There have been a few rambling here and there about a Cloverfield sequel in the last few weeks, but nothing concrete. However, Variety is reporting that Matt Reeves is already in early talks to direct a sequel, which may even take precedent over his originally planned next project - The Invisible Woman.
It's not surprising that Paramount would be anxious to make a sequel. Cloverfield broke records in it's opening weekend and even though the box office has slowed, the movie has already turned a healthy profit. Not to mention the movie has yet to release worldwide, including the UK and Spain which it opens in tomorrow.
The interesting question will be what form will the sequel take? Will it be the same event filmed by another camcorder in NY (or some other location), or a more traditional movie that could provide the answers to some the the original film's lingering questions.
* Thanks to Emily (aka Melissa_Lossa) for emailing me this story!
I'd actually like to see a movie that combines more POV with traditional production. It would have broader appeal, while still having an edge.
ReplyDeleteFor example, the real-time story is produced traditionally, with a team researching the who/what/how on a found videotape. Just when the good guys are about to do something to "save the day", something is revealed on the videotape that shows what a terrible/catastrophic idea that would be.
Or have we seen that movie before? Probably. Ah well. This is why Reeves gets the big bucks!
anyone think that after the world wide release well get some wrap up viral?
ReplyDeletei want to argue and say that the whole idea that nobody knows where this thing came from is best. as humans we want to know everything... but for once, for once, we don't know something. that was the best thing about the movie... nobody knew where the hell this thing came from!
ReplyDeletei can only hope that we still don't get an explanation about where it came from and another pov or maybe an oral history by different people's camera phones or camcorders.. that would be bad ass!
Now that time has passed and I've been able to think about it. They should release a weird movie that contains clips from various tapes, not all the footage recovered is going to be an hour and a half long.
ReplyDeleteSo maybe some recovered footage from the beast's beginning, tiny attacks here and there, then wrap it up with the new york attack and lead to what happened after the bombs hit.
Okay so maybe that's asking to much, but it would be fun to maybe see some of this stuff as extras on the dvd.
First I'd like some damn answers!
ReplyDeleteEver since this movie came out, I thought it would be cool to make a sequel in the traditional style.
ReplyDelete(and possibly incorporate a news team's footage - where the camera guy holds the camera a bit steadier :P - like what was showing on the TV's in the Electronics store)
ReplyDeleteMan, Blair Witch did the EXACT same thing. Movie One: all from camcorder. Movie One made millions and millions. Movie TWO: Conventional movie with a "3rd person" camera perspective. How did it do? Flopped hard, and badly.
ReplyDeleteNow will this happen to Cloverfield? Not if they are careful of course. But can it happen? It's very probable.
In my opinion, a sequel is not needed, and if they do one, I would hope for something creative.
Ok, is very dramatic to see how the posts have gone really low now, from 60´s 100´s posts reduced to really low numbers.
ReplyDeleteIs very interesting how after watching the movie almost everything has gone to be forgotten, how? very simple, thirst satisfied...
You watched the film, then you are ok now, but there are many many things on the air, the sequel is not somethig that catches my eye, in fact, i really hope that wen they release the DVD make some things worth see and more viral to know more about it.
In another hand the official sites are just stopped to make updates, like 1-18-08, jamie, etc, that is not correct, since the timeline on the movie has yet to be reched,so, jamie´s last video? don´t think thats accurate in any case.
Sequels are maybe at hand, from points of view, but, surely hope, they think this well, it was a LOT of viral since Slusho, Tagruato, Tido, Jamie, etc to be throwed away just like that with sequels and not with something that connects all...
J.J, please don´t think we´ll follow the whole buzz and viral forever (this may be a cult movie later, but not a cult by itself) there must be clusure in EVERY movie, look at the lord of the rings, Star Wars, all mayor movies..
To connect Cloverfield with Lost is not smart, since people will find hard to buy or rent (not followers) an entire collection of DVD´s just to see what has to do one with the other, since several seasons had passed already.
