There is a new photo on 1-18-08.com site*. It looks like another monster attack, this time on what looks like some large ships. There's either a glitch in the photo, or something is intentionally blurred out. There's nothing on the back.
UPDATE: the link above is to our mirror of the original 1-18-08 site. DO NOT go to the original 1-18-08 website anymore. The domain expired and is no longer controlled by Paramount, and someone else snatched it up to run ads with malware.
* Thanks to Michael A. for emailing me first!
It looks like the blurred out image could possibly be a lifeboat. Think so?
ReplyDeleteHoly Cow....
ReplyDeleteLooks more like a screen capture from a video game.
ReplyDeleteLooks more like a screen capture from a video game.
ReplyDeleteLooks more like a screen capture from a video game.
ReplyDeleteLet the scouring begin. I'm thinking that somewhere online, there is a news story about this, waiting to be found.
ReplyDeleteWell that must be the Ship from Norway that the News reports say they lost contact with...
ReplyDeleteSo...did the ship get attacked first???
cuz if so, wouldn't the attack on the station be expected??? hmm...
wow first post...man cant wait what the monster does to New York... after he just destroyed that place
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or does the blurred out part look sort of like the Statue of Liberty---just a far away.
ReplyDeleteCould that be the oil tanker capsizing? They talk about it on NY1 in one of the previews.
ReplyDeletei guess comments r gonna be neglected for a bit, i feel so lost...
ReplyDeletei think this is the norwegian oil tanker that was mentioned in the news report that said it had been missing... any thoughts on that? does anybody remember the name of the ship that was leaving new york for norway?
ReplyDeletelooks like claw marks on the left side of the ship. the mayhem going on is awesome.
ReplyDeletemaybe this is janice's picture
ReplyDeleteok, take a closer look at this pic. By the capsized ship you see the smoke. Look where the actual fire is right next to the ship. It looks like an eyeball. If you look at it, it has the shape of the head and some kind of horns(I think) up on top.
ReplyDeleteIt looks to me like there is a dark area under the water just to the left of the ship.
ReplyDeleteAlso, there are a couple of lines on the left side of the ship that look like they could be tentacles.
It also looks like there is something in the rigging on the right side of the ship, near the water. More tentacles? It really isn't high-res enough for me to tell.
Might I suggest that this means that the monster is no longer secret to the government, and the attack is going to happen insanely soon, leaving the footage to be found on the 18th.
ReplyDeleteThere's a second blurred out spot to the right of the smoke. It appears to be a tower or something sticking out from another ship or the water.
ReplyDeletewhat is that checkered looking square, bottom left?
ReplyDeletei brightened it up so we can all see more detail.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fake looking picture! I know the ARG isnt where they spent all their money--but if the movie looks like the ARG material I will be very disappointed.
ReplyDeleteGood to have you back Dennis---I was worried I would have to go through the last 4 days without CloverfieldClues!!!
Yo Dennis.. Hope Cali's a welcome break, but good to know you're still keeping tabs on this stuff.. im probably the 9,999th person to say this but just left of the centre seems to be a 'grid' ref, like sattlelites use. In the 'grid' is a suspicious looking 'oil spill'.. Where was this pic taken? Like others speculate, i think the 1-18-08 pics and the oil rig footage is all from the same phone/camera.. the same one Jamie's using? the one Teddy sent her?
ReplyDeleteSweet another attack. Clearly it must have happened recently in the photo for there to be more ships and helicopters around while the ship is still afloat and on fire.
ReplyDeleteHaha, did anyone see commercials for the movie "Meet the Spartans" that makes fun of Cloverfield?
claw marks on the side of the ship going down...pretty big claw marks....nice..
ReplyDeleteThere's 2 chopers in the photo like there's 2 in the teaser poster. Ther's also 3 blured patches. 2 on the front of the sinking ship and the other is small, on the right side of the ship, above the tug boat.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, thanks for this site! (And sorry for my bad english)
ReplyDeleteAnd now, the photo: Wuuuuoooooo! Can you see the claw mark at the boat's side? I enlarged the photo with Photoshop, and the similarity with the "Statue of Liberty" back's mark is incredible! (Is the same mark)...
Aaaand...well, thanks for read this stupid post :)
Hugs from Spain!
It looks like a box, like it had information on it or a time stamp or something perhaps.
ReplyDeleteDoea anyone else see claw marks on the hull?
ReplyDeleteYou can
ReplyDeleteYou can also see a trail in the water like the monster came from behind the boat and into the front and that's where the blured patches are.
ReplyDeleteI thinks it's blurred because it's classified. It's either the monster, or something that the military didn't want released. The soldier that's pixled in the trailer is another example.
ReplyDeleteI'm willing to bet that the pikcelations are Tagurato.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like Tagruato is blurring out the monster.
