Jamie, listen to me, alright this is not a joke. If you're hearing this before we've spoken, then it means that I've been captured by the company called Tagruato. Ok, TAG-RU-ATO. Now listen. You, this is important. Don't call the authorities. It'll screw everything up. Just sit tight and wait to hear from Randy. He knows to call you. We're on their station ok, and it's like they've found something, or they're making something, but the point is, I can't, I'm not going to be calling you again. You're not gonna hear from me again. I just want you to wait for Randy.. he will explain [Jamie stops tape]You can download the video directly here: http://jamieandteddy.com/video5.mov
Or watch it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MirrKmscMV4
* Thanks to Terry and Raul for emailing me about this first, and to Keith for the transcript!
Teddy says to "freeze" the stuff which falls in line with the theory of unfrozen "nectar" causing the whole mess.
ReplyDeleteJamie seems to be a dipsh!t.
ReplyDelete"...it's like they've found something, or they're making something,"
And, all she cares about is herself!
Erick, where did you hear that?
ReplyDeleteSo Jamie is in the movie after all, she's the monster! Seriously though, it's got to have something to do with the nectar falling into the wrong hands or being dumped down a drain.
ReplyDeleteThis confirms my theory that Teddy was working for TIDOWave, and is investigating 'the station' or Chuai station, the mysteriously unopened, Tagruato owned drilling site off the coast of Long Island. The unfrozen seabed nectar idea fits in as well.
ReplyDeleteNow the new limb im gonna jump out on is that Rob, the main character is going to work for either Tagruato or Slusho in Japan, and that's why he's leaving.
Oh this is getting intense now. Finally something related and also kinda scary.
ReplyDeleteOkay. I totally called the Slusho! hat, but the seabed nectar is insane. I heard him say that he "Hasn't captured it yet." Which is freaking terrifying. So now it looks like all they can do is sit there and wait till a huge freaking monster comes and kills them all. Nice work Jamie.
ReplyDeletehi there, well, at last we have it. What about tagruato would have discovered something weird in deep sea or discovered how to make something weird "it's like they're making something" and so teddy would have been caught while investigating on that; which now makes it rather clear why he would be so important for the army...by the way the slusho hat is maybe another clue from him so that her or randy understand the link between what's happening and slusho! ... well tell me if i'm all wrong...
ReplyDeleteThe part that doesn't make sense is him making her wait so long to open a package that needs to be frozen "ASAP."
ReplyDeleteOne thing that's been bugging me through out this whole thing is the name "Tagruato". It's just not an average Japanese word. You don't find two consonants next to each other like that in the Japanese language... if it were Taguruato, yes, or Tagaruato, but the "gr" is just wrong.
ReplyDeleteOne of the very few times you find a supposed Japanese word with consonants together like that are when a name is changed to appeal to non-Japanese speakers (ie: the food chain "Sarku Japan"). Which could be the case here, but it could also very easily be an anagram (as some people have pointed out before), mean something else entirely, or it's just a mistake on the writer's part.
Whatever the case, when Teddy sounds it out the way he does on the tape, it just stood out to me again.
Yeah, I used to live in Japan and kept spelling it Tagurato based on usual Japanese words, assuming that's what it was until I noticed the letters were flipped.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Dennis would you consider the possibility of removing that Slusho! video from the front page? I'm getting annoyed at it launching automatically and blaring weird noises out of my computer. The only reason I say that is because I come here a lot because I like your site, and the amount of times the commercial has played for me is into the mid double digits.
It's my first time posting here, and I have to say you have done a great job chronicling (sp?) this series of events for us, Dennis.
ReplyDeleteIt really looks to be getting interesting now, I'm willing to bet whatever they've found/made at the unopened drilling site is attracted to this nectar, maybe its even the thing's eggs. I bet it causes some reaction when the thing gets in close proximity to the nectar, as well, which is why Teddy said to freeze it, as he probablyy had to being in the same area as the thing.
Also I agree with pinkhamster in that the slusho commercial causes a lot of confusion for me, maybe there is some way for it to load automatically paused? I go to this site 3-4 times a day and I always forget about it, and it slows my browser down.
As for now, I'm sitting tight for updates!
Thanks for the quick action, Dennis! You're the Clover in my Field!
ReplyDeleteAugh.... Jamie makes me ridiculously angry sometimes...