Well, the movie filled my expectations, there is nothing more to say, is nice to see, great action, great performances, great ending...but just that..nothing more on it.
Does anyone know if they explained the date discrepency between the viral marketing (mySpace) and movie?
ReplyDeleteMaybe from the militarizes POV? Maybe one of the soildier had Land warrior equipment and has more footage of the monster up close int he middle of all the action! :D
ReplyDeleteI actually quiet enjoyed the idea of the camcorder veiw in the movie, the way it was done. Though it would be kinda of nice to see a sequel in traditional. Though it wont nearly be as fun. Does any one think that JJ will have a ARG for the seqeul? personaly I don't think it can be done as well as this one.
another idea, maybe MGP moves on to a new city.
ReplyDeleteYeah!! I'll watch it tomorrow, here in Spain! ^^
ReplyDeleteI know that some of you would like to be in my place rigth now, watching it for the very first time :P
The longer time passes without any updates on the viral websites, the more I begin to think that particular game is over. Which would really be a shame, as they've left all kinds of ends hanging--and if they're already planning a sequel, as this article indicates, it's just sloppy work on their part not to forge some continuity. Not to mention that it screws over some of their most ardent supporters, but meh.
ReplyDeleteIDEA for how more info might be revealed through a sequel of the same event: if the sequel is simply the same event from the POV of another camera they could still reveal a lot more about the film. if we assume that the guy taking video on the bridge is the new Hud for the next movie we can also assume he might have made it to the group of people being escorted by the military. if this is true then we would have the POV of the military and it's interactions with the monster. they could have the cameraman listen in on military com messages, and possibly sneak behind soldiers and record officers discussing the situation. realistically, we as members of the public wouldn't get the whole 'scientist in white lab coat explaining everything' situation (or something like it), but the military would, and what if there just happened to be a civilian with a camera peaking into a tent where this is all happening? boom. now WE get the scientist explaining shit in a somewhat plausible way.
ReplyDeletethe sequel i would like to see....the monster attacks a few ships at sea...the military and scientific community gather to give us answers...the monster attacks a London or Miami....we devise a method to repell it ...it goes off to lick its wounds...we develope another monster or robot to fight in the third sequel...
ReplyDeletegermany has the opening today. I saw it some minutes ago and love the movie. Some of my friend s say it was Sh**t. I hope there comes a sequel, there a to many questions open and have to be answered
ReplyDeleteOfcourse there is going to be a sequel and I bet more then 1. When JJ Abrams said that America needed its own Godzilla, he didnt mean one movie, we have King Kong and the Beast from 20000 Fathoms. He meant an enduring franchise, an icon in pop culture to endure. Godzilla would not be who he is today and there would not have beena store full of toys to inspire JJ if they had only made that one original movie back in 54.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if J.J. Abrams assumes everyone is like him and likes mystery more than knowing the whole story. There was a video on this site once where he gave a talk about a mystery box he had from his childhood and had never opened because he liked the mystery. So there very well could be nothing more with the story beyond the remaining manga issues, unless a sequel is guaranteed. Even then, they could do it from a different perspective and still leave aspects like origins and definitive endings amibiguous. I'd like more, and I'd definitely go to a sequel, but if there's more viral stuff I hope it's tied in a little more.
ReplyDeletei really do hope for a sequal and for the viral the more i check on this site and see no updates the more i worry its over. but i hope im wrong! if there is a sequel i'd be cool to see parts of it shot with the camera and others without. but im not gonna give up on cloverfield!
