We’ve been laying low (those hunters are after us) but I’m sure everyone’s seen the latest drool about that putrid drink. Wake up, America’s heartland!! Ganu shouldn’t be allowed to sell anything without FDA approval. This is just another of Tagruato’s many lies. First they murdered their own workers, then they spilled their death-station into our ocean. Now they’re trying to put their garbage inside all of us…
But we’re not saying anything that hasn’t been said before. Our loyal members know the truth about Slusho. And it’s those members who are going to bring about the change.
I don’t know how people keep falling for Tagruato’s constant deception….maybe it’s Ganu….maybe everything lies with him?
We're still waiting to hear from Janice... are we missing something that might already be out there?
* Thanks to Ty, Kate, and Travis for emailing me!
You Know, I've Been Thinking....Who could be 'taking' the photos on 1-18-08.com?
ReplyDeletei know alot of them are from 'the night', but... i dunno...I always try to make something out of nothing!
Yay, I called what Tag's army was doing on the chuai station! That is, if Tido is to be believed. The whole "maybe it's ganu....maybe everything starts with him" sounds like such a big "wink wink nudge nudge say no more" kind of thing. I've been scowering the most recent stuff, but either I'm really dense or what we might be supposed to find is really tiny.
ReplyDeleteNot only are we now waiting for the picture from Janice, but now we know we're gonna get another video from Jamie concerning something with Teddy when they say Our loyal members know the truth about Slusho.
ReplyDeleteok this is off topic of the post but...if you go to tidowave.com and look up at the banner at the top directly behind the sinking oil rig station, to me(an avid godzilla fan) i see the original godzilla almost smiling with flames around him...and yes i know the movie isnt godzilla but yet its wierd that itd be right there behind that drilling station which we could all infere was the chuai station falling down...so idk check it out...i just zooomed in and i think its pretty clear
ReplyDeleteI really want a TIDOWave T-Shirt. Does anybody at all know how I can get one? I want to show up at the theatre on opening night wearing the image on the site's welcome page.
ReplyDeleteIve been thinking for the longest that we are missing something. There has to be a site were missing or something out there that we overlooked.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the fact they are on the same site means that the video footage of the station and the photos on the party were taken on the SAME CAMERA?
I also think that we all could be missing something......as far as the pictures all being taken on the second camera....that would mean that someone from the escape raft that was leaving the oil rig.....would be at rob's going away party.
ReplyDeleteI KNOW this isn't anything, I just thought it funny, and had to share with with you guys after seeing the advertisement on TV for the egyptian travel website.
Something similar about that logo, no ^_^?
Once again, I'm not deluding myself, this is a complete coincidence.
Is that the spider alien from lost in space?
ReplyDeleteWho is Janice and what could she have that is already out "there"? Could it be information of some sort, like a document?
theos, how can that be, we the cameraman on the boat that was escaping the Chuai station apparently got whacked by the debris that fell from the sky?
ReplyDeletewho is janoce i think i missed that
ReplyDeletei firmly believe we are missing something. and i believe this latest post from tido is only trying to tell us that we missed something. it is much to anticlimactic. why they not mention anything about janice's picture? they're trying to point us in the right direction. i just have no idea what direction that is
ReplyDeleteInteresting theory, Theos. It could be, but did the camera survive the debris crash?
ReplyDeleteP.S- I just had a dream about that news report... :S
Rosario I share your suspicion. I risk sounding like a broken record but I've mentioned before, I completely believe the "survival kit" post on TIDOWave was a cryptogram or some kind of code you'd expect such a group to use to pass information around, and no one seems to have paid any attention to it.
ReplyDeleteA list of seven seemingly unrelated items.
The (deliberate, I believe) use of the word "array" instead of awry.
"Warm towel" in quotations (in crossword puzzles this usually means to substitute a synonym).
Swiss Army Knife is an internet link (which doesn't work). Why?