ReplyDeleteJei said... One thing that's been bugging me through out this whole thing is the name "Tagruato". It's just not an average Japanese word. You don't find two consonants next to each other like that in the Japanese language... if it were Taguruato, yes, or Tagaruato, but the "gr" is just wrong.
ReplyDeleteTagruato is NOT a Japanese name, it's Polynesian. From the Tagruato history page:
The origin of Tagruato goes back into 1945, when our creator, Kantaro Tagruato, founded a mining company in Kyūshū, Japan’s southernmost island. Tagruato, who had emigrated to Japan from Polynesia with his family as young boy
Pinkhamster said... Also, Dennis would you consider the possibility of removing that Slusho! video from the front page?
Cowpattybill said... spam, spam, spam
MRS BUN: Have you got anything without spam in it?
WAITRESS: Well, there's spam egg sausage and spam, that's not got much spam in it.
MRS BUN: I don't want ANY spam!
thank you dennis for having removed the commercial sound , i was about to go mad ;)
ReplyDeleteit is really getting interesting now , i can't help looking at the site all day long , even at work ! i have a question though , i am still a beginner and sometimes iam LOST ;) what is happening now i mean, him being caught by tagruato company etc is it before the history and we'll know the rest when watching the movie or is it gonna take place again in the movie ? well , i know this is a weird question but i don't know how to explain ( sorry my english is not perfect , i am french !) thanks in advance
Heck, I can understand Jaime being pissed when the mystery gift form her boyfriend, who doesn't return her calls, seems like a cap, a silly prank and a break-up note/tape.
ReplyDeleteBtw: maybe the sea-bed nectar only needs to be frozen if exposed to light? Pretty dark down there at the bottom of the ocean. ;)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"Pinkhamster said...
ReplyDeleteThe part that doesn't make sense is him making her wait so long to open a package that needs to be frozen 'ASAP.'"
yea I was wondering that same thing... doesn't make any sense.
and to everyone yelling at Jamie about how stupid she is, seriously... if you were in her shoes would you take a message like that seriously?
I may be in the minority here...but I can understand why Jamie would be angry and not believe what was said in the tape. He doesn't call for how long? Tells her to wait until December 9th before opening the gift. Gives her a Slusho! hat that probably makes the situation seem less serious than what it really is.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm assuming the primary evidence is consumed by Marlena (thus the expanding body in the trailer)? Sucks for Mar.
Eh, who knows what will go down. One thing's for sure, this is just the beginning (I hope). The Viral Marketing is definitely picking up.
"Enrico said...
ReplyDeleteHeck, I can understand Jaime being pissed when the mystery gift form her boyfriend, who doesn't return her calls, seems like a cap, a silly prank and a break-up note/tape.
Btw: maybe the sea-bed nectar only needs to be frozen if exposed to light? Pretty dark down there at the bottom of the ocean. ;)"
im thinking the same thing.
but i think the reason why it hasnt had to be frozen this whole time was because its dark in the box too, so theres no way for the light to make the nectar react (considering ernrico's theory). teddy probably thought that jamie wouldnt believe him, so he told her to hold off on opening the gift so that if she did just leave the gift out in the light, it would hold off whatever reaction teddy possibly knew of.
kinda make sense? i unno, just going off a guess
It seems odd to be that Teddy planned so far in advance...or why once Jamie got the package they just didn't talk about it then. Seems like they were getting to it, talking about the "cause" but didn't have a chance. Whats the significance of December 9th? Why that date and not another? Not to mention, why make it a gift. Why not make it just a normal package? Something aint sitting right with me 'bout all this...
ReplyDeleteAnd also, who the hell is Randy? If the characters have talked about "Randy" before, tell me, but I have no idea who he is. Aint on the myspace list. So thats weird.
Plus I'm mad that she turned off the damn TAPE! Plus, I'm on the fence about whether or not she has the right to be mad. He hasn't talked to her for a month(which would make any girl pissed)on the other hand, they were talking about some weird stuff before communication was cut off, so don't you think she'd remember that?
Something else to consider would be that freezing the nectar would simply be a way to preserve it for use as evidence later - although having it sit in a box until December 9th would be a bit counter-productive.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing about the light theory and the seabed nectar is that it was wrapped up in tinfoil, so the light isn't directly exposed to it yet, anyway.