ReplyDeleteThat could be the Hav Vind
ReplyDeleteThats so Tagruato’s ship....or was the one that was missing around the time the station went down....hmmmm....oh and Dennis...thanks for the site....4 DAYS LEFT!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Dennis,
ReplyDeleteMy initial guess is that those are the ships that were near Chuai at the time of the 1st attack. Looks like some Coast guard or military ships in the background and what appear to be blackhawk helicopters.
HOWEVER, in the foreground right, there appears to be a TUGBOAT, so I dont think Tugboats would be able to travel to the mid Atlantic ridge. Which leads me to think this has to be somewhere else. It could be NY harbor, that tanker which capsized, as it looks like the ship is leaning, ready to flip. You can also see the pipes where the oil is pumped out of tankers, and the ship's bridge looks like a tanker's bridge.
There are various tankers, so it's possible.
That blur is most likely the monster, you can see the gash marks on the hull.
It took me looking at this photo again to notice that the man in the back left corner of the previous disaster photo has a transparent halo around his head.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first post here, but I've been following this site for awhile now. I can honestly say after looking at the picture, there is definitely something blurred out intentionally. We all know why, of course, the question is "who" took the picture?
ReplyDeletei wonder why there are helicopters... probably evacuation....
ReplyDeleteWhat interests me so much about the blurring is that it has an embossed border! And the blurring is unusual; the picture itself isn't blurred enough in that area to warrant those brighter squares, which leads me to think it's a watermark, or text. Maybe a box with labels pointing out important things in that little area; that's a fairly standard Defence Forces thing to do. And the weirdest bit, imho, is that the ship on the right is also blurred, but why?
ReplyDeleteGet this! I typed this on google "1-14-08 attack ships". And this is the first web site that I got. http://www.federalnewsradio.com/?nid=82&sid=1325971 Itt talks about China cargo ships sinks off Taiwan. It might be something, but I'm not sure.
ReplyDeleteCommercial ships and military helicopters?
ReplyDeleteHrmmm...First comment I think.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, so many things in this picture. The choppers in the background, the obvious blurr. near the bottom of the upturned wreckage to the right, there seems to be another shadow. and on the two poles extending form the wreackage, at the end there seems to be some crustacean. I know that last thing is malarchy, and I'm just not looking hard enough to realize what it is.
I'd say that the blurred zones are parts of the monster
ReplyDeleteis that a blur in the mid bottom or is that some... iono what thats called... pixelation?
ReplyDeleteI like the water mark idea, i can zoom in and look for stuff.
ReplyDeleteThx for giving us beautiful comments dennis, i missed them.
i checked out the pixelated spots, and nothing jumped out at me.
ReplyDeleteBut, that black spot in the big pixelation does seem to have a convex shape, and it sticks out far enough that it cant be a part of the ship, maybe its a nectar spill like in the chuai vids (now we know its black cause of Jamie), but it might be a little bump of the monster, idk.
What i did notice is the long wind like logo stretched across both sides of the front of the ship. I really think this is a military ship, not our missing tanker.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems as though there may have been a few other ships around when the initial attack on this ship happened. Possibly this too was documented (by the same people/person?) and will be leaked for another news story or stories to be found on youtube?
ReplyDeletehere's a niggeer version for everybody:
the ship is definetly near the coast. on the right is not a ship, it is the coast. I say this because the ship looks like it has been there for a while and is now hit bottom and is stuck there. Also a tug boat would not approach a ship that has just been attacked by a skyscraper monster.
ReplyDeleteAlso, definetly not the oil tanker. This is a cargo vessel. (masts on the front used for loading/unloading cargo, and the ship in the news clip was black.
Probally not tenticals in the blur either
The Janice Theory.
ReplyDeleteSo, as many of youknow (and some don´t) i´m traveling to San Diego next weekend..so yesterday somethig REALLY weird happened to me.
A friend of mine asked me if I was going to see Cloverfield and I said yes!
Then he asked when..and the i said:
JAnuary Nineteenth of Cero eight... we here spell Cero, but sounds ZE
and then it hits me...
"Wait for Janice’s picture. " right?
Ja- January
ni - 19th
ce- pronounce ze...zero eight?
"Then you’ll know where to meet us. "
In the www.1-18-08 maybe we have to wait for the 19th day´s picture.
I guess there is going to be an reward for fans or something...maybe?
Okay, sharpening the blurred areas in photoshop did nothing. The special little squares make me think a special blur was used, and maybe using the same program it can be undone?
ReplyDeleteOkay, long time reader ... first time poster :-D. I lightened up the picture even further and tooled around a bit with the contrast etc. You can't make out much but I'm willing to bet the farm that the object in the background on the right side is the statue of liberty ... placing this capsized ship in the New York harbor somewhere.
