On the Blu-ray & DVD versions of Cloverfield, you can clearly see "some thing" falling from the sky and into the ocean in the very last scene of the movie.
During the Cloverfield ARG, we were told that this was a piece of the Japanese "ChimpanzIII" satellite. However, just like the Chuai "oil drilling" station, this was probably a cover story by Tagruato to cover up something much bigger.
I have plotted the trajectory of the splashdown so you know where to look:

I called it. I freaking called it!
ReplyDeleteWith all due respect to our beloved film producers, if that were a chunk of satellite, there would have been one honking big vapor trail. Whatever that was looks like it was tossed from a low-flying aircraft. (Maybe it was..?)
ReplyDeleteI must be missing something here. How is this new? We saw this years ago. How is this supposed to tie to 10 Cloverfield Lane?
ReplyDeleteI thought this was already a clear fact?! So what's the news about that?
ReplyDeleteIm confused, this is very old info? Are u suggesting this connects the 2 movies?
ReplyDeleteI've definitely always known this satellite moment to be true and have tried to explain to friends in oh so many words when discussing Cloverfield, that this is what causes the monster to attack, but given what we know now with the information from the second film, perhaps this is a War of the Worlds scenario and Abrams and the crew are instilling this idea that these alien life forms have always been here, waiting deep beneath us, on the ocean floors, biding their time.
ReplyDeleteThese satellites getting knocked out may either be just as Howard was describing as a strategy for an attack, or perhaps what we saw fall into the ocean wasn't a satellite, but instead a "pod" from a ship in space that's been watching from afar? All speculative.
Sort of sounds like you guys are finding anything to see if it connects the the other film. Even when we were blatantly lied to.
ReplyDeleteI never thought about the cover up angle. Oh no.
ReplyDeleteFYI, this was an old post, but the old video no longer worked.
ReplyDeleteI updated that old post, and created this new one with a new video and image, and a new theory about Tagruato - since not everyone saw the first movie and/or knew about the splash down.
That's strange. I remember seeing a similar video (and even watching the film myself) that shown the object falling from the upper-right corner and crashing at the bottom left corner. I even had a picture that detailed it, too! I swear I found it on this Blogspot.
ReplyDeleteIf I can find it, would you like me to post it in the comments or send it to you via email?
Never mind. The image I found was from Cloverpedia, showing pretty much what you show in this post. Sorry!
DeleteHere's the image I mentioned: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/cloverfield/images/6/63/Unknown_object.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080717115141
DeleteI disagree. As soon as the movie aired and the satellite fell, Tagruato's website fell too. I believe that when it fell, they went to go retrieve it. When they did they found something, the microorganism that they then put in their new slusho drink that they said would relax you. That microorganism was helping keep the beast sleep. Once they scraped it up, up pops Clovie. JJ always referred her actions as a lost baby looking for her mother. I think that is exactly what happened and that is the explanation of the twist in the newest one
ReplyDeleteHey all! I just finished watching the new film. Great and all but what's with the talk of the clip of the satellite falling? I thought it was a satellite or alien type pod with some crap on it or creature that landed on the ocean floor, ate the Slusho ingredient stuff and grew into Clovie. I remember the Abrams comment about it looking for its mother. Are folks trying to connect it to the new film? Not sure how? Maybe I missed some Easter eggs. -Kris
ReplyDeleteP.S. I too was a tad disappointed with the ending. I was hoping to see Clovie again.
While on the subject, simple question... Do you think the arg is completely over?? Or just on hold while the masses view the film
ReplyDeleteUgh. 10 Cloverfield Lane was a great movie, but the blatantly deceptive advertising campaign (implying that it connected to Cloverfield) still ticks me off.
Good to know that I wasnt the only die hard fan insanely disappointing with the new film and its ending.
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean Cloverfield and all its mystery has completely died out? The end of an era that barely got started??
Alot of people are trying vehemently to link the 2 films together but they just dont connect. Its OBVIOUS that they dont!! The only way I see this trilogy working is if the 3rd film takes place in between the events of the other 2 films. But now knowing what JJ Abrams is capable of, chances are the 3rd film wont connect at all.
It's not a sequal its like an alternate story, there is no trilogy mentality
Deletedose anyone know what that big boom was in the begining
ReplyDeletedose anyone know what that big boom was in the begining
ReplyDeleteWell there was a Slusho sign at the gas station. And mail from bold future in the bunker room with the air purifier... That kinda ties it together.
ReplyDeletethere also was a slusho sign in Star Trek and the Dharma initiative sign on Lost.
DeleteEaster Eggs dont count as cannon.....
Yes they do.
DeleteI just saw the movie yesterday and I really enjoyed it, but for me, honestly, there was quite a sharp turn and I would have loved to have seen five minutes shaved off the last part, having the film end when she delivers a slightly comedic line. That too me would have exponentially upped the what the fuck factor and kept with the films darkly humorous tone.
ReplyDeleteI would say that the events of this film effected the first in the instance of the falling satellite. Two unconnected events tied by an overlapping incident created by the same ominous corporation.
I'm not sure if that's true, but fun to speculate. If anyone hasn't, go see the movie. It's a lot of fun.
I love how people say the films aren't connected even though there's a VERY OBVIOUS SLUSHO NEON SIGN IN 10CL IN THE FIRST FIVE MINUETES!!!