Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Last Scene of Cloverfield - Some Thing Falling Into The Ocean

On the DVD version of Cloverfield, you can clearly see the "ChimpanzIII" satellite (?) falling into the ocean.

EDIT: Here is an updated version from the Blu-ray. Be sure to set it to HD quality and view it full screen.

I have plotted the trajectory of the splashdown so you know where to look:


  1. Thanks for this, it makes me feel less insane after KNOWING that I saw something when I first saw the movie.

  2. omg NOW i see it. at first i was like "Huh?" but now it makes sense. very interesting little connection though. thanks dennis!

  3. FINALLY a clip i can actually see it in.....

  4. It still boggles my mind that ANYBODY who didn't have insider information found this by just watching Cloverfield. Even with this clear shot you'd never see this if somebody hadn't said "look right HERE."

  5. Took me about 20 clicks...but yeah, I finally saw it. Wow...not worth it.

  6. Wow....first time ive seen that, cant belive someone actually spotted it

  7. finally i can see it, i was desperate xD

  8. Even with the close up, its STILL hard to see...glad that you posted it up though. Now I know for a fact that something DID fall in the water...

  9. The video no longer appears active, so I still can't see it. :(

  10. OK question at what second in the dvd dose it hit i cant see it

  11. On the Tagruato site didn't they say that it was POSSIBLY a PIECE of the ChimpanzIII Satellite? They NEVER officially said that it was THEE satellite. They couln't even tell if it was a piece of it. They weren't able to officially identify the object that fell from space. Isn't that considered a UFO.

  12. Where the heck should I be looking? I can't see anything.
