There is a new video on JamieandTeddy.com (password: jllovesth).
Jamie has officially transitioned into full blown crazy.
You can download the video directly here: http://www.jamieandteddy.com/number10.mov
Or watch it on YouTube: ???
This space intentionally left blank.
* Thanks to Vlad for emailing me first (and for the 100+ other emails)!
Jamie has officially transitioned into full blown crazy.
You can download the video directly here: http://www.jamieandteddy.com/number10.mov
Or watch it on YouTube: ???
This space intentionally left blank.
* Thanks to Vlad for emailing me first (and for the 100+ other emails)!
i seriously thought you died or were takin'
ReplyDeletehostage by tagruato. welcome back, dennis.
those two days you didn't post anything
were two of the longest days every.
hahaha i can only imagine how many people emailed thinking they were supplying the "scoop." Where in cali are you right now? if youre near hollywood you should go to arclight to see cloverfield. it has some of the nicest sound around here. never any jackasses giving commentary and the such. have a good trip.
ReplyDeletemost ppl will say this is phase three of the crab's withdrawl faces, but, unless another video proves me wrong, im going to say this is the back end of phase three and mostly phase 4 (which i assume is some form zombie-like apathy, and or comatose like symptoms.
ReplyDeleteIm mean, for christ sake, she blinks like 8 times in the whole movie, she is sniveling tho too.
This isnt crying anymore, this is dementia.
Im also gonna say that she takes some more and gets happy again, because she's happy at the party.
This confirms what I though about the 'evidence' its a drug to her and I'm guessing shes run out or doesnt realise shes addicted to it and crashing like a crack whore. I cant wait for the next one, I'm betting she starts complaining about how she feels or gets all weepy.
ReplyDeleteso does that count as sad or violent?
ReplyDeleteOh god she is Crazy and i am the first;)
ReplyDeleteShe is deffinitly following the pattern of the crab on the slusho site. First she was (sort of) happy, than angry, and now sad. I wonder what is next.
ReplyDeleteThat is one of the most paranoid things I have ever witnessed .... The only way that this is now at all pertinent to the movie is that she is a complete maniac during Rob's party, and unless you watched these, "Jamie Loves Teddy" clips, you would have no idea as to why her character is crazy.
ReplyDeletepoor Jamie...... Just crying and in this video she looks like a girl who just broke u with her bf and is trying to compensate anyway possible....
ReplyDeleteI don't think there's any clues here...
well... waiting until the next video....
Damn... is it me or did it just get a little CRAZY in here??
ReplyDeletelmao She's going Britney on us!
ReplyDeletecome to think of it, I think my ex-wife did the same thing once.
ReplyDeleteHoly Jesus, this girl has completely lost it. I hope she's not this emo when Rob's party rolls around.
ReplyDeleteWow, that was profound of her. I was hoping that she might have found a clue or some more SBN inside the bear after she took off the head.
ReplyDeleteI hope that we don't have to watch a video of her crying and groveling her apologies to him after she finds out that he really is in trouble. :-)
Here's a Dailymotion link if you want http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x41vwk_number10-jamie_webcam, use it as you want ;)
ReplyDeletehere is he youtube link...
ReplyDeletewell, maybe she now knows what really happened to Teddy and this is it
ReplyDeleteFor YouTube
ReplyDeleteFor YouTube
Blimus! Reminds me of my ex. The girl I mean, not the bear.
ReplyDeleteGood work Dennis.
Well, that was... disturbing.
ReplyDeleteShe is crazy.
ReplyDeleteIt's getting so close. I can't wait.
Maybe I am being Captain Obvious here but a lot of people are posting that this freaked out chick is going to have some reaction to whatever it was she ate, explode or go crazy or whatever before the movie is released.......BUT.... isnt that a picture of her on 1-18-08 dot com taken at the going away party? Which would be AFTER all these videos are made?
ReplyDeleteThat is just creepy. Jamie is crazy now and she wasn't exactly sane before.
ReplyDeleteEven Britney Spears thinks Jamie is crazy.
ReplyDeleteThat... that was creepy! I couldn't even watch that.
ReplyDeleteDoes that make me weird or something? That *disturbed* me.
So does this mean that the monster is a giant headless, armless, legless, teddy bear? Jamie is C-R-A-Z-Y.
ReplyDeleteDennis! Welcome back! We missed you in forum :-)
ReplyDeleteHere is youtube version
jamie and teddy video 10 im youtub here: http://mx.youtube.com/watch?v=98F5zi3oZfY
ReplyDeletei think she is beggining to get crazy XD
O.....kay...... o.o
ReplyDeleteI take it this is the Seabed Nectar comedown phase? Kind of the like serious low after the serious high you get with some drugs.
She hardly seems human any more. She's definitely totally lost her mind. She was totally blank throughout that video. I'm thinking we'll see one more Jamie video before Cloverfield is released. Presumably where she dies or mutates or whatever. Also, first.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's safe to say she has lost it.
ReplyDeleteShe is also going to feel real bad when she learns Teddy was on that station on the news...
