. They gave no source of the supposed quote though. ?????

  4. I've seen the article from AICN (Ain't It Cool News), which I DO NOT consider a reliable source. Of all places, why would JJ Abrams talk to them?

    Besides, didn't the deny Rachel Blake at ComicCon last year?

  5. Hi guys...I've been through the posts, so sorry if I missed it, but other than the blurb on comingsoon.net, do we have any real proof that this Ethan Haas game is connected with the film? I haven't been able to find any other mention of it prior to that blurb. How did they figure it out?

    (not that I'm complaining, you know how hooked I was on TLE so I'm delighted to have something new whether it's related to the movie or not)

  6. Tx Dennis, I have no idea about AICN. Are they not too legit? Today was the first day that I ever even looked at that site. And you're right about last year too. :-)

    Hi FYSB! Join in the 'not-exactly-TLE2-but-it-will-do' fun!!! Haha.

  7. Hey capcom.....you are a baaaaadddd influence. But I love it!

  8. If AICN quoted Abrams from an email he supposedly wrote to them, wouldn't that be considered forgery? Abrams could send lawyer sharks on AICN for such a thing.

  9. Oh, also, 38 seconds into the trailer, above the bartenders head, the word "rift" is written. I went to rift.com, but after doing a whois I noticed the site was created in 1995. But I tried r1ft.com using a "1" instead of an "I" and it gave me something peculiar. Check it out:


  10. If you watch the trailer, at the point where they're gathered around the television, a guy turns toward the camera and sez something about watching from the roof. That guy is wearing a Slusho t-shirt. Cool.

  11. Yeah, hehe. That's how the slusho thing came about - from that guy's shirt. Also, it looks like that same slusho symbol is the bright blue faded-thing on the guy's shirt at 1-18-08.com

  12. Good eyes catching the Slusho tee! It's also on the IMDB list as one of the three code names being used for the "project". Of course I did not find it there, I read it somewhere.

  13. BTW, that rift site is peculiar. Also interesting is the way that the text highlights when you swipe it (or CTL-A).

    Decoders have at it! :o)

  14. I tried HEX to ASCII but nothing it came up gibberish. hopefully that helps

  15. happy action fun time!!

  16. http://ethanhaas.org/ has changed.

  17. so there may be a connection after all...

    too bad the ethanhaaswasright site is finished. I would have liked to play with the puzzles.

  18. Slusho has an area for downloads with AIM icons. I wonder if AIM will come into play with this one too.

  19. Amused, you can still open up the puzzles from the sidebar and play them! Only now you just don't have to complete each one to get to the next is all. Be sure to sign up for the notice on 8/1 too.

  20. No letters higher than F in the r1ft data. F is the 6th letter.

  21. see with no letter higher than F i thought hex because its goes 1-9 then a-f but maybe someone could work on it. Maybe if someone has frame shots of the words in the trailer maybe they all combined might make a website like ACE (on the roof the explosion illumiated that word) r1ft maybe?

  22. Just not sure if this has anything to do with Cloverfield, although I'm no expert.

    In the source code, the following line, under description: "nadda - we're on vacation."

    Owner is "Elderfall aka soju."

  23. Anybody mind if I join you guys for discussing this ARG?

    Was hanging around with another crowd but they're annoying me lol and at least there's a few familiar names here (although you were over there toom chucklez).

  24. read this and tell me we don't have a connection to 1-18-08 and Slusho!!!


  25. Okay, I've turned to the dark side and am posting my first comment here. I'm hooked!

    A friend of mine who is into Lost e-mailed me this site today: http://www.filmthreat.com/index.php?section=features&Id=1990

    There's nothing new, but it's kind of a nice summary. There are two things I found interesting:

    1) There is speculation that the trailer is not for a movie at all, but actually a new TV show. I find this a bit far fetched, but there you go.

    2) Slusho was apparently featured in Alias. Maybe Apollo bars will re-surface as well!

