A possible 1-18-08 movie poster may have turned up in a SoCal collectibles shop - Frank and Sons .
The next day, the store was closed, but had a Comic-con / G4 notice up in their window. It looks like they will be getting a visit from G4 who will be covering the first two days of Comic-Con.
Unfortunately, all of the photos were taken with a blurry camera phone, But I've made a composite image here.
The title or tag line at the top clearly reads "MONSTROUS", and although you can't read it, the bottom corner it says "1-18-08". Also notice that the head of the Statue of Liberty is missing!
Another piece of supporting evidence is the domain TheMonstrousMovie.com, which is not working yet, but IS apparently registered to Paramount.
AXB Enterprisises is KIND of jealous about the time you've put into Cloverfield...it's put us to shame.
ReplyDeleteWe would love to help in your cause any way possible while still doing our own digging.
If the store was selling them, why diddn't they buy it and take a less blury picture?
ReplyDeleteAlso I think Monstorus would be some what of a dumb name.
great find
ReplyDeletesound interresting we see at comic con ^^ i think it could be that movie
ReplyDeleteagain, i personally don't see it as a bad name.
ReplyDeletebut AGAIN, I ALSO think it could be a "tag-line".
if you remember the first two spider-man films, there were posters, etc that said stuff like "courage" or whatever.....and that was it, across the top or whatever.
so, it COULD simply be a descriptive tag-line for the attacks in the movie, etc.
Frank & Sons is actually a large warehouse with several "shops" inside. G4 people have been there lately to promote their coverage of Comic-Con. The warehouse is only open Wed and Sat. I could see someone from JJs marketing team putting up the poster before officially announcing the Title this Thurs at Comic Con.
ReplyDeleteBTW, if you collect comics, sports cards or other memorobilia, and live in the area, Frank & Sons is a great place to go.
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ReplyDeleteGreat spy work!
ReplyDeleteI also don't think that that name would be so awful, but like Chuck said, it could also just be one of the taglines of the poster(s).
And in the upper left corner looks like a ship of some kind with lights. Which is probably what lights up in the "fog" picture.
ReplyDeleteI think that is just the reflection of the store lights. The other posters have that too.
ReplyDeleteBTW, the poster on the left is for Transformers, and the one on the right is for 30 Days of Night
Anyone done any anagrams of "monstrous" yet? Might find out the monster's name :D
Here's some more on the Monstrous theory.
ReplyDeleteHey Memphish :) Thanks for that link.
ReplyDeleteFrom Mempish's link: Furthermore, the six buttons on the main page cause popups of various animals, namely a Horse, a Whale and a Bird. Behemoth, Leviathan, Ziz.
One problem with this theory is that there are FOUR animals on the front page of the Slusho site - a Duck, A Fish, a Frog, and a Donkey (NOT a horse). Plus, there's Jelly Fish and a Crab on the history page.
I'm sticking to the alien attack theory as said by the coney island owner.
ReplyDeletethere is also this with the same poster but in hi-resolution. Im not sure if its been mentioned before or not, butits the exact same poster but its called Apocalypse instead and is a higher-res than the blurry photo
although i would say that the text on the 'Apocalypse'poster looks less realistic than the 'Monstrous' one but the 'Monstrous' one is all blurred so would be fairly easily made to look realistic
picsel, that poster seems fake to me
ReplyDeleteyeah i know, but it caught my eye because it was in hi-res, where as the original image somebody took was really blurry, so somewhere somebody has the original
ReplyDeleteThe poster looks a little fake to me, but I like the idea of the headless Statue of Liberty on it.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if you go to Parasite movie it takes you directly to the 1-18-08 offical trailer for the movie?
Hmmm.... (Link: http://1-18-08.blogspot.com/2007/07/monstrous-news-themonstrousmoviecom-is.html )
that link memphis left was very interesting...makes for a good flick...
ReplyDeleteThe song changed at slusho.jp. It's bearly noticable, but at the end there's an extra beat.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dennis!
ReplyDeleteI took the picture from 1-18-08.com and photoshopped it by cutting it in half and putting them together, then i messed about with the skintones to see if i good get them to match and thats as close as I could get it, but the one on the right is closer to the source of the light (notice the way they are looking) So her skin tone would be different to the other side of the face. Same person? Twins who pull the exact same face? I dunno
ReplyDeleteI could make that second poster in five minutes using photoshop and the original poster pic that Dennis posted. I am more impressed by the blurry one than I am with the high Rez. That screams fake to me.
picsel said... I took the picture from 1-18-08.com and photoshopped it by cutting it in half and putting them together, then i messed about with the skintones to see if i good get them to match and thats as close as I could get it, but the one on the right is closer to the source of the light (notice the way they are looking) So her skin tone would be different to the other side of the face. Same person? Twins who pull the exact same face? I dunno
ReplyDeleteThis was done when the picture came out. I'm farily certain that the two girls in the photos are these two girls with Rob in this screenshot.
Tx for the link Memphish. The comment discission on the Jewish lore is interesting as well.
ReplyDeleteBTW, concerning the comments on that link, I would be really thrilled if the movie actually was a LOST Haitus Movie, to be viewed before Season-4 starts, like the TLE filler. So, the monstrous monster would be Smokey unleashed!
ReplyDeleteHey, I can dream can't I? :o) OK, I'll wake myself up now. !!pinch!!
I sincerely hope that it's not Smokey from Lost. Keep my Lost and the big screens separate!