Here in Miami, every year they have a sort of scavenger hunt sponsored by the newspaper, involving riddles and puzzles and double-entendres exactly like this, where you have to rearrange the letters in the answers to the puzzles, or select every second letter, every third letter, etc. to reveal the final destination. It's very difficult, but fun to attempt. It might very well be nothing, but this post was so odd it immediately reminded me of that, and it's bothered me for weeks.
I don't believe this post was meant to be taken as literal advice for protesters or activists. I'm convinced it's something that has to be rearranged to reveal something else, something TIDO would use to distribute information to its members in a safe way. The assumption would be that they would know the trick to sorting it out as part of their indoctrination with the group, while we have to figure it out. I'm just not clever enough to do that. Maybe someone else might be inspired and make that leap of logic I keep missing?
i dont think theres anything up with the photos on 1-18-08. we all think that the pcs take place in real time because of the time codes, but in my opinion it was seriously just cloverfields first viral site so i believe matt reeves in that the pics dont nessearily mean the movie takes place in real time. but then again i do believe jamie will be in at the party because the pics are official, whether they take place in real time or not. plus i find the fact that we havent seen her in movie very suspicious, does anyone else think she might have a different actress for the movie?
ReplyDeleteI still think that there's a possibility that the newest picture on 1-18-08.com could be Janice's picture. The time frame for when the picture was released was too perfect. Maybe there's something in it that we are overlooking?
ReplyDeleteGuys we need to start focusing on slusho.jp theres so much stuff there that has no meaning to it like the hammer oven mitt and "swiss" cheese.
ReplyDeleteI just realized something, but it could mean nothing big.
ReplyDeleteOn the Tagurato site, when they say that the special ingrediant was approved, it said it was approved by the AFA (American Food Association).
But, on the TIDOwave site, they quote "Ganu shouldn’t be allowed to sell anything without FDA approval."
That's because they HAVEN'T gotten FDA approval. They got approval from the AFA, which isn't a real organization.
Looks to me like some more corporate cover-up.
What if theres an American commercial of the Slusho! product? They make a slight reference to something like that when they say "We’ve been laying low (those hunters are after us) but I’m sure everyone’s seen the latest drool about that putrid drink. "
ReplyDeleteThe last post on TIDOwave if you open it like this http://tidowave.com/blog/?p=18 is written in the other font than all the other posts opened this way (by clicking Read more...)
ReplyDeleteIf you take a look at the code you'll see that other posts have the following tag framing them:
font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial" span style="font-size: 12px" /span /font
The last one does not have those but it has this one instead of it:
tt /tt
which is used to render text in a fixed width typewriter style font.
As a Testament to Dennis's Dopeness, he has broken down the site for the late bloomers and noobs...IMO this site will go down in history along with this movie...cuz who can mention a life altering, mind blowing, highly anticipated movie that was an ARG, without mentioning which online site held the most collective information?
ReplyDelete**Sips Hawain Punch **Toast to the efforts of all of us, and to Cloverfieldclues.com. and to this movie, which doesnt really matter if it sucks cuz i had a shitload of fun playing this game (cuz i'm so analytical it's crippling)PSA from Planet10
Well the destruction of the Chuai Station happens before 01/18...remember the first picture to appear on the 01-18-08 site. "Don't forget who takes care of you! Love J" on the back. Could "J" be Janice? Were the remaining T.I.D.O. Wavers supposed to meet at Rob's party? (wait for Janice's picture and you will know where to meet) Feedback guys?
ReplyDeleteif we're looking at the same thing
i'd say it looks more like a ninja turtle than godzilla... lol
What kind of still camera prints the date and time, and why did they decide to turn that feature on on 1-18-08?
ReplyDeleteAnyone notice the "Noise pollution effects Humpbacks" fact on the board on the right of the tidowave page?
ReplyDelete(Hope I'm not posting this twice...)
ReplyDeleteI apologize in advance if I'm forwarding an idea that's already been discussed--after all, I've only really been following the Cloverfield viral marketing campaign for about a week--but something about Ganu has sort of been niggling at the back of my mind ever since I read the Tagruato and Slusho history pages.
