- What is Cloverfield’s release date? 1.18.08
- What is the approximate total size of Manhattan, in square miles? 24
- What is the name of the villain in the original HALLOWEEN film? Michael Myers
- Mike Vogel – one of Cloverfield’s young stars – appeared opposite Channing Tatum (Step Up) in what film? Motorcross
- On 1.18 in 1964, the plans for what New York City skyscraper were unveiled? World Trade Center
- On 1.18 1919, the Paris Peace Conference, putting a close to WW1, opens in what French city? Versailles
- Which of the following TV series’ did Matt Reeves, Cloverfield’s director, create? Homicide: Life on the Street
- In the main poster for the film, INDEPENDENCE DAY, what was the alien space ship blowing up? The White House
- What is the record high temperature for New York City on 1.18? 60°
- Which of the following films does NOT involve a meteor headed towards Earth? Sunshine
- Janet Leigh, star of PSYCHO, is the mother of what Hollywood actress? Jamie Lee Curtis
- Who composed the music for the original horror film, HALLOWEEN? John Carpenter
- What film used the following tagline: “they’re coming to get you…again!” Night of the Living Dead
- Who played THE CREATURE in Kenneth Branagh’s 1994 remake of FRANKENSTEIN? Robert DeNiro
- In the original film, where is GODZILLA discovered to come from? Udo Island
- What is the name of the space-ship in the film, ALIEN? Nostromo
- Where did the “pods” come from in the original INVASION OF THE BODYSNATCHERS? Aliens
- In what famous 1953 disaster film did a monster come to New York and destroy Coney Island? The Beast from 20,000 fathoms
- Central Park is nearly six times as large as the world’s smallest country, which is? Vatican City
- What was New York City named by its first European settlers? New Amsterdam
* Thanks to Ken for emailing me about this, and for the questions and answers
Well, I got spanked. I got 9 out of 20, maybe I should've just googled it.
ReplyDeleteWas that 20/20 really what you got?
Yeah...I opted for the highlight. Some of the answers caught me off guard, really would have failed had I tried it on my own.
ReplyDeleteI hate to be the protagonist, but this site has become just one massive advert after another, rather than clues or theory.
ReplyDeleteAnd you will most likely delete this comment like you have before.
Atalaya - Dennis is doing the best he can to inform us about the marketing and clues related to this film.
ReplyDeleteSure, his updates involve cast/crew interviews, television spots, promotional photographs etc. But people (like me) love that. It keeps us informed.
He also brings out the podcasts every week to discuss the CLUES (i.e. JamieAndTeddy, Tagruato, TidoWave, etc.) and he includes those topics in his updates whenever something new involving them surfaces.
So I really don't see what the problem is.
The fact of the matter is, there isn't going to be a whole hell of a lot more "clues" going on. The movie comes out in less than a month,and its time for the full blown media assault.
ReplyDeleteWe've had 5 months to blog about clues and theories. Its time to get ready to watch the movie. I think one of the last things you might see is a final jamie/teddy video and an answer to who Rob gets a job with. Thats pretty much it. (Unless JJ has some bombshell cliffhanger planned that we have to see the movie to understand)
Also,For what its worth, Dennis has already stated this will be a spoiler free site.
i 'cheated' as well for 2nd question and on. Found some of the questions very interesting and I wonder if they are actually somewhat clues to the film. I loved the book "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers." I would've gotten all those questions right.
ReplyDeleteTo atalaya, I think Dennis is doing a good job. Like gabriel, i love the promo stuff just as much as the clues. Cloverfieldclues is without a doubt the best cloverfield site out there.
Atalaya, seriously dude, if you want exact plot points and shot-for-shot desciptions of the film, feel free to head elsewhere (aintitcool, etc.). It is now time to bring this beast ashore and enjoy the ride toward the 18th.
ReplyDeleteJimmy said... Well, I got spanked. I got 9 out of 20, maybe I should've just googled it. Was that 20/20 really what you got?
ReplyDeleteNo. I only got a 10 out of 20. I put that up, because it says "Good Job!" if you get them all right, which I thought was a nice touch.