ReplyDeleteRight after I saw this movie (I'm the lead projectionist at a movie theater... pretty cool to watch a movie the night before it officially comes out with no distractions!), I wanted a sequel from another hand-held perspective. Not only is there the man on the bridge with a camcorder, but also another guy with a camera standing in the street just after the statue of liberty's head gets bashed and the monster stomps by the minimart. Maybe it's the same guy? That'd be pretty cool because there would be an opening for appearances from the original movie cast. I've seen Cloverfield like four times now and everytime I forget to check if it's the same guy, lol. I'm not sure that any sequel will live up to the original(they rarely do), but with brilliant, innovative guys like Matt Reeves and JJ Abrams running the show, I'm stoked to see what comes next.
ReplyDeleteAnd Btw, I wasn't in on the whole viral aspect of Cloverfield before I saw the movie. The minute I got home, however, I rushed online and found this site. Talk about a big help! I learned everything I needed to know in a short time! Thanks, guys!
Right after I saw this movie (I'm the lead projectionist at a movie theater... pretty cool to watch a movie the night before it officially comes out with no distractions!), I wanted a sequel from another hand-held perspective. Not only is there the man on the bridge with a camcorder, but also another guy with a camera standing in the street just after the statue of liberty's head gets bashed and the monster stomps by the minimart. Maybe it's the same guy? That'd be pretty cool because there would be an opening for appearances from the original movie cast. I've seen Cloverfield like four times now and everytime I forget to check if it's the same guy, lol. I'm not sure that any sequel will live up to the original(they rarely do), but with brilliant, innovative guys like Matt Reeves and JJ Abrams running the show, I'm stoked to see what comes next.
ReplyDeleteAnd Btw, I wasn't in on the whole viral aspect of Cloverfield before I saw the movie. The minute I got home, however, I rushed online and found this site. Talk about a big help! I learned everything I needed to know in a short time! Thanks, guys!
"For example, the real-time story is produced traditionally, with a team researching the who/what/how on a found videotape. Just when the good guys are about to do something to "save the day", something is revealed on the videotape that shows what a terrible/catastrophic idea that would be."
ReplyDelete"They should release a weird movie that contains clips from various tapes, not all the footage recovered is going to be an hour and a half long.
So maybe some recovered footage from the beast's beginning, tiny attacks here and there, then wrap it up with the new york attack and lead to what happened after the bombs hit."
I think both of these ideas could work. You could have the researchers poring over various shorter found videotapes, and as they (and we) put the pieces together, it could lead to some shocking discovery.
Is there any updates on the manga?
ReplyDeleteFor the sake of those ignorant people who fail to take the hand held camera approach to cinema as a milestone.. let's hope its a traditional film showing us the monsters background. I definitely think it will make more in the box office that way. In my opinion of course.
ReplyDeleteTo me, part of Cloverfield’s charm was just how decidedly anti-Hollywood it was. No happy ending, no easy answers, and no need for a sequel, although i am not agianst one, i just thought that if they decided not not make one i would still be happy, the whole mystery and clues is what makes this movie so appealing and fun to follow.
ReplyDeleteI know they've talked about using another civilian's footage, like the guy on the bridge, but like I told my friends, I'm not going to go puke over a movie about Bob and Bud because I won't learn anything new. I think the best way to make this work is to do the same camcorder style because as someone said, it didn't work well for Blair Witch to change things. It should be from someone's POV that has more information, but not TOO much. I don't want the mystery to be gone. I don't think it should be "found" footage either. Here's what I think it should be.
ReplyDeleteA news crew that was sent into Manhattan to get the closest shot of the monster (for the $), and happen to uncover something about Tagruato. Only a little bit, but enough for the company to want to confiscate the footage. The survivors of the crew would edit the footage and "post" it for the world to see so they could "know the truth."
Just my (2). But what it all comes down to is that I'll end up seeing whatever they produce :P
okay, think about it. the monster attacked about two weeks ago. so do you think the viral sites would update right after a huge monster attacked NYC? no. they would give a little recover time before they did some other update-ys. i don't know, just a theory. oh and BTW, i got my slusho! t-shirt today and it came with a piece of a Japanese news paper. i looked over about 3 times and i couldn't find anything that i thought could be connected to TIDO or Tagruarto. anybody have any info on this?