We know Ganu Yoshida's mother was named Noriko Yoshida. The Slusho website even bothers to give Noriko's father's name (Ryouta Yoshida), indicating that Yoshida is his mother's family name. But who is Ganu's father? He has apparently taken his mother's surname as his own, which suggests that either she did not take her husband's name (I have no idea how unusual this practice may or may not have been in Japan at the approximate time of Ganu's birth--does anyone else know?) or, conversely, she was unmarried when she gave birth to Ganu--described as her "only son."
It also occurs to me that a number of J.J. Abrams projects have an almost Dickensian quality to them, in that many if not all of the characters end up being related to each other in ways not immediately obvious at the outset. What if Kentaro Tagruato, the founder of the firm originally called "Hand of Power" and whose ruthlessness as a businessman matched Ganu's own in so many ways, was actually Ganu's father? What if he were wholly unwilling to acknowledge his son?
I know this is probably stretching it based on the information available, but it would certainly give Ganu a certain amount of motivation to take over a company he might have believed was rightfully his by birth.
I would suggest that the photos on 1-18-08.com are "meta-game": i.e. not entirely "out-of-game", but only "in-game" in terms of supporting the game, rather than being part of the real time story/game that is being built around the MySpace pages and the Oil Rig Videos.
ReplyDeleteThat is, I suspect that the reason (main reason? only reason?) that 1-18-08.com exists is as a way of confirming that other elements are truly in-game.
This would explain why there's the photo of Jaimie there, when maybe (and yes, I'm only guessing here) she doesn't actually appear in the film itself. (Or perhaps Jaimie appears, but played by the "Rob's awesome!" girl... too bad she didn't say "Rob's the awesomest!" :)
We don't see Jaimie (i.e. the actress that plays her on MySpace or the Videos site) in *any* of the commercials/teasers/trailers. So by putting her photo on 1-18-08.com, we have explicit confirmation that her MySpace page and her Videos site are in-game. (I wasn't around when those pages originally popped up; was there any controversy at that time about their being in-game/real and not someone spoofing everything?) [All that said, perhaps the other characters' MySpace pages would have been enough to confirm her in-game-ness?]
If I'm right about this, then it might also be the reason for the shot of the chef with his creation -- so that we have explicit confirmation that "sea bed nectar" is in game, and therefore Tagruato and Slusho are too.
Does any of that make any sense?
Hm... Has anyone tried typing in random URLs that might tie in to the story?
ReplyDeleteAlso, don't forget to make our city bigger!
New J&T video up, unless I am way behind.
It's pretty hilarious, by the way.
i still really believe that there are huuuuge clues in the history section of slusho.jp regarding Ganu.
ReplyDeletewhat is still unresolved is where is Seabed's Nectar REALLY extracted from?
ReplyDeletewhat REALLY is the space fragment that fell on the atlantic ocean?
did Tag find the monster, or make the monster, or just it "found" them....?
all else is clear now
did anybody see the new tv spot on vh1.....its starts off likes its news then changes off to the cloverfield stuff...pretty cool actually...just saw it while watching ghostbusters
ReplyDeleteI dont think that they are using the same camera.... that would mean that whoever is video taping the party, some how either, A) survived the chuai incident or B) bought the camera And the same memory card/tape from the incident.
i know i said i was done with this site but to butcher a quote from a movie "i cant quit you"
ReplyDeletewas thinking about it and would this movie classify as a romantic monster movie? kinda like how shaun of the dead was a romantic comedy with zombies?
also if this movie does as good as the hype is making it sound like it will anyone think jj should do a zombie film next?
Dont think too much about the 1-18-08.com pics unless they have something written on the bak. It's just a guide or a helper.
ReplyDelete...i agree completely.
ReplyDeleteThis sudden slow down's killin my buzz, i hope there not done surprising us, ya know?
Hey has anyone seen what yahoo has on their home page? Its about Cloverfield..
ReplyDeleteheres what im talking about..
do you think it might?
1-18-08.com is an omniscient site, nothing more, nothing less.