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend had an interesting theory that maybe it takes a long time to thaw?
Gabriel brings up a solid point about Marlena being the one to eat the evidence. Marlena seems to be a primary companion of Jamie's, so maybe she's the unfortunate soul who eats it?
I sent a message to what I believe to be Randy's email address (Randy is one of the admins that posts on TIDOWave, according the RSS on Safari). I posted a copy on uF: http://forums.unfiction.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=22544&start=210
ReplyDeleteOn another note, Dennis (or anyone else on here for that matter), are you working on a full transcript of the video? If not, I'll do it, but I'm not about to start if ones already a WIP.
i agree with the theory that marlena will eat the primary evidence and that it is indeed sent so as to keep an evidence . As why having chosen a present instead of a simple package , i don't know but that's a good question , maybe in order to prevent himself from being caught . I mean , if he is being watched closely ( as he is somewhere people may not like him put his nose in) well maybe the only way to communicate with jamie was pretending to dend a birthday present or something... but why having her wait till decembre 9th then ? maybe he thought he would manage to get away and so he would have time to call her and tell her not to open it, passed this date and without any text msgs from him , he was sure that he would be already unable to leave...does it make sense to you? maybe a present would make her wait (cuz she likes prsts) but an ordinary box would have been to much temptation for her and she would have opened it before...and maybe he didn't think she would take it as a joke because he insists "this is not a joke okay " and so he didn't want to frighten her for nothing , before dec9th , in case he'd manage to get away... i dont know, maybe i am far from truth ... tell me !!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteanybody noticed the present was to be opened on 9thDEC and there was something to do with number 6 earlier...and don't know , this may sound stupid but, 6,9,12 then comes 15 and 18 if you just add 3 all the time.... i dont know really
ReplyDeleteI know that she could transfer over her old number but since she lost her old cell phone maybe that will somehow make it that Randy won't be able to call her and explain. Thus leaving the sea nectar laying out and exposed even longer O_O
ReplyDeleteHmm...seabed's nectar is such a puzzle.
ReplyDeleteIf it needs to be frozen, it's gotta be eggs or something that can cause harm or hatch if left to thaw.
Strange indeed.
The movie's going to have to explain enough without boring those that go online and know about it already.
This movie must have taken so much complex planning ahead...
Very good one Patrick, i hadn't noticed ! i think you're right , and even if she can transfer her old number , maybe she'll buy a new one with another number and that's all. If she is REALLY angry with him ...
ReplyDeleteI think this is the best info about the movie yet, now we know that Jamie has the material that caused the monster to come about.
ReplyDeleteBut what is the monster really? I think the monster is Jamie because she is not seen any in the movie.
Could the story go like this:
Jamie is pissed at Teddy because she thinks hes a liar and she eats the nectar just to be a *****(female dog) and she is in the subway and starts to fell wierd and she turns into the monster and attacks the city.
But why do you have to freeze the nectar? this phrase has been seen alot "keep the nectar frozen" this is what makes me think that the unfrozen nectar can be smelt by the monster which points to the possiblity that Jamie isnt the monster and is just the first one killed because the monster smells the nectar at her house.
But Jamie might eat it
i think there will be 1 last JameandTeddy video: Jamie eating the nectar.
ok, i posted on the podcast thread something contradictory about the nectar, my bad.
ReplyDeletethere must be some reason teddy let the eggs sit so long (and yes im assuming their eggs, considering their "evidence" and hes investigating something they found or are making).
the light theory is good, but the tin foil seems like a strange material to use for protection from light. Also, it looks like its blocky, so it must still be kind of frozen. well, it was wrapped pretty tight in paper and foil and junk, and if we say that the eggs to a while to thaw, and or take a while to incubate, then thats acceptable i think, and we can leave it at that.
also, maybe the eggs cant grow when there frozen, and letting them thaw for a while is ok aslong as their frozen again and the growth is stopped.
But, on the other hand, This station is drilling deep in the ocean, where its cold, dark, etc. Maybe thats why theres only one of these monsters? or maybe theres more, idk. That parts to open to make assumptions. Maybe the eggs function in the cold, aslong as theirs high pressure, which their is deep in the ocean. above that, heat serves the same purpose. but then wheres all the other monsters?! maybe theyll start a sequel.
sorry for such a long post, im thinking outloud.