ReplyDeleteOy vey, the date "discrepancy" is simply a result of the need to make the viral marketing immediate. 1-18-08 in game is the SAME as May 27 200whateveritwas (or 29th, whatever day in May...) They needed to have the posts, vids and such appearing real time to give a sense of reality and impending disaster, but now that the movie is out, we know that the dates used in the game are not the movie dates, but are simply to give us that lead-in feeling.
ReplyDeleteIt's not that hard, folks :-)
Hey guys, I don't know if anyone else saw this, and I can't say if this has to do with Cloverfield or Lost, but I thought I'd mention it here. I was watching that new show, Eli Stone, on Thursday night. During the last commercial break before the show was over a commercial for some air line I've never heard of before. I didn't catch the whole thing but when I looked at the screen all the sudden it cut to some ragged guy with what looked like a downed plane behind him saying "we found it" and it cut right back to the commercial. Did anyone else see this?
ReplyDeleteYeah I got the same thing. Newspaper. Nothing caught my eye on there as relevant, but I kept it to scan it and see if I can't find someone who can translate it.
ReplyDeleteAshlee, demonc13aner, etc...
ReplyDeleteYou can read about the newspaper included in the Slusho! shipments here: http://cloverfieldclues.blogspot.com/search/label/Slusho%20shipments
i wouldnt mind a sequel in 3rd person. but i am sure it wont ever materialize because i would want one that gives answers. but i dont think that the public has any questions needing answers just us
ReplyDeleteGeez, I really hope they don't do another movie using someone elses POV. How formulaic is that? I personally love this movie. But I've read/heard rant after rant from people who hated it with a passion. Making another one using the same formula but different characters would just bomb, imo. I'd like to see some "military footage", maybe consisting of footage from the day of the attack, to answering at least a FEW questions about what happened to Rob and Beth and where the monster came from, and then expanding on the story from there.
ReplyDeleteI just saw the novie and was kinda like… WTF????
ReplyDeleteI liked it tho… but it didnt really have anything original… I mean, monster attacking and destroying New York; DONE! footage from a camcorder; DONE! I really liked the subway scene, when the “spider” things attacked them, but didnt understand what happened to the girl that was bitten, DID SHE EXPLODE???
I’d like a sequel that explains all these things, and that shows different points of views, but no more shaky camera; Please!
ReplyDeleteI dont kown if should be am other shaky hand film or a normal movie. It would be realy cool if it turned ot none of the people had dided but thats not very likly considering 1 blew up and an other was half eaten!
ReplyDeleteIf their gonna make a sequil, it should be done either from military POV or a survivors POV, and then add in news clips and things. Cause the 'terrible thing' is still alive and kickn' are asses. Anyhow thats my thought, can't wait for the 2 disc DVD release. Later.
ReplyDeleteI highly enjoyed the movie. After I watched it, my buddy asked me if I saw where it came from at the end of the movie..I was like what do you mean? He said when the movie cut to the guy and the girl in coney island you can see something fall from the sky and land in the ocean. So I had to watch it again and see for myself and sure as hell something fell from the sky and landed in the ocean.
ReplyDeleteI highly enjoyed the movie. After I watched it, my buddy asked me if I saw where it came from at the end of the movie..I was like what do you mean? He said when the movie cut to the guy and the girl in coney island you can see something fall from the sky and land in the ocean. So I had to watch it again and see for myself and sure as hell something fell from the sky and landed in the ocean.
ReplyDeleteI highly enjoyed the movie. After I watched it, my buddy asked me if I saw where it came from at the end of the movie..I was like what do you mean? He said when the movie cut to the guy and the girl in coney island you can see something fall from the sky and land in the ocean. So I had to watch it again and see for myself and sure as hell something fell from the sky and landed in the ocean.
ReplyDeleteI loved the action but the camera could have been on still, it gave me a bit of motion sickness