ReplyDeleteits Abram's little plot of land in this viral universe.
Lets just leave it at that, all other theories dont make sense.
Her´s my two cents: The photos on 1-18-08.com come from the future files of whoever is investigating the "Cloverfield incident" and the images are collected by this investigator from a variety of sources.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the trailer, Hud´s camera is found abandoned somewhere around Central Park, right?
As for Janice, maybe she is the person who leaked the footage of the platform collapsing out to the international media? That could be her "picture".
Tagaruto sure as heck wouldn´t put those movies out there themselves, since they want to keep all this under wraps.
Oh, and somebody needs to put the VH1 ad on Youtube.
Things are getting big in terms of "TidoWave". And didn't you notice that Tagruato blamed Tido for the Chuai incident. We ALL know it was the monster that turned their Chuai station into dipshit, but it can't be controlled by Tido because they posted about how they didn't know how the Chuai Station was lost.
ReplyDeleteSo it is either:
A)Tagruato is covering up the monster
b) Tido is lieing about not knowing how it happened and really are the enemies in charge of making the monster (While i highly doubt it)
By the way, when do u think Jamie is gonna get Randy's call? Could be unlikely because of mishap in "The Event"
IDK if this is has been said, but has anyone read the "Day In The Life of a YMR Doctor" post on tagruato's site? Real insiteful stuff... maybe on how the monster is created?
ReplyDeleteSorry if this has been said...
Swiss Army Knife is an internet link (which doesn't work). Why?
ReplyDeleteGuys we need to start focusing on slusho.jp theres so much stuff there that has no meaning to it like the hammer oven mitt and "swiss" cheese.
Switzerland is the key! Use the army knife to cut the cheese.
My theory about Jamie... she is in the movie, the party scene, her character just isn't important. Also, I think we're going to see at least one more important/surprising video from her in which she listens to the rest of Teddy's tape because she still feels the effects of the Seabed Nectar and wants an explanation.
ReplyDeleteYou know, one of the subsidiaries of Tagruato is RaraFUN! Wax which they say can be used to cover hard cheeses. Slusho has a chimp with a block of cheese. Slusho is also a subsidiary of Tagruato. Any connections? Maybe?
ReplyDeleteI'm at a point where I don't think we're ever going to know everything, at least right now, and I'm ok with that. I know a hell of a lot more than I would if I just watched the movie, so I'm happy.
ReplyDeleteI can only hope JJ will do a whole Biography of the whole incident for the DVD.
ok i dont know what is up with this but i highlighted the survival kit list on Tidowave to google it but only "1. Warm Towel" came up in the search so i searched it and this came up.
now i dont know if this was found before but its possible someone put it up on there own, but anyways interesting.
To those telling that the guys on the boat could not survive the accident so the same camera could not be use to shoot both boat and party footage.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, but HELLO. If the camera did not survive how could the news agencies get all the footage? They got it from the anonymous source which could be Janice or Teddy or someone at the party.
I like Michael Evans's idea very much!! The party could be the place where TIDOwave are supposed to meet instead of the Farm.
I've been thinking about "Janice's picture"...
ReplyDeleteThe post on TidoWave's blog telling us to wait for Janice's picture was posted on 5th Jan.
The Tag ninja picture on 1-18-08 dot com was posted on 7th Jan.
So it's reasonable to conclude that the picture of the Tag ninjas on the boat is Janice's picture. I'm not sure how it ties in to everything though.
I'm with you, nic.
ReplyDeleteDennis, quick, change the headline, it's only 5 Days now!!!! Woo-hoo!!!!!
i jus want some new clues its so cose now i thought that there would b an update ike once an hour or at least more with tagruato and tidowave. or even slusho, stupid company is backordered(?) and i wont get my shirt till prolly after the movie,
ReplyDeletehey idk if anyone has noticed this but whats up with the www.0-00-00.com website? it looks like a mirror for www.1-18-08.com i wonder who created it
ReplyDeleteeither that or jamie just wants more. my guess for the next jamie and teddy is that jamie is gonna either be on a complete nectar crash and be sad and depressed or shes gonna yell in to the camera again for more like a crack addict.