I can definitley make out the claw marks but with the blurred portions of the pic it's hard to see or make out much else. The one question I have is why is the area around what I think is Lady Liberty blurred out?
Dave, thanks for brightening the picture! It's pretty clear that you can see the monster's tentacles now on the right side of the ship (immediately in front of tugboat). Great Site!! I'm pumped about this movie.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone notice the most obvious thing about this picture? It's dawn. The sun is coming up.
ReplyDeleteObviously this picture is taken towards the end of the ordeal in New York. Also, There is a sill in the foreground making me think that his picture is being taken from another helicopter. Is this the helicopter that the characters are riding on?
mna thats another sweet pic that will leave us guessing again...man this is insane my best guess of the monster is the Kraken...every body has there own versons of it..check it out..but i bet a 100 bucks im off..lol
ReplyDeletei am guessing that the monster goes back into the water after the movie is over and they don't destroy it. so maybe there will be a sequel cause this is "america's monster"
ReplyDeleteit does kinda look like the statue of liberty in the back right
stop thinking tentacles, start thinking... RUN!!!
ReplyDeletelots of speculation going on, goo din once bad in another. As always people are seeing what they want to see. Those Helicopters could be medical/sea rescue, not military. The right blurred spot looks a lot like the SOL, but why blur it out? to hide its location prehaps. The other blurred spots inst the monster.... a small tug boat wouldnt be approaching the tanker if there was a huge monster still swimming around it. I would say its a spill of some type, oil or sea bed necter. There are no tenticles in this picture! There are claw marks but i dont see them being the same as the ones on the back of the headless SOL. To the very left of the pic is another ship, prehaps the one that gets blown up in NY's harbor from the movie? Or prehaps as some have said this is the day after and this is the exploded ship fromt he movie, but it seems a bit far away (if the right blur is the SOL) from the harbor to what we see in the movie. Oh and ther eis no trail leading away or behind the boat..... i dont see it anyway. Also wouldnt you think that if the government thought there was a monster heading towards or near NY they would evacuate the city, making up some pamademic excuse?
ReplyDeletewooo!!!!!!!! I'm seeing Cloverfield in 20 hours!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI personally think the big blurred area is the claw marks, similar to the SOL on the poster. Makes sense to blur that out b/c if someone sees claw marks on a huge ship like that... that's gonna get some attention.
ReplyDeleteIf the blur on the far right is the SOL, then it makes sense to blur that too b/c then no one can place the incident near NY. But, it also DOESN'T make sense b/c if that is the SOL, then SOMEONE would see the plume of smoke somewhere and wonder what it is.
Everything is VERY interesting. I'm sure they'll be a new news video sometime soon.
Dang you E!!...That was what I was gonna say..lol. It looks like a blurred out pic of the statue of liberty on the right side of the pic...not a blurred out boat. Since the attack on the Tagruato station JUST happened...then this would be the next attack since it's on it's way to NY. FRIDAY WILL BE SO GREAT!
ReplyDeletethey were on a huey in the trailer, those are black hawks
ReplyDeleteNow that the possibility of photo manipulation on 1-18-08 has been introduced with the censored areas of the new photo, I think we should take note of what Anedaran said above. Looking at the picture from the Chaui disaster, the Tagruato ninja on the left side seems to have a circle around his head.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I'm tricking myself, but it definitely seems like his face is highlighted when compared to the darkness of the rest of the photo. What do you guys think?
Anyone notice the "bad-robot" head on top of the tug boat?
ReplyDeletei think it's a future oicture like the ones we were seeing before. this has to be during the monster attack. the army knows that it is coming before it hits new york. battle ship by the pers of new york to me it looks like the navy and air force were waiting for some one... or some thing DUN! DUN!
ReplyDeleteHmm somethings still doesnt add up.. We can keep speculating about it being a "lion-squid, oil-eating pumped up by Sea Bed Nectar thing from the deep.. space monster thingie.. LoL
ReplyDeleteWhat we can tell so far about the "Monster" from bioloical point of view:
-"IT" has three (3) claws on each limb.. (from the Statue of Liberty, Shipwreck carnage)
-"IT" survived the transition from Deep-Sea pressure to Surface or sea-level pressure.. most deep sea creatures die when brought up to sea-level..
-"IT" has very hard & thick carapace/shell/skin.. we can see from the trailers that the US Army is practically throwing & will throw everything(probably Anti-Tank Missiles & Armor piercing) at it with minimal damage.. whatever "IT" is, "IT's" winning..
which makes "IT" heavy & bulky.. look at the destryed SoL posters, the buildings are damaged from the sides & have serious drag marks..
-"IT" has serious power.. "IT" sank or pulled apart a semi-bouyant oil rig without surfacing.. imagine trying to topple someone in an inflatable chair in your pool from underneath the water..
