Here is the latest Cloverfield TV Commercial, titled "Breathe", bought to you exclusively by DailyMotion. There IS a very tiny, blurry, smoke-filled glimpse of the monster, but I even slowed it down and I really can't make out anything.
Here it is on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFvAehPvPKc
Very Awesome. Can't wait to see this! Keeps getting better and better!
ReplyDeleteThis was the video I caught watching Conan last night. I'm trying to see if I can save the video to my computer and play around with it a bit.
Cool beans. I looked frame by frame and can't see it.
ReplyDeleteYou're now my first source for news Dennis as I'm avoiding the Unfiction forums until I've seen the film, so thanks for the spoiler warnings and the peppers :D
You can make out a tail or something slamming downwards right near the end.
ReplyDeleteSuper excited to see new footage instead of the same footage.
ReplyDeletehaha the Cajun strikes seventh!
ReplyDeleteyea..very surprised to catch this clip earlier, but the mystery shrouding our favorite monster still remains a mystery...for now
- The Newly Ragin' Cajun -
that's its leg coming down, it's kind of straddling the building, and stomping with its right leg.
ReplyDeleteAfter further inspection... I couldn't see much of a silohuette or figure because a military vehicle (probably humvee) with a roof mounted spotlight conveniently obscures the camera's glimpse of our creature friend as it narrowly avoids getting smashed.
ReplyDelete- The Newly Ragin' Cajun -
I think I saw one those things down in the bayou once... then again, maybe it was the moonshine?
ReplyDeleteMy sentiments exactly. Too excited! ^_^
This is great. I'm glad we finally got some new clips and a better glimpse at the monster.
ReplyDeleteYEY!!! i know i emailed dennis like three different times trying to inform him of this!!!
ReplyDeleteit's a LEG!!! it's the monster's leg!!!
ReplyDeleteanyone that slows it down frame by frame upload it i am so wanting to see this in slow mo =)
ReplyDeleteif you look closely in the credits, all of the letter i's are taken out, can this mean something?
ReplyDeleteso cant wait for a frame by frame :-)
ReplyDeleteI took some screen shots not the best with the pause button centered.lol But I think I can clearly see one red eye and what I think to be a forearm/claws retracting back after the missile fire.
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with Beth, under the bridge? Either Rob has his hand on her head or her head has some tumor-thing growing out of it.
ReplyDeleteI think I like the monster, it seems to have tentacles...
I think/thought they were tentacles. That or the monster has skinny legs.
ReplyDeleteI see something like a T-Rex turning around...
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying it is a T-Rex, of course. But I see something like a claw at first, and then the back and the tail of something similar to a dinosaur...
Shit! I can't explain myself in English xD
stella cotton i saw that to at tenseconds in a red eye and a claw i also saw what looked like wings i hope i am wrong
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to see new footage instead of the same stuff from the previous 13 trailers. About time. As for the monster, regardless of being able to see it clearly in the clip or not, it gave me chills just seeing what I COULD see. *counts* 8 DAYS!
ReplyDeleteAny hope for a youtube mirror? DailyMotion is blocked by some filters.
ReplyDeletedude. What the fuck is up with those missing i's? Someone please tell me. It's going to be a musical.
ReplyDeleteI can't see much, bazooka rockets? Arms with claws maybe. Can't tell, it looks like Barney in one frame and a Sea Horse in another.
ReplyDeleteGee ya think it shoots fire now? Rocket my #ss.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like someone's elbow next to Beth's head. Like she's squatting down and someone is standing between her and the camera.
ReplyDeleteIt looked like some kind of turtle lookin' monster to me... but we won't know until the movie I guess.
ReplyDeleteYou can also see the tail. It is definitely not Godzilla.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone tell what that big black line is as the monster turns?
ReplyDeleteHere are the screenshots I took from the vid. They're not the best but definitely a forearm/claws and possibly a red eye?
Just stole the #1 spot in my top Cloverfield commercial list. I just loved everything about it; new footage, the breathing and gasps, the creepy shot of the smoke and monster (though we can't really see it), very well done.
ReplyDeleteI think it's hilarious how 90% of the people that yell "1st!" Aren't.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the point of it anyway? nobody cares if your first.
Anyways, I'm glad they've still kept the monster hidden though, still leaves a lot to the imagination.
can someone tell me how to see this thing in slow motion....or get the movie file. im a graphic designer and def think that i could edit the video and sharpen it a bit more to see it a little better. and yes....i definitely see tenticles or what could be several arms
ReplyDeleteThere is no red eye! it's missles that are hitting the monster and exploding... you can see them as they are being launched...
ReplyDeleteI'm trying the same thing, but I can't download the video without it getting corrupt. Once it hits YouTube, I should be fine.
ReplyDeleteThe scene under the bridge with Beth there's someone else's head in the shot... if you pause it just right you can make out the mouth/nose.
Did you see the monster!?!