I have my doubts that she would eat it. I wouldn't be surprised if she threw all of the contents in the box out in the trash - just as she's "done" with Teddy, she will just toss everything that has to do with him out to start off new.
ReplyDeleteSorry my English is bad
ReplyDeleteMy theory
Teddy knew that the sea nectar can be retained some time (2 months) without refrigerate if the weather is cool, but as seen in the video Jamie is using a cooler, which means that it is doing more heat than expected for this time for the year, and the heat continues as we see on the trailer
There's clearly a lot to speculate about, but the most important things to consider are what we can definitively conclude from the video.
ReplyDeleteFirst, Jamie got this package way back in October. On the tape inside, Teddy talks about this mysterious Tagruato station he's at, and offers a few details about it. This means we know for sure that Teddy has been at this station since at least October.
Second, the package. We don't know what it is, what is does, what would happen if she eats it, or why it needs to be frozen. But we do know that it was taken and sent to Jamie in October, if not earlier, which means that Teddy's been gathering evidence for several months.
Third, he wants her to NOT call the police and call Randy instead. This shows us that Teddy had anticipated the possibility of getting captured, and is continuing with some plan that involved his capture occuring. Why does he not want the authorities involved? We don't know. But we do know that even after being captured, he is still going on with whatever mission he was taking part in.
I agree. Why would anyone EAT some thing marked "evidence".
ReplyDeleteNo one is turning into a monster.
According to the tape...they found something at the Chuai station ... it's probably the monster, or the makings of the monster.
waitingforjamie said... what is happening now i mean, him being caught by tagruato company etc is it before the history and we'll know the rest when watching the movie or is it gonna take place again in the movie ?
The movie takes place on Jan 18, 2008, and everything else is hapening in real time, i.e. right now. We know the monster is coming in Jan, but they don't. So, the internet stuff is the "prequel" to the movie.
Some one posted a very important fact on youtube: Jamie is on the picture on 1-18-08.com with rob so she cannot be the monster, it is impossible so that rules out that she can be the monster.
ReplyDeleteIf there is primary evidence shouldnt there be secondary?
ReplyDeletecould Tagruato.jp always make sounds?
ReplyDeleteMy take on the supposed 'seabed nectar' is that it could be toxic or have harmful effects if eaten but it is not going to turn into a monster all of a sudden because it's not frozen. Besides, the point of this movie doesn't seem like it's headed into Teddy or Jamie technically being responsible for the monster wreaking havoc on NYC but rather Tagruato.
ReplyDeleteTeddy doesn't know everything but he seems to know enough, perhaps a little more about Tagruato than he is alluding to. He sends Jamie the nectar which is labeled as 'Primary Evidence Freeze ASAP" & the instructions NOT to eat it. If it were EXTREMELY important or a VERY KEY part of the movie, I would think there would be more than just a label, I would think he would stress repeatedly on the tape that "whatever you do, make sure its frozen and DONT eat it, etc."
One of the first comments was mentioning how Tagruato did not seem right. Well I tried the word in an anagram solver (which I am sure many people have) and one of the words that comes up is "tau," which in Ancient times was a symbol for life and/or resurrection. This information came from wikipedia which is not always a realiable source, but it may help. Or maybe I am just reading too far into Tagruato
ReplyDeleteOk, now things are getting exciting! Yeah! Just the thing i have been waiting for! Anyway, Why it should be frozen ASAP is because it was prolly unfrozen for so long an by the time jamie opens it, it should be frozen immediately, why not put it in just a package? I know people like jamie, they would not take it seriously if it was not wrapped up all pretty and nice. the Slusho hat? Maybe to cover that up? Yes, jamie is a bicth, I know plenty of them, and their boyfriends hve at one point horridly wrapped up the present, and they treated them like sh*t! So, that is why, yes Mar will eat the evidence and prolly go blow up somewhere. Now, my question is, how doers he get back? It seems like he is so calm at the party, wouldn't tagruato be chasing after him? Anyway, i felt the same thing with the word Tagruato, I kept spelling it wrong but thought it was right. Sorry, but I am thrilled, Good job J.J.! I knew I could count on you!Its all adding up now, the pieces are coming together. The they found something or making something thing, It could be the monster. Or maybe a self defense to the monster. Maybe, tagruato isn't the bad guy, maybe Rob is helping but cannot say it. Thats something to think about. Maybe Rob is just trying to cmprehend this whole thing. I would, in fact, I would have gone crazy and jumped off the station. One thing is for sure though, Jamie. Is. A. Bitch.