-"IT" breathes both air & sea water.. or maybe like some crabs, have breathable seawater stored somewhere for "IT" to survive surface assault on NY..
so far "IT" is a scary big monster that is really unique & will crush all that stod in its way.. i'm not a biologist maybe i'm hoping there is someone out there who can help us.. well thats it, my 2 cents.. goodluck to all & Dennis, nice work.. hehehe
New picture up on 1-18-08.com!
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a new photo again, infra image of a carrier group attacking the monster, seems the military had some manner of advanced warning. It certainly explains the soldiers and tanks on the streets so quickly, though not why the city was not evacuated.
ReplyDeleteNew picture up on 1-18-08
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm not sure I if I'm the only one who's discovered this. Has anyone notice that the Chuai Station Footage can ony be found on site that are related to Cloverfield? I tried looking it up ion Fox News and CNN and got nothing. And we all know this video is computer. So why make a fake video? Its for the movie! They might show this stuff in the beging of Cloverfield and that's haw the Army knows and that's how they get to New York so quickly! Why would they do that you ask? Beacuse Tagruato has a thig for Slusho and Robert is going away to Japan for a job at Slusho! go to this web site, it proves a lot of stuff I'm saying now http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slusho And this photo was taken at dawn but the next photo (#9) was taken in night-vision. I think the 2 newest photos are backwards! #9 was taken 1st because that's when the Navy/Army are giving all they got to "It". And #8 was the after math of the battle! It's dawn and a ship has been destoried and you can see the blured image of the SOL on the back right, with no head!
ReplyDeleteThat photo is definitely post attack, there is no monster being blurred out. A tugboat would not be arriving on seen if the monster was still there. Secondly, look at the SIZE of those claw marks compared to the blurred out area. What they blur...one of the monsters hangnails? Not even close in size. That is a time stamp, title or even something on the window of the vessel (guessing a helicopter) that the picture is being taken from. Maybe blurring a military or a corporate logo out. It kind of reminds me( I AM NOT SAYING IT IS THIS) of how the French in the American Godzilla went around in secret trying to clean up the mess. So it reeks of cover up. Not that you can hide the monster but maybe its origins.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone get me that night vision image? For some reason I can't capture it with my PSP version...I bet if you fool with the picture you'll be able to make out a little more of what's going on there. :-D
You know, I totally thought that the blurred out image was its hand pulling the boat under, 'cause it's as big as the claw marks, and if you look at it a certain way (not trying for wild speculation, here), it looks like it has three fingers.
ReplyDeleteBut once y'all mentioned it just blocking out the date, or the number of the boat, I realized that I was just lookin' for stuff that's not there.
The tugboat could approach because they received a distress call. They probably didnt see the monster until the last second, then they'll probably run away.
ReplyDeleteThe boat may look bad like its been sitting there for days, but theres obviously a fire, which makes things look crappy.
MIKEPDT, I work in the cargo industry, and that is not a cargo ship's crane. That bridge looks like a cargo ship, but it could also be a tanker. I know what you're thinking about, but those types of ship "stick" cranes dont have "VENTS". And usually, ships of this size, are offloaded with GANTRY CRANES, not on-board cranes.You're thinking of that ship crane like in KING KONG. You see that mushroom looking pipe next to the pole thing? thats a vent for the fumes in an oil tanker.
Most of the tanker is underwater and twisted up. What you see above is the rear half of the ship.
Also, the blur IS ON PURPOSE. they already BLURRED the face of the SOLDIER before. This is either top secret, or it's blurred to keep the mystery a mystery. Perhaps the images will be UNBLURRED later.
You guys are over analyzing this thing. This is a CGI pic, and its not that great. Just try to find out the symbols and clues/blurrs.
ANADERAN, I SEE THE HALO TOO! I'm thinking its a "highlight" or a "spotlight" so that your eyes focus on that face. It could be TEDDY! That halo could be a WATER DROP on the LENS though...hehehehe.
i bet you this what cause that huge explosion that we see in the preview
ReplyDeleteMaybe someone else has already pointed this out, but this is not the only place we see a pixelated image. Watch the official trailer -- about halfway through, when the officers are taking the bitten girl away, one man says "there's nothing you can do for her" -- and his face is all pixelated -- and the pixels follow his face.
Subtext? The military or someone else has been doctoring the footage we are watching... so the veracity of everything we're watching is called into question. It's a perfect American movie -- with its roots in the Puritan hermeneutic of suspicion and the love of conspiracy theories.
do u guyz think tht this could be the aftermath of what happend in the nightvision pic?
ReplyDeletei just found somthing wierd, in the italian version of the chuai they use a graphic to represent the drilling staion on their map, in the graphic there is an explosion, the explosion matches the exact shape of the explosion in the nightvison pic, just wondering people's thoughts on this