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it's just me but this is definitely my favorite tv spot. It's intense and we get a brief clip of the monster to analyze and theorize on. Definitely my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI just sat here clicking my cursor over the :09 second mark and let it play from that point repeatedly and very quickly. Try it.
ReplyDeleteI see some dangly things. I'd call them arms but when you cycle it like I describe you can see they sort of flap or wiggle as if they don't have bones inside. So, tentacles? But there is also a knee or an elbow. Frog legs come to mind. Or "little" arms that are remnants of limbs the species doesn't use any more? Also the bulk of the creature seems to recede, so this would only make sense if perhaps it is retreating backwards between the buildings. The more they show us, the weirder it gets... I love it.
Also, is it me or is anyone else just sick of them re-hashing the "I saw it, it's alive" soundbite in EVERY SINGLE scene they release?
One time, it was intriguing. Every time? Annoying as shit.
Hmm...apparently the comment I posted didn't work...
ReplyDeleteanyways, I can't believe some people thought that was a tumor XD
one doesn't need to look hard to see that it's only Rob's stubbly chin. :p
I wish I'd known about this monster glimpse scene earlier, I'm right on posting a gif of it!
the flv wasn't that hard to get.
i don't know about any of you guys, but i saw a hand move behind the building to the left. i could see it clearly for a second.
ReplyDeletewicked i didn't want to see it at first cause i wanna see it in movies but curiosity got the best of me and wow. can't wait to see what the monster looks like in the movies. my bf promised to take me to see it cause ive pretty much been bugging him about it since it first showed up lol.
ReplyDeleteGreat commercial. I definitely don't know how any of you see a wing or tentacle or anything really, just a big dark silhouette behind a puff of smoke flinching from all the missiles. I have to say it does look really big!
ReplyDeleteMOST AWESOME COMMERCIAL OF ALL OF THEM! Now whatever that thing behind the smoke was...it looked like it showed its huge chompin' mouth AND IT LOOKED BIIIG!
ReplyDeleteok guys....ive just spent way too much time on this. but i wanted to help out sharpening the image. im sure someone else will come along with something better, but i took some screen captures while i had it in full screen mode...so the pause button was smaller....then sharpened the images and pieced the screen caps together. it goes forward, then backwards again. thats why its so long, but it helps you see things a little better. you can definitely make out the leg stance and "arms". and im pretty sure in the first frame of the movie, you can see the outline of its head on the top right.
hey everybody, i got the gifs of the brief monster glimpse.
ReplyDeleteI have the separate frames, each an uncompressed .png, but combining them into a gif definitely made them a lil grainy. Oh well, I guess.
Here's the links to the gifs:
Trailer size, Normal Speed:
Trailer size, Slow-mo:
Hi-res links to follow, if they're really that necessary.
i also put together a small gif....really sorry for the double post. but it loops so you can see it over and over. it helps with seeing stuff...
I saw your comment myny, that's why I'm gonna help you out.
ReplyDeleteHere's the hi-res gifs, they're like 4-5 megs or something unfortunately, if you want a smaller file size, check my previous links.
I can't wait to see them retouched!
Personally, I think these gifs could use it, there's a lot of light and artifacts and missile explosions and things jumbled together. >_<
I think JJ chose this confusing clip to be in the trailer for a reason.
Hi-res, normal speed:
Hi-res, slow-mo:
Good luck!
nice, but i still think people are seeing what they want to see. How can you see anything with all that smoke?!?!?! I dont see tenticals, i dont see red eyes, i dont see a face and please can we get off this 'its not rockets its the monster shooting fire'. Its definatly rockets hitting the monster, but what gets me is it seems unharmed by it. I do see what could be a leg but i dont see any arms/claws/tenticals. There is just to much smoke, bright lights and darkness to see it properly.
ReplyDeletei don't any claws, tails or red eyes...just the big cup O shlusho! it's holding
ReplyDeletehas anyone noticed how the "thing" that crashes down on the street doesn't look like it belongs to the more bulky legged monster walking throught the buildings in the other trailers? cuz this looks like a leg but would this "foreleg" if you will be able to support the more bulky hind legs? plus how would a tentacle have that platform thing at the end of it?
ReplyDeletejust my thoughts.
ok idk if its just me but i see little arms, like a t-rex. hopefully it isnt to dinasaur-y
ReplyDeleteHaha, JJ and company are really messing with us now. And I like it!
ReplyDeleteWatch one of the posted GIF's. There are little arms. And two large rounded legs flanking a smooth belly.
I'll give you a hint specific to this shot. Macy's. :-)
The missing letter I's thing could simply be an artifact from shrinking a large video down to a web appropriate size. The I's are there, but where too skinny to be rendered properly so show up really dark. I've seen it before.
ReplyDeleteNext time I see this particular commercial on TV, I'll have to pay attention and see if the letters are still darkened/missing.
men the appearance of the monster is the pixeled thing of the last photo on www.1-18-08.com !!!!!!!!!!!!