Monday, January 14, 2008

Free Cloverfield Screening - Indianapolis, IN

CloverfieldClues reader Travis has passes for 24 people to see Cloverfield tomorrow, January 15th, in Indianapolis, Indiana. These are first come, first serve, and you will need to pick up the tickets in Greenwood.

Email travis at if you are interested.

* Thanks Travis!

UPDATE: Travis let me know that all the tickets have been taken. Thanks again Travis!!!!


  1. Could we possibly get better resolution on that pass. I'm wondering what all that fine print was at the bottom, like "No camera phones, or recording devices allowed"!

  2. I wish I could attend ... Alas, I also turned down an invite to Rob's NYC bash on the 17th.

    I think I'm getting too old for this :-(

  3. i owe u, <3 thanks for the tickets bro!

  4. I would have been all over this if I wasn't teaching tonight. Big thanks to Travis for the hook up though.

  5. Bummer, I'm in Indy, but I already bought my tickets for the Thursday/Friday midnight showing. Oh well :)

  6. did he win the widget grab contest?

  7. I was there last night - GOOD film. Can't wait to see how Abrams will continue the Cloverfield story online.

    Wait for after the credits - there's a garbled voice that says something. I couldn't make it out, and no one else who was at the theater seemed interested. It has to mean something!

  8. no way dude, there were plenty of us in the theater at the end, but we couldnt make it out either