ReplyDeleteomg! this is so exciting. I bet she'll be stupid enough to acually eat the (what we think is) the nectar.
ReplyDeleteAlot of us guessed it would be nectar that was in the box, but I never saw the whole thing about Teddy being captured!
also, I never acually thought that Tarugato could be making a creature or thing of some kind...
I guess the whole TIDO thing makes a little more sense...
There is one thing you all forget Jamie didnt finish opening her present and listening to the recording of Teddy.
ReplyDeletedino said...
ReplyDeleteMy take on the supposed 'seabed nectar' is that it could be toxic or have harmful effects if eaten but it is not going to turn into a monster all of a sudden because it's not frozen. Besides, the point of this movie doesn't seem like it's headed into Teddy or Jamie technically being responsible for the monster wreaking havoc on NYC but rather Tagruato.
Teddy doesn't know everything but he seems to know enough, perhaps a little more about Tagruato than he is alluding to. He sends Jamie the nectar which is labeled as 'Primary Evidence Freeze ASAP" & the instructions NOT to eat it. If it were EXTREMELY important or a VERY KEY part of the movie, I would think there would be more than just a label, I would think he would stress repeatedly on the tape that "whatever you do, make sure its frozen and DONT eat it, etc."
maybe he did say it on the tape but jamie stopped the tape before she heard it
Sorry for double-posting(at the time I am typing this it may not be a double-post) but I realized I probably swore, i meant to edit it, I prewrote this(my theory, I wanted it to look semi-professional) anyway, this isnt adding up. It seems to be, I know it was shot down, Cthulu. the green bod, the head, some of the other pics i saw, its all leading em over to cthulu. Anyway, the cap looks like a face when she closes it, I am the only one who sees that i think, but hey, could be a clue. Yeah, there is still teh chance that jamie can be the monster, I prey that its not, but could be. Maybe the effects do not immediately kick in.But the number 3 too. That is also another one that it seems leading us to. When we find one path, it turns out to be a dead end. We are running around, just finding dead ends, We are the mice in a maze, but they are slowly leading us there. Realize that the more we discover they kinda reward us with more hints. When we discovered TIDO-Wave, all of a sudden a hoodie came up for sale. This is the most interesting thing, idk if L could even crack this(+ points if u get that). Anyway, we need to put up a list of what we know, It came from the water, it is a monster. This is all I know. Maybe it is a giant, mutated Kermit the Frog! =D jk, but maybe a frog type beast? This is my whole theory. Kind of. THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait for it, 1-18-08, the next christmas!Also, has anyone tried calling 118-2008? a phone number maybe might lead us to the next hint? if u do, post ur findings, even if u got an actual person, still tell us so we dont call and get a wrong number.
ReplyDeletematthew i agree with you. If i gave my "loved" one something that could harm them i would repeat several times for them to be careful.
ReplyDeleteunless Teddy felt confident in his trust with Jamie, but that was chattered in 1 month without any talking between the two.
I wish the monster was a Portugese Man O' War that would be sort of cool in its own way
im designing my own monster that would be a colony of smaller organisms.
A Protugese man o' war would be pretty sweetthis is joe, i changed the name cause i felt very akward with joe)but nothing adds up.
ReplyDeletei donnto think jamie would turn into a monster , really this looks stupid , we are not children , it looks like we're in a cartoon...NO i am pretty sure , nothing of tha kind
ReplyDeletethen dennis is right , even if we know she is not listenning to everything teddy says and she is crossed , why would she eat something weird, wrapped carefully and on w ) which it is written " dont eat this jamie , to freeze as soon as possible , primary evidence". I am a girl and girls are very choosy for food , if she is a bitch like you all kinda think, then she thinks high of herself and she would harldy ever put anything in her mouth that she doesnt know...(lol i didnt mean it ;)u know what i mean really, i am sure she wouldnt eat it . I dont really think marlena is going to eat it neither coz it is too simple , she must be contaminated in another way....though , i would rather believe marlena ate this not knowing anything on it rather than jamie, who has read what's on it...Sorry for repeating myself guys i am tired its midnight over here ;)
so as to the nectar , i am sure even if it is not the nectar, it is something of that kind , maybe some of the thing tagruato are working on, and i agree that maybe tagruato is not the baddy, we dont know they could be working against that...but i still believe they're not doing good... complicated huh ? sorry again!!
