Looks like Jamie has done a little "drunk dialing", and left a incoherent message for Teddy on JamieandTeddy.com (password: jllovesth):
OK, OK, I figured it all out.UPDATE: Is someone trying to open Jamie's door, right when she says "You Suck"?!?
You suck, and I am the awesomest!
And whoever your skanky, slutty, skanky
girlfriend your with, it's probably a moo cow who lives on a farm
Ugly, prostitute, not pretty. She's "the ugly", I'm sure
I'm sick of it, I'm not going to cry over you.
And guess who's a prick? Anyone? Anyone?
You are.
You can download the video directly here: http://www.jamieandteddy.com/number7.mov
Or watch it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sBwr0ru7OA
* Thanks to Kingpin at Unfiction for finding this!
I...never knew you could hate someone as much as I hate Jamie. Another useless video, and I think this signals that we should stop thinking any of her video's are the last one. Unless she does get kidnapped, or she posts a video on the 17th, I will keep thinking there are more coming.
ReplyDeletewhat. is. the. point?
ReplyDeleteoh my god i want her to be my wife
ReplyDeleteshe IS the awesomests..
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCan someone understand what's on the bed-side table?
ReplyDeleteOne word: MacGuffin
ReplyDeletewow...she reeks of classiness.
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be so much fun...
ReplyDeleteThe intent of these videos is obvious. They are developing the audience's collective loathing of this character to surpass even our universal hatred of JarJar Binks.
LOL!! Jar Jar Binks on a Drag and Drunk!!
ReplyDeleteIsn´t that the Slusho commercial Door?
I got it!!
So the commercial has a japanese that breaks the door, after Tagruato (the moose)tell him to kill her, after the call..
So he breaks the door, then he look at her stupidity and say: NO NO NO!!
Someone at IMDB said it looks like someone is trying to open up her door at one point. I dunno if this is true, but I'm going to watch to see if I notice the door handle moving.
ReplyDeleteCloverfield - Monstro: O Filme - The Movie
Ha! They were right. Watch the door right when she says "You Suck" - the door totally moves. Was it a goof? Intentional? Hmmm...either way, it looks like someone was trying to get in. Check it out again.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYep, it moves. I would hope that extreme care would be made to prevent a goof like that, and I seriously hope it's intentional, but there's nothing to say one way or another.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, caught completely off guard by this video!
ReplyDeleteOnly two thing's, okay three, stood out in this video:
-Jamie drunk off her ass.
-The door shook pretty violently, like someone was trying to shoulder there way in. It could be a normal goof by the production crew, or A.) Marlena's listening in on her and tripped? Haha. Or B.) She's so drunk, she doens't notice anyone's trying to get into her room. But I'll go with production crew error, because the door no longer shakes after that first time.
-And the girlfriend's a cow on a farm seems a little out of place.
Anyway, if there's any clues to be found in this video, I'll leave that for others to solve, in the meantime - pizza. :D
How cool would it have been if the door did burst open RIGHT when she was turning off the camera!? Oh, that would have been a sweet mystery.
ReplyDeleteI agree that I think it is just a goof but I guess in the other vids they never show us the door and then on this one they show us the door so maybe someone is trying to get in. If you ask me it was a lame attempt seeing that it only looks like they tried to get in once. :)
ReplyDeletenot like its relevant but i wonder what she drinks....is she the one with the jack daniels pic on her myspace.....but that doesn't look like a jack bottle....
ReplyDeleteIt might be a dore to the closet or the bathroom. They mey be hiding until the video cuts?
ReplyDeletewhat if she put the seabed nectar into her drink and becomes a cow herself, and thats what her next video is? This video seems absolutely pointless, but what if that is what happens? "Teddy, i feel horrible...IDK why I did it, but in that last video, when I was drinking the drink, I put that package you sent me into it...HELP"
Maybe its just wishful thinking...
Well, at least Jamie takes the award for shittiest New Years Eve celebration - sitting drunken and lonesome by her computer while everybody else is off getting kissed at some fabolus party.
ReplyDeleteCome to think of it - isn´t it obvious that Jamie is the Wesley Crusher of the Cloverfield universe? She´s the unappreciated geek that were supposed to identify with.
And the reason that so many fanboys diss her in the comments is obviously this: the caricature is hitting a little too close to home for some of you...
Happy new year!
How exactly is being a drunken idiot who may very well have destroyed evidence linking tagruato to the oncoming disaster hitting close to home?
ReplyDeleteAh yes, now people are transforming into cows. Ok. And someone bumping into the stage prop wall off camera equals an imminent attack from behind the door... on a character who is alive and well in the (beginning of the) movie. Sure. Why not.
ReplyDeleteKris your star trek analogy is close. Just give Jamie a tricorder and a RED shirt.
Adam, that actress is a completely different one though. Why would they hire two different actresses? Although, In the past I've argued that it may very well be her, there's no proof it is. And no one is saying the door was someone trying to break in, we're saying it may be something like that.
ReplyDeleteIts not a goof. Why in the hell would they upload it with an extremely obvious goof in it.