Wow. She really has lost her frickin' mind. I hope we get some comments soon, but I know you're outta town, Dennis.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if this is a side effect of the "ingredient?" She really looks a little manic.. or is it just wishful thinkin' on my part?
This one was almost as funny as her hate dance. Nothing will ever top the hate dance! :)
ReplyDeleteYup, I'm one of the other 100+ that emailed. Sorry, Dennis.
ReplyDeleteAnd this further supports my theory that Jamie is going through the 5 stages of death.
ReplyDeleteTitle really suits the video. Shes gones nutty on that stuff.
ReplyDeleteso..... it makes you extremely happy, mad, then crazy? What's next, suicide? It seems like her mental state has gotten consistently worse.
ReplyDeleteYet another pointless video.
ReplyDeleteWe get it, she hates Teddy!
Do something interesting!
That seemed like a lot of extra work just to cut the head off of a teddy bear.
ReplyDeleteThere is something disturbing about watching that video. Maybe it's the silence, since we're so used to hearing her whine and bitch about Teddy's "skank."
ReplyDeleteI wonder if there will be anymore after this? I'd hope for at least one more, some sort of apology at least.
heyyyyyyyyyyyy first comment, well its obvious that the sea nectar that she ate is messing with her, cuz after she ate it, she felt great, then she felt anger, and now she is depressed, and i have a good feeling something is going to happen to her in the next video, probably will answer our questions as to why we dont see her in the trailer.....
ReplyDeleteMaybe the stuff she had is making her slow down? I wonder what the connection between the deep sea nectar and the monster is...
ReplyDeleteAfter watching that I'm glad she's just an actress because I'm pretty sure I'd end up that crazy woman. I'm a crazy magnet.
So why do you think she's getting a lot of mood swings. Well she ate the sea bed nectar but she was happy, then aggravated and now....silent, spooky, crazy, and EEEEEEMOOOOOOOO.
What explains the way she gets the attitude adjustments more than others who drink Slusho was because she ate the real primary evidence and then BAM she's dancing, skipping, and now....cutting stuffed animals...DAAAMN
that was AWESOME...probably the best vid yet...if there was any doubt of wether or not to hate her ITS GONE!
ReplyDeleteshe has lost any single thread of her sanity that was left(if any) after the "hate dance"
hoooooolllllyyyyyyyy schnikey!!!!
ReplyDeleteso i think we can all agree that seabed nectar is not worth the deliciousness...
apparently Clover the sea monster had a liiiiiitle too much and in 4 days (woot!) will proceed to cut off the limbs and heads of many more unsuspecting teddy bears, a.k.a. statues of liberty.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first video where I have found her attractive. Since Teddy ain't comin back, I might have to holla.
ReplyDeleteim tellin ya, this is phase 4 of the slusho crab. Who knows what comes next.
ReplyDeleteThis lady's a pretty good actress tho, u have to admit, her character in really unrealistic and shes pulling it off.
damn right
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else notice the bottle of visine on the bed?
ReplyDeleteFake tears or story-related drug induced red-eye?
I love Jamie!
ReplyDeleteThis is the "sad" faze. Notice she's been crying. Or she's passed the crying faze, and is now in the..well...whatever the hell emotion the crab is showing after sadness.
ReplyDeleteI have to say, this is hilarious, saying nothing while staring at the camera with murderous hatred.
damn i was hoping she would accidently slip and slit her wrist. Oh well. She is definatly following the symptoms of the crab.
ReplyDelete5 bucks says jamie is in the cab that the statue of liberty head ends up on after it stops rollin down the street. BYE JAMIE. Way to be dumb.
ReplyDelete5 bucks says jamie is in the cab that the statue of liberty head ends up on after it stops rollin down the street. BYE JAMIE. Way to be dumb.
ReplyDeletepeople you really need to start writing first post. your not first.
ReplyDeleteThis is how we will defeat the monster- jamie with a pair of Scissors! As soon as she finds out it killed her Teddy- Woah, boy watch out!
ReplyDeleteFull-Goose-Bozo crazy! Get the girl some more SBN, She'll come around. (and rip off the door!)
ReplyDeleteI should call her; rebound chicks are da bomb! LOL
ReplyDeletehmmm, maybe my ex-wife got a hold of some deep sea nectar too... It would explain a lot.
ReplyDeleteY´know, the more I see of Jamie and the weirder she gets, the more I like her.
ReplyDeleteThe reason some people hate her is probably just because they got it wrong and expected her to be more like Rachel Blake and less like Chris Crocker.
She should totally have her own spin off tv-show if she survives.
Imagine "Cloverfield: The Jamie Lascano Chronicles"...
crazy video... i LOVED the part where shes trying to cut off the left (her right) leg. she just cant cut it off. that was hilarious. she even skipped it and went back to it later. that was HILARIOUS. but shes literally and one emo psycho weird crazy depressed chick....
ReplyDeleteso im guessing next she'll be alarmed according to the 4 crab stages.