hey, i just saw something kinda weird. i havent seen it mentioned but i could have missed it, so, sorry if this is a repeat. i was on tidowave.com and there was a post on the message board from a R. Hawkins left on 12.2. His message is that he ordered something from slusho and recieved that memo that was discussed a while ago. I know ive heard that Rob was working for Tagruato but this makes me think hes working for TIDOWave. what do u think?
ReplyDeletevernon141 that would be a good find only if tidowave.com wasnt a site you could leave posts
ReplyDeleteso what im saying is that this R. Hawkins you speak of could be some 44 year old guy living in his moms basement.
why would he leave the "evidence" unrefrigerated for a month??? wouldn't he want it done immediately ...maybe it needs to be frozen or else the eggs(i am assuming) hatch or are past a point of no return in which they can survive in you're stomach after being eaten after they mature past a certain larval state...that seems too complicated...oh well
ReplyDeleteThe idea of Jamie being the monster just sounds stupid to me. If she is, I'm going to be Very angry... I don't like watching movies about girls out for revenge. Unless it's Mean Girls.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I do like that theory about the nectar containing monster eggs. Would explain a lot, I think. I read some article about there being bacteria in slusho that creates a happy feeling when ingested. I don't know if I read that here or somewhere else (and I'm sure everyone's read it too, it's old) but it works.
I agree with Dennis in that I don't think Jamie or Marlena eat the evidence. That would just be a stupid thing to do, even while angry (come on. how many times have you eaten the weird looking thing from the foreign restaurant?).
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm struck by the fact that the "stuff" (eggs, nectar, any other wild theory item) is labeled as EVIDENCE. Is it evidence that Teddy has against Tagruato? Or is it evidence that Tagruato has against a potential disaster (read: monster)? If it is Teddy's evidence, why send it to a girlfriend that might not care about it? Wouldn't it make more sense to send it to somebody with more power or interest such as this Randy character? If it is Tagruato's evidence and it really is the nectar, then that would imply that Tagruato is suspicious about the side effects of the nectar, and no up and coming powerful company is stupid enough to keep selling a product that could cause mass alarm (not to mention potential financial losses) thus ruining their reputation.
Finally, to c lover f ield (a new age), I definitely do not remember tagruato.jp having sound.
hey is Laney cheese part of the game...i just saw it on the hat and found out it is has a website
ReplyDelete"Finally, to c lover f ield (a new age), I definitely do not remember tagruato.jp having sound."
ReplyDeleteI do.. I've only browsed the site with sound once, about two weeks ago, but there was sound.
Remember the photograph on 1-18-08.com with the recipe on the back? The recipe included sea nectar. I'm assuming that you can't buy sea nectar from the local store. I'm guessing he used the sea nectar from Jamie's present in the recipe. Maybe he even made some for the going away party.
ReplyDeleteoh my god you guys... revelation! freeze asap? DEC 9th may have been the point where Teddy was sure it would UNfreeze? CONSPIRACY??????????
ReplyDeleteJust a thought.
This movie is reminding me more and more of the sadly short-lived TV show Surface.
ReplyDeleteReally, I am just so excited for the 17th, 37 days to go. Much more exciting than Christmas, for me!
yeah i had thought of a Surface movie since it was left short, was JJ involved with surface? i cant remember. But i somehow dout it will have anything to do with surface. Also this whole thing about Merlana or what ever her name is being the one blowing up... its just speculation, no one has 100% evidence that it is mer behind that curtain. Its more than likely but not 100% confirmed.
ReplyDeleteYou know, sneaking jamie "inside info" through a package of slusho merchandise sort of reminds me the torn memos and stuff people have been receiving with those slusho t-shirt orders. That was my first thought when she opened the package and there was a hat in it. Maybe there's something to that.
ReplyDeleteOn an unrelated note, who else thinks cloverfield is going to be a musical?
