Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cloverfield Sneak Previews

Slashfilm is reporting there will be nationwide sneak previews of Cloverfield on Tuesday, January 15th. However, it won't be easy to get a ticket, you will have enter a contest to win one from your local source.

The list of cities include: Austin, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Calgary, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Dallas, Denver, Edmonton, Ft. Lauderdale, Houston, Jacksonville, Las Vegas, Miami, Montreal, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Raleigh, San Antonio, San Francisco, Tampa, Toronto, Vancouver, Virginia Beach, Washington, DC, West Palm Beach, and Winnipeg

Visit for links to the contest in your area.


  1. us seattle folk gotta go to vancouver.. and win a contest. damn it

  2. so lame all this is US only...really annoys me.

  3. WTF no New York?!!!

  4. LT- {BLANK} said... WTF no New York?!!!

    Or L.A... or Lexington, KY ;)

    This might not be a complete list. Check you local newspaper/radio station/tv station for promotions in your area. (And let me know if you find somewhere not on the list!)

  5. dang ill have to see if any Tucson stations are giving them out...doubt it but it could happen. otherwise ill have to go to Pheonix and do it, which I have no time for :(

  6. i signed up for baltimore, although my father will have to see it for me since i'm not 18! god only 5 more months until my 18th birthday

  7. Damn it, I'm out of the running. The Charlotte one makes you register on a forum, and says active posters will be given more consideration. Isn't a random drawing the only way to go for stuff like this?

  8. C LOVER F IELD (a new age) said... this is a free blog

    No... that's not how it works. I set up this blog. I put in all the hard work to run this blog.

    You were just a guest of my blog, but you are no longer welcome. This was your last post here.

    There are plenty of other places where you might fit in better - maybe IMDB or

  9. I take it none of those are in Iowa?

  10. There's two different links to Vancouver contests but it says on the first that multiple entries will be deleted. Are the two contests separate or can I enter them both?

  11. wgfarewr said... so lame all this is US only...really annoys me.

    Last time I checked... Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, and Winnipeg are not in the US. :)

  12. WTF no Chicago? Grrr...I would be willing to fly somewhere, but I just don't have the money *cries*

  13. I do believe reporting this like eons ago here on this very site but alas...

  14. crossing my fingers, hoping I get a pair in West Palm... i dont think its a big thing down here, so maybe by default I'll get picked... :/

  15. Closest city to me with this preview woulf be Calgary :( I live in Regina Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan never get anything special... except maybe The Rolling Stones :)

  16. Haha...I am nowhere near any large cities, so I'm out of the running :( It would be nice to be a winner though ^_^

  17. Pretty sure I...... along with anyone else that doesnt want spoilers should stay off these websites after the 15th.... haha

  18. Anyone see when they are drawing the winers? I read through the rules several times and didn't see it.

  19. I GOT MY TICKETS FOR ORLANDO... Thanks for the link Dennis. KUDOS again on a great site.

  20. Hey Rick, I got tickets for Orlando too!

  21. I got tickets to the Seattle preview, it says it's sponsored by 106.1 KissFM but I can't find any info about it on their website so I don't know how anyone else would get one. The two passes I got just mysteriously appeared on my desk at work, don't know who left them.