ReplyDeleteIts intentional, but i doubt its tagruato because we know shes at the going away party.
maybe shes having a party and some drunk ppl bump into her door, idk.
sry for double post, but i wanted to add that i think we can expect another video very very soon.
ReplyDeleteThis one is so short and stupid, and it definetly feels like its missing something.
I think theyll be a new one either today or tommorow.
Tagruato ppl rumaging around while she hides in a closet sounds plausible.
Do we definitely know for sure that it is Marlena who explodes, 'cause I'm really wanting it to be Jamie haha.
ReplyDeleteShe is possibly the most annoying woman I've ever heard.
Different actress? I'm looking right at her pic on 1-18-08.com and her myspace. Same girl in the videos (can't find the actress's name on IMdb).
ReplyDeletety don't get me wrong, I'm all for finding the legitimate clues. A blooper-reel stage gaffe is not one of them. If you've ever heard someone in your house slam a door and seen your own door move due to the brief air pressure change, you've seen what's going on behind her. The video itself is just another chapter of this movie's "prelude," and is obviously not meant to be ominous in any way. Jamie will be at Rob's party. There are not Tagruato ninjas poised to pounce on her from her closet.
hatta I'm certain they wouldn't be ramping up our dislike for this character without a payoff for our enjoyment.
ReplyDeleteThere are many ways to die. Exploding is just one of them.
Adam:I was referring to the blond girl in the movie which some people have said might be Jamie, my mistake.
ReplyDeleteBut the pictures are a whole other thing. Matt Reeves says one thing about them while JJ says another, and JJ has not come out to say Matt is wrong, so I don't know what to think about them.
And I still say that video 6 is a major set up for Jamie to be hunted down, but I'll readily admit that is pure conjecture on my part.
Actually, if you watch real close, the movement happens at the same time when off cam she's kinda kicking out her feet. To me it looks like the camera jostles just enough that the door looks like it moves. But the handle doesn't appear to move.
ReplyDeleteCould be wrong...
The door moves coz she moves on the bed, and the bed hits the wall...I think. It happens at exactly the same time, and I don't think it's a mistake or a clue.
ReplyDeletepinkhamster i 100% agree and this proves another thing that m the awesomest because i said that cheese was nothing but "milk" after being curded so it makes sense the monster is being milked for its cheese hense codename cheese.
ReplyDeleteSo, is Jamie's character supposed to be this lame, or is the actress just horrible at acting? That's the real mystery.
ReplyDeleteLol this is funny only 2 things has been said that make any kind of sense
ReplyDelete1: is pinkhamster, the monster could be being "milked". And the movie has a codename cheese which is made from milk.
2: thebeginnerhousewife, i think that is her bed making the door move.
and that cant be Tagruato at her door unless they are somekind of FBI caller ID trackers or something. But it is possible that they caught Teddy and tortured him to telling where she lives.
scott its both lol.
ReplyDelete"and that cant be Tagruato at her door unless they are somekind of FBI caller ID trackers or something. But it is possible that they caught Teddy and tortured him to telling where she lives."
ReplyDeleteSorry, couldn't let this go. They called her back right after she called them, and if that wasn't enough she gave them her name. It's easy as hell to find where she lives for them. If that's the route the game goes. I'm just saying.
I have a newfound respect for you c lover. You have a razor sharp sense of comedic irony, worthy of one of my favorite Monty Python skits:
ReplyDelete"If we throw the wench into the water and she floats like a duck? Wood also floats like a duck. Thus, she must be made out of wood, and therefor she must be a witch!"
ty you are right and lol adam.
ReplyDeleteI don´t think that someone try to open that door.
ReplyDeletethe sound from the door comes when she seats on the bed again, pushes the bed´s frame and then hit the drywall behind, i can hear the rattle of the spring´s bed in between.
it´s obvious an set issue....
or ... not?
Couple of things.
ReplyDelete1. I believe that the door moves because she kind of flops back down on the bed. Watch it and the timing is about right.
2. All of you saying that she will be kidnapped or killed soon are wrong. Remember that photo from WAAAAAAYYYY back in the day on 1-18-08.com? Its dated 12:04 A.M. 1-18-08 and has her name on the back and her face on the front. She will survive until at least the party.
Matt Reeves and JJ Adams have said opposite things about the pictures, which means there's doubt, which means they aren't exact proof.
ReplyDeleteThe movie's codename Cheese was to throw people off. Why go after it?
ReplyDeleteDudes i swear someone is on the other side of that door! the bed sound has nothing to do with that door jerking. the bed doesn't even move, or the nightstand. the door is jerked from the outside. a goof? from who? not her heavy ass--that's for sure! SO IS JAMIE AT THE PARTY OR WHAT? I DIDN'T SEE HER IN THE TRAILER! JUST THAT DAMN PHOTO!
ReplyDeleteJamie will be at the party.
ReplyDeleteI don't think anyone's trying to get into Jamie's room. I think the door moves because she happened to re-adjust herself on the bed at the exact time.