Atalaya said... I hate to be the protagonist, but this site has become just one massive advert after another, rather than clues or theory. And you will most likely delete this comment like you have before.
I wish there were more "clues" too, but I just report what Cloverfield news I can find. Since it is the holiday season, and there have been NO clues lately, it's either "promotional" news or nothing.
As soon as there are any new clues, you'll certainly see them here.
And for the record, I very rarely delete comments.
i want the tv spots and the radio spots!
ReplyDeleteSomeone can give me then?
Please... my mail is delfinhernan@hotmail.com
thank you
and sorry for my english
i am an argentinian
please, help me.
iv seen them on vh1,scifi,usa,g4tv, and comedu central...yes comedy central.
ReplyDeleteok so iv been doin some thinking and i love some feed back on this... ok so the gov't calls this monster or whole situation cloverfield.I understand that but im still baffled on the "multiple sightings" part...does it mean multiple monsters (doubt it) or does it travel between borrows or is there multiple attacks and we only see the destruction of NYC...idk all just ideas.Once again tell me what you think.
ReplyDeleteI think they mean multiple people that saw the event/monster?
ReplyDeleteforgot to post the link so this makes my double post guess its really a triple. sorry.
the true story behind the poster
ReplyDeleteCould you somehow label the "Humor" posts so we don't waste any more time
going to a site where someone is showing us how good at photoshop they are? I do not come here to look at
silly pictures.
May be wishful thinking, but I would
ReplyDeletelike to believe until proven otherwise,
that multiple sightings refers to multiples cities because the trailer says that the site formerly known as
central park, just like we don't refer to the WTC as WTC anymore, we call it
ground zero. If other attacks occurred in other places, then they would change the name to indicate military involvement there also.
multiple sightings can mean that there is evidence that there are more than one sighting of the monster than just the fooatge. like...people seeing it and reporting it, that counts as a sighting.
ReplyDeleteMy theory was, and continues to be, that Cloverfield is a musical.
ReplyDeleteJimmy said...
ReplyDeleteMy theory was, and continues to be, that Cloverfield is a musical.
Oh, what's that in the sky?
See it flying high?
I think it's lady liberty's head
I'm almost sure we'll all be dead
Here comes the army pumping lead
into this monster in our Cloverfieeeeeld
Oh no, oh no, it seems we're in a rut
a camera in my hand and some Slusho in my gut
The monster's getting near and it's soon becoming clear
We'll all need to escape our Cloverfieeeeeld
There's rifles unloading and people exploding and cars getting crushed in the street
If Hud loses our tape we could be royally raped, crushed under this monster's feet
Tagruato's in a real big mess, when the president finds out what they did they'll have to confess
They've decimated our poor Cloverfieeeeeld
Ahem, I liked the musical idea a little too much, and was in quite the creative mood. ahaha.
It should be added to the Cloverfield dvd as an extra sang by the cast
Lol nice musical.
ReplyDeleteso it's cthulhu or what?
ReplyDeletecburgess: thanks, haha.
ReplyDeletebriareus : I think Abrams himself confirmed it wasn't Lovecraft, so no Cthulhu... Which is good, we get to be surprised with a brand new monster! :P
ReplyDeleteanyone else seen this ad??
where is it from?
tom said... Dennis, Could you somehow label the "Humor" posts so we don't waste any more time going to a site where someone is showing us how good at photoshop they are? I do not come here to look at silly pictures.
ReplyDeletetom said... http://bp3.blogger.com/_wvoLtwni0kc/R22oCaUrkcI/AAAAAAAAM0o/b3Y8R_GVDLk/s1600-h/clvrf-monster.jpg anyone else seen this ad?? where is it from?
I think you answered your own question ;)
It's been floating around UnFiction - someone is trying to pass it off as Cloverfield marketing material.
IT IS NOT REAL... the Cloverfield font doesn't even match, and it looks heavily Photoshopped. Just another FAKE monster fan-art.
ReplyDeleteHere's your fake monster...it's from Ultraman: http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/7386/ultramannexusae7.jpg
ReplyDeleteI did an experiment where I went through the entire quiz without clicking any answers, but I somehow still got 1/20. Huh.
When are they updating the questions?