ReplyDeleteHey, yeah this is my first post here but I've been reading since near the beginning. And this is just an opinion I've come up with.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Jaimie is important, I think it's the information around her that is. Like the "Primary Evidence" label on the seabed nectar...to show that it has some part. The tape Teddy sent, which hopefully gets full played since I think she stopped it in the middle. I also think we're missing something, some clue.
And where is this survival kit of Tidowave? I can't find that link anywhere.
I don't think we're missing anything. The release is so so close now that if there was any key piece of info required for the advancement of the game that nobody was finding hidden in material that is now considered "old" I have a feeling that someone connected with the viral marketing would "leak" the clue that we're missing under the guise that they're just some regular person playing the ARG. So if anyone suddenly comes up with something new out of old material... well...
ReplyDeleteJamie and Teddy Video 10!
Not even ONE word...
ReplyDeletehey dennis, there is a 10th jamie and teddy video just to let you know!
ReplyDeleteIt just shows her cutting the legs, arms, and head off off of the black bear from the main picture when you first go onto the site.
No words or even emotions. Weird. >_<
I think Dennis has been out all day, or forgot to update the number of days until 1-18-08!
ReplyDeleteMy theater is showing at midnight, but I have a midterm the 18th :(
jamie video number 10 up. this girl is is a strange one.
ReplyDeleteyo guys! video number 10 on jamieandteddy.com!!
ReplyDeletenew jamie and teddy no. 10
Speaking Of Jamie...
ReplyDeleteanyone catch the new vid???
Jamie's been crying.....
and cutting a teddy bear???
Sybolism anyone?? lol
also, what is that on her bed??? is it a bottle or a phone???
I Hope we get something! that jamie vid would be amazing, but anything would be gr8 right now.
ReplyDeletei heard the PM's dont update on weekends, hopefully monday we'll have an explosion of stuff.
i agree with nic totally on jamie.
ReplyDeleteBut the survival kit thing is interesting. And you may be going somewhere with switzerland.
Anyway though, i don't think we are really overlooking too much, they need to keep hype up, and the best thing is to make stuff easier for us to find, to keep us hooked.
I'm also confused about the camera on the boat... it doesn't seem like the cameraman survived, and the camera going dead seems to imply it was destroyed. so how was the footbage obtained? beats me. seems odd to be able to find a small memory card or tape or broken camera in the ocean but not 300 people. beyond me.
and just thrown in there, ot, but i was looking at the trailer and commercials recently and the trailer says are formerly known as central park. Also in a commercial the soldier says that they will give it one more shot, and if it fails they will level manhattan. Kinda sounds like that one more shot doesn't work, and maybe they do bomb the city. But that goes back to finding destroyed cameras again. argh, i hate this...
JamieAndTeddy video 10 is on...check it out!
ReplyDeleteJamie video # 10 is up.
ReplyDeleteJamie has a new video!!!!
ReplyDeletenic...yeah right, don't you see Jamie is extremely dumb??? she never ask for any explanation about what's happen, but anything can happen....
ReplyDeleteI agree with kris here
ReplyDelete- 1-18-8.com is the website or "folder" that has government or investigator evidence in it...its merely the collection of photos from the government who is researching the crime seen, and all those pictures were found on the camera, which was found in the park, which is the crime scene in which the government got the pictures and videos in the camera from!!!
this WHOLE movie, is just government research (my theory atleast), because if we look at the robs contest invitation..this thing happens on the 17th...and the 18th is when the footage and pictures is recovered, so what we're seeing is theatres is the government watching the footage of "how it all went down"
as for jamie, i think of course she's at the party...but shes a gonner after that, because (probably not), this slusho-addicted monster comes for her
Im sure im not the first to mention this, considering comments must be approved, but incase I am, there is a new J&T video,
ReplyDeletestill downloading it.