ReplyDeleteIt could very possibly be a good, because you have to remember that where ever this was being filmed, it's probably a film set & not somebodies room, therefor the walls are paper thin & flimsy & something as small as Jamie flopping around on the bed could probably make it move.
i dont agree on the door moving, it just looks like that. the camera is pretty crappy and the picture gets messed up if the lightning is changed even a bit. just as she is about to sit down she covers the lamp up just by the door, so the lightning is changed, and it takes a few seconds for the crappy camera to adjust, but then you see a flicker, and thats "the door moving". if someone was trying to open it wouldnt jamie have heard that? and the entire door shouldve moved, but its only the piece by the doornob and the lamp. if you look at the corner of the door there is no change what so ever to the film, and if the door was locked the piece by the doornob is the last thing that would move if they tried to force it open because the lock is there.
ReplyDeleteSorry guys, that was me. After watching the last video I flew to New York thinking Jamie was desperate enough to give me a shot as her new boyfriend. Then I was listening at the door and she sounded drunk so it seemed like a good time to make my move. But then I realized she'd probably call the cops, so I chickened out.
ReplyDelete/:| who really cares if the door moved or not, it's really not the main issue of anything. This is the whole "is that a lion in between those two girls heads" again. Not everything in this marketing campaign is sheer genius and meant to be looked into.
ReplyDeleteThis is gonna be a brilliant movie, regardless of if that door moved :p
The door did move and it was intentional but all it was nothing it was just someone trying to get in but then saw that it was locked and stopped trying to get in.
ReplyDeletei agree with hatta, jamie is the one exploding, and if it is it will be funny. because there will be a heap of people (US) cheering and a lot of people in the theatre are gonna think we are sad mofos for cheering when a charater dies because they have no idea about this stuff. It always happens in the movies, the person thats gonna die is a real as*hole and made to be disliked. She is doooooomed!
ReplyDeleteLook..this exploding character thing is getting monotonous. Marlena is seen getting hauled away by hazmat guys bleeding from her eyes and mouth in the medical area, surrounded by curtains.
ReplyDeleteJamie, has not been seen in any video footage, nor heard in any radio commercial.
what is on her table?..the nightstand I mean
ReplyDeleteIt's a lamp. The lampshade is lit up so you can't see the edges of the shade on this cheap videocamera footage.
ReplyDeletea lamp and a box of tissues, an alarm clock a round tin of some type and a glass filled with something that looks liek its the same color as the seabed nectar :o or a candle i dont know :P
ReplyDeleteAnd ty i was mainly joking in my last post. But again there is still no REAL proof its merlina or what ever her name is, its just most likely.
just wondering, am i the only one starting to become attracted to her???......maybe because shes "drunk"...
ReplyDelete.....ha ha.....i was fooling ya'll...
ReplyDeletehaha gotcha...-
LOL if I ever get into legal trouble I want some of you guys to be my lawyers. Not since OJ's dream team has so much confusion and doubt been cast simply by repeating incorrect assumptions.
ReplyDeleteThere is ample evidence, here and all over the 'net, that Marlena will not survive her visit to the triage tent. We've been shown images of every stage of that process from beginning to unfortunate end. You don't vomit blood out of your eyes and then go skipping tra la la la down the street later.
And, Jamie's behavior is annoying for a good reason. Why is exploding the only fate you think she deserves? This is a monster movie... a lot of bad things are likely to happen.
Patchy Mikhail bled out of his ears and then went skipping tralalala out of the jungle. :o)
ReplyDeletei'm not too sure about the door moving... btw dennis, you pick THE BEST freezeframes! i just about shot coffee out of nose when i saw that one!
ReplyDeleteSo far we have seen no footage of Jamie Lascano at the party, in any of the trailers, tv spots, or teasers. Her character's name is not listed in the cast list on IMDB. Aside from her videos and Myspace page, the only other thing connecting her to the film is the photo on 1-18-08.com, which Matt Reeves has written off as NOT being in real-time (which may or may not be true).
ReplyDeleteWe know that this project had not been filmed when the teaser was released & the website launched. They were still in the initial stages of filming. I'm thinking that maybe this character was discarded from the film, to be used exclusively for the ARG. I don't think we're going to see her in the movie, at least in relation to any plot point.
There IS a girl who resembles her in the party footage. But it is without a doubt a different actress.
she cant be harmed i mean she is in the second trailer and umm the door thing has to be on purpose because this is the only vid where u see the door it as i say (slusho) zoomed out hahha i know corny any way i jst get the fealing that tag is after her cause they asked her where she lives
ReplyDeleteNo, she isn't in any trailer. blurboy stated 100% how I fell about Jamie. The only thing saying she's at the party is the pictures, and theres doubt on the validity of those. Anything I say will be a repeat of blurboy's post, because he nailed it.
ReplyDeleteThere is no evidence Jamie is in the actual movie. But I agree with you about tag coming after Jamie musicology, video 6 just sets that scenario up really well.
no the trailer i ment the 5 min preview look at it before the sttue hits i think its after the head hits the floor exactly u see her with marlena and jason and crap yea
ReplyDeleteI definitely think the door was intentional, mostly because the camera angle changed to include the door, which was not able to be seen in the other videos.
ReplyDeleteShe also turns to look at the door and pauses before continuing on her rant. It just seems intentional.