    Thanks for the new blog, Dennis - I was getting WAY too much work done with just the Lost Community to contend with. ;)

  26. I just noticed in the History on the Slusho site that the inventor's mother sailed off to find the perfect ingredient and never heard from again - could she be on mystery island? ;)

  27. I am currently reading through 100 pages of comments over at unfiction. It makes my head hurt. At least with TLE it started off slowly...but as of page 48 the main consensus is that Ethan Haas and 1-08-08 are not connected. In fact they are leaning toward Ethan Hass being some sort of new table top RPG game produced in Canada, *shrug*. Okay back to reading then.

  28. Melissa_Lossa said... There is speculation that the trailer is not for a movie at all, but actually a new TV show. I find this a bit far fetched, but there you go.

    The trailer says "In Theaters 1-18-08"

    I just finished my screenshots, which will be up shortly.

  29. To caboose:

    That is something automatically generated by Flash when it creates an HTML page with an embedded Flash movie. It helps with search engines indexing links & text that it couldn't normally see in a Flash movie.

  30. Hey guys...google the text from r1ft.com and you get this site.....


  31. Easily best update so far, ability to turn the music OFF!

  32. anybody find it strange that a article on arg's(altarnate reality games) just was released on game informer mag with a nother article on a new game called end of world my suggestion find the sixth letter of every word or every sixth word or every sixth letter of every sixth word on both articles i havent tried it yet but will try soon

    also on one of the thumbnails regarding the trailer stills you can see the number 401 and the name of a street but you cant tell name of the street i tried google maps to see if i could spot that building to spot the location but is very hard to tell.

  33. Out of my infinate bordem at work I decided to type www.youcantdrinkjustsix.com into the address box. It takes you to a myspace called "paperstreet" that seems to be for some event marketing company thats been around before the trailer was released. The site has a blog about slusho reffering to it as though its a real product and a weird comment under the pictures sections (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=9093576&albumID=0&imageID=14468760)

    Part of the JJ Abrahms viral marketing or just some company trying to use this movie to gain publicity for theirselves?

  34. Fallout 3 is scheduled to release around that time, and has something to do with the worlds end. Seems like it might be a viral for the game..or a movie tie in

  35. on slusho.jp in the History section, when you hover on the "seahorse" which is really a real horse underwater, a thought bubble of an oven mit appears, and the fish closest to him, when you hover on him his thought bubble shows swiss cheese...WTF?!?!

  36. hope you don't mind if i join in. on slushozoom.com (related), there is a pic of the statue of liberty that links to an article on how to make swiss cheese. also a link to donate to the slusho bath fund (25 cents). I made the donation and have 5 more days to wait for whatever it is I'm waiting for!

  37. On the left side of slusho homepage there is one slusho cup filled. In the middle is the phrase "you can't drink just six", and on the right side there are three cups filled. 1-6-3. In the Movie trailer for 1-18-08 the news report has a pop-un for NY1 news that says it is 63 degrees. NY 1 63 degrees. 1-6-3.

  38. also on slushozoom.com, the source code lists the picture at bottom center (links to nothing) as cloverfield.jpg. IF you highlight the entire page, there are words at the bottom:
    all is not as it appears, and T. ..
    Did the past ever exist, if there is no proof?

  39. The whole swiss cheese thing could be connected to the guy in the jacket which says Switzerland on the back. You can see him in the trailer when they all run out on the street right before the statue of liberty head comes flying in. I have no idea what it could mean tho.

  40. When you click on the SlushoZoom "bath fund" link, the IE window is now labeled Donation for newsletter slusho news.

    There is a new picture on the website linking to Wikipedia/Bazooka.

  41. Strange how 163 keeps coming up. Its a lucky prime number if that means anything. Its on the NEWS broadcast in the trailer (News 1, 63 degrees) Its on slusho.jp with 1 slurpee on one side, then 6, then 3 slurpees on the other side.

    Its in another place I seen too, but it eludes me for this post. What do you guys think?

  42. I was checking my paypal account to see if i could buy some tunes on iTunes and I noticed that my 25 cent donation has gone unclaimed and the name associated with the account is Ethan Jones, imdb has an Ethan Jones but its just a young child...??

    few more days and it'll be the 6th day...

  43. I typed in youcantdrinkjustsix.com and it takes you to some weird paper-street website. yesterday it took me to a myspace page...