New Jamie video up, umm girls gone crazy
ReplyDeletenotice the documents the Tag rep was carrying.
ReplyDeleteNew Jamie & Teddy vid--she lost it--cutting up a bear and cutting its head off--I'm guessing she doesn't make it to the movie--definitely suicidal!
ReplyDeleteNew Jamie and Teddy video!!!!!
ReplyDelete10th jamie and teddy video is up!!!
ReplyDeleteeeee why no updates?
ReplyDeletenew jamie and teddy video up...
eeee why no updates?
ReplyDeletenew jamie and teddy video up...
There's words hidden in the modified picture of the man at the window. They're more easily seen if you invert the colors. The fish plainly says OGRE. The octopus clearly says DUMBO. The jelly fish is a little more obscured... seems to say TRUKAND it seems like there's more...
ReplyDeleteHas dennis died or somthing?
ReplyDeleteVideo 10 is up:
There's a new jamie video online (:
Did anyone get invited to the party? Calls were supposed to be made Friday.
ReplyDeleteNew video (#10)
New Video at Jameandteddy... Tried to post a second ago, didn't appear to be successful.
Shit, i dont understand nothing about Targruato and TidoWave, some people can please explain for me the history about ?
ReplyDeleteI dont understand nothing about Targruato and TidoWave, some people can please explain for me the history about ?
ReplyDeletejamie is going to be in the movie. as a character, she's been planted close to everyone, and she's going to "turn" into an immediate hazard for our party-going friends. people who haven't experienced the ARG so far won't notice anything because it will go along with the storyline, but we will at least know her particular backstory, thus "enriching" our experience of the movie. also, we should all corner the market on monster spray.
ReplyDeleteI too think there is going to be another video or some major twists, turns or advancements in the whole viral story we know thus far prior to Fridays release.
ReplyDeletehas anyone checked the new jamie video? is just weird!!
ReplyDeletedennis where are you? new jamie information
ReplyDeletevideo #10 on jamieandteddy.com!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou may want to check out the new video on jamie and teddy. It looks like she is in the sad stage. Just like the crap on the slusho site. I sent Dennis an email last night, but didn't see anything on his site yet. The jamie videos are getting really weird.
jamie is a super freak, she's super freaky, yeah...
ReplyDeletevideo #10 is up and..well..i'll let you see for yourself
what the crap is up with jamie in vid 10?
ReplyDelete4 more days!!!
ReplyDeleteI've got a feeling that Jamie will have very little showing in the movie and that, being the movie is something like 90 minutes or so, development or explanation isn't going to be given.
ReplyDeleteI THINK, however, that this will tie into some later event--> perhaps a prequel to Cloverfield, perhaps a sequel. I think there's also strong evidence that this movie is in some way related to Lost, and I would bet that it has more to do with a supposed finale.
I won't outline these beliefs right here and right now, but food for thought. Just know that JJ Abrams is always three steps ahead of those who are two steps ahead of us. (what better way to recapture this audience by delaying gratification until some later movie/spin-off?)
I think I see a problem with this batch approval of comments thing.
ReplyDelete"I'm also confused about the camera on the boat... it doesn't seem like the cameraman survived, and the camera going dead seems to imply it was destroyed. so how was the footbage obtained? beats me. seems odd to be able to find a small memory card or tape or broken camera in the ocean but not 300 people. beyond me."
ReplyDeleteI guess the camera might have been transmitting a live feed to someplace somehow.
My first post here - I didn't even know about all this stuff until a week ago, even though I have been looking forward to the movie since July. I read some of the Ethan Haas stuff when it first appeared and didn't even know it was unrelated until a week ago. Lame, I know! Anyway, I have read this entire site and everything linked in the past few days. I don't have much, but I think we are missing something. Tido wave is laying low and they seem annoyed that people continue to "believe" Tagruato. There is something dealing with Tag that we have to unlock. I think the last line is telling: "maybe it's Ganu...maybe everything 'lies' with him." I think we have to decode a Ganu lie (The AFA perhaps?) which will give us the next bit of information.