JJ wasn't involved with Surface, and it was more wishful thinking on my behalf than making any real connections ^_^
ReplyDeleteAs much as musicals irk me, a sci-fi/thriller/musical sounds fun.
Well if Teddy is the mutant monster come home, I hope he kills her first. lol
ReplyDeleteold news, but "tagruato" is an anagram for "a tortuga", a turtle.
ReplyDeleteThe. Monster. Is. Not. A. Turtle. I. Dont. Care. About. Any. Gay. Ass. Anagram. The. Monster. Is. Not. A. Turle.
ReplyDeleteDo. Not. Seek. The treasure...
Noone knows what the monster is. While that means we can't say for sure what it is, it also means we can't say for sure what it isn't. As such, every option should be considered.
ReplyDeleteI never said the monster was a turtle anyway, people were talking about Tagruato anagrams, but failed to mention the most obvious one, so I did.
Ithink the whole point of whatever causes the monster is that it is not anything---not anything we would recognize as a big turtle, big monkey,
ReplyDeletebig frog. the whole point is that is a newly created creature. America's own monster, not Japan's or anyone else's.
The plot thickens!
ReplyDeleteBut I think we all know what´s gonna happen next; Jamie is gonna eat that sample of nectar, this is going to cause horrific mutations in her body, and thus she won´t be invited to the suprise party because all he old friends now thinks she´s gross.
And that´s why the huge, mutated blob that was once Jamie will get pissed off and toss the head of Lady Liberty at them. Hilarity ensues.
IT WAS BETTER THAN ALL THE OTHER JAMIE AND TEDDY VIDEOS PUT TOGETHER!! Also...maybe it isn't sea bed nectar in the bag but maybe something else...maybe there is a surpirse twist and it is something else. Well whatever it is, it probably wouldn't top off the sea bed nectar thingy. Maybe she stops making J & T Videos (NOOO!). I wanna know what happens next.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Shes pretty hot for a bitch, huh?
When will the next J & T Vid come out. Maybe that Randy guy calls and it makes Jamie realize Teddy was actually telling the truth! And then...SHE WILL CONTINUE THE TAPE PARTS THAT WE MISSED!!
ReplyDeletei'm sure this has been mentioned somewhere before but i just noticed something watching all the vids. pretty much ever since she got the package she seemed to be sick. first vid she complained about a bladder infection then after that in all the vids a bottle of pepto has been by her bed. perhaps the sea necter is making her sick?
ReplyDeleteHey I don't know if anybody noticed, but a friend of mine thought the creature could have been in the ocean, hence the oil tanker spill. If you look in the scene where Beth and Rob are in the ferris wheel, the shot is first looking out onto the ocean. I you look at the far right there is a cruise liner in the distance, and a couple frames later, you will see a small spec falling from the sky and hitting the ocean witha a splash...
ReplyDeleteCould it have been a falling satellite that hit the monster and awakened it? On slusho.com on history, it mentions a "deep sea ingredient" that Ganu finds in the bottom of the ocean...
It also mentions that "SLUSHO! came to life!!!!!!!" The original name for cloverfeild was SLUSHO... the company that rob was going to work for. The History page also states that "Everyone who drinks a SLUSHO (possibly reffering to being infected with the monsters spores) tastes Noriko's Dream, and becomes a small whale like noriko- (possibly referring to becoming a host to the monsters spawn.)
Think about this, and tell me what u guys think...
the thing that fell at the end of the movie was a tagarato satelite which had the nectet in it the it woke the monster and it was lured to shore by the nectar
ReplyDeleteMAN!J.J. realy needs to give us more clues on whos the good guys and whos the bad guys cause for one moment you think Tagruato is bad but then T.I.D.O jacks some
ReplyDeletegod frikin crap up and makes them
look like the bad guys then when you go to slusho.com and go to the page where you make your own slusho robot(flavor) the robots face looks like the clovers a tad bit so that
gets you thinking is Tagruato the real bad guy then T.I.D.O is blamed on for the iol rig disaster
but did they do it?J.J. you
blair witchin liken stephen kingin
guy secret hider give us one frikin god hackin clue!*gasp* *gasp**yawn*J.J.*ywan*you*yawn*better*yawn*give*yawn*more*yawn*clues*GASP* CAUSE THE ONLY THING WE BACICLY KNOW FOR SURE IS "ITS STILL ALIVE"!