  44. Fallout MMORPG RPG MMO Design Development

    That is what it says for the description meta tag for the website linefoot.com

    It seems to be irrelevant.

  45. Hey I just paid for the bath fund also. Did anyone else notice the paypal email is saveus@slushozoom.com

    The paypal payment also shows as going to "Ethan Jones" and is as of yet unclaimed. Hmmmm...

    this is the Who is information for Slushozoom.com

    Domains by Proxy, Inc.
    15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
    Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
    United States

    Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)
    Domain Name: SLUSHOZOOM.COM
    Created on: 11-Jul-07
    Expires on: 12-Jul-08
    Last Updated on: 12-Jul-07

    Administrative Contact:
    Private, Registration SLUSHOZOOM.COM@domainsbyproxy.com
    Domains by Proxy, Inc.
    15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
    Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
    United States
    (480) 624-2599 Fax -- (480) 624-2599

    Technical Contact:
    Private, Registration SLUSHOZOOM.COM@domainsbyproxy.com
    Domains by Proxy, Inc.
    15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
    Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
    United States
    (480) 624-2599 Fax -- (480) 624-2599

    Domain servers in listed order:

    Here is the who is information on Slusho.com

    Domain Information:
    [Domain Name] SLUSHO.JP

    [Registrant] Satoshi Kagashima

    [Name Server] ns5.secureserver.net
    [Name Server] ns6.secureserver.net

    [Created on] 2007/06/27
    [Expires on] 2008/06/30
    [Status] Active
    [Last Updated] 2007/07/10 01:25:23 (JST)

    Contact Information:
    [Name] Satoshi Kagashima
    [Web Page]
    [Postal code] 118-8336
    [Postal Address] 18 Palace Plaza
    36-40-10 Marunouchi
    [Phone] 81.5805681
    [Fax] 81.1111111

  46. In reference to chris p's comment about 1-6-3. 163 is a prime number.

    Also, the phrase "You can't drink just six!' contains 3-4-5-4-3 letters. 34543 is a prime number.

  47. Hurm....

    "Slusho making fresh improvements. Just for you!!"

    "Slusho making fresh improvements."
    6-5-5-12. Assuming standard (?) numerology in which a word has to be reduced to a single digit, 12 becomes 3 (1+2) giving 6-5-5-3. 6553 is prime.

    "Just for you!!"
    4-3-3. 433 is prime.

    Could be wacky coincidences but hey.

  48. Er, that should have read "6-6-5-3", not 6553.

  49. Googled 11808 ... there is a website ( not sure if it has any ties with the movie) but apparently 11808 is a GENETIC CODE...something about apolipoprotein's ...which has to do with...something. In the slusho Zoom site, it talks about genetics when you click the "birth" painting on the top left. Might be something.

  50. "you can't drink just six" happens to be an anagram for "a toxic industry's junk"... with punctuation and all... maybe just a coincidence, but that's all I've got.

  51. Hi guy's

    Just read all your comments and thought you like to know that www.youcantdrinkjustsix.com has changed its route again! It now takes you to a specific underwater recording from an Acoustics Monitoring Program site.... This is getting interesting.

  52. I just sent support at Slushozoom.com a Email... I got this!

    "I can hear it from here...

    Bring out the Bazzoookaa's - You only get one shot!

    Please don't stand there..


    Thats going to leave a mark.."

  53. go to www.youcantdrinkjustsix.com

    it should come up as an acoustics monitoring program.

    Click on multimedia and sounds. listen to the Mystery sound.

    That certainly sounds familiar.

    The unidentified sounds link leads to a CNN.com story about a deep sea monster.

  54. Has anyone noticed the cups at the bottom of the Slusho site? If you make the full cups stand for units-of-ten, and the empty cups units-of-one you come up with a interesting number.
    Left side =18, Right side = 35
    The year 1835! When New York had a major fire destroy large parts of the city. Look it up.


  55. i dont know, but type in www.youcantdrinkjustsix.com and it redirects you to a possible goverment site about marine mamals, and there is a sound clip. reallll strange

  56. YouCantDrinkJustSix.com is a fan-made fake website.

    Check out Unfiction's reference list of real and fake website here:

