Ryan Seacrest introduced an exclusive Cloverfield clip on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve. It is a minute and a half combination of the seven existing TV commercials, but there were a few new scenes, including a new fireball scene. Check out the screenshots below of the new bits to look out for!

thanks for getting this up so fast. it's a great preview. the die in the tunnels or the streets lines are great. i can't wait!
ReplyDeleteWhoo! Thanks for putting it up so quick...it sucks that I missed it! >.< The scene with the new blast of fire sounds kind of the weird...like it's not the monster that's roaring but it's the sound of the blast flying through the air and finally hitting the buildint. I don't know...it's probably just me >.<
ReplyDeletehey nice work keep it up, you know i've been thinking this is suposed to be a monster on par with godzilla right so if they wan to use it in that reagrd then that means they wont kill it of because this thing basically has a sequel guaranteed already. and in the first godzilla movie the beast was the bad guy until something else showed up. well this is a bit of a shot in the dark but i think that the big one came chasing after the small ones for some reason but hey i could be wrong.
ReplyDeletewow i was gonna put it up but NVM LOL. anyways yeah i cannot wait just 18(or 17 idk) days til its out!!
ReplyDelete"Something Has Found Us" Who Is "Us"?
ReplyDeleteHiggins, I'm going to take a wild guess and assume "Us" means the people in New York/the world/humans, etc.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I agree...I think "Us" is referring to humans in general...and the way all this research is showing is that it's our fault this monster is attacking US, okay actually NYC, in the first place! >.<
ReplyDeleteWell, it's thirty minutes past 12 AM,
ReplyDeleteHAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! I hope it goes great for everyone, and let's hope for a great Cloverfield film, eh? Haha.
I Know...I Just Found It Odd That The Line Is "US".
ReplyDeleteman the scene showing the ship on fire (near the end) just blew me away. thats crazy destruction to get an oil tanker out of the water. and the "places to die" scene is just crazy
ReplyDeleteFirst off I'd like to say happy new year to everyone and as for the clip, it was great even though it was stuff we've already seen, but i saw it in HD and it looked amazing. I can't wait for this movie
ReplyDeleteI can't wait. I know it's all very cheezy, but I'm really looking forward to the movie. I think the marketing is fantastic.
ReplyDeleteFrom the looks of this, it appears the monster shoots fireballs as it were. That does not look like a bazooka blast or RPG.
ReplyDeleteI believe the Monster is a spin off of Lavos. At first I was sceptical but the more I see the more Im convinced. Lavos shoots fireballs from his back which then become baby parasites much like the monster in Cloverfield. And the sound he makes is nearly identical to the Clovefield monster. Heres a youtube clip of Lavos. See for yourself-
Isn't that a silhouette of one of the smaller monsters? At 1:29 you can about three seconds of a silhouette of a human being attacked by a creature. The creature's silhouette slightly resembles the shape of Gamera. I don't ever recall seeing that bit of footage before. Is that new?
ReplyDeleteNo those are 2 guys in radiation suits attending to someone whos been bitten. You can see them more clearly in an older trailer. It appears shes bloating/expanding perhaps the host of some sort of creature which is about to burst out?
ReplyDeletestella i dont believe that the monster shots fireballs, pause at 1:07 in the way that the object thrown has a streek of fire behind it, i think that it would be a rocket of some sort and not a fireball from the monster.
ReplyDeleteI think they're definitely propelled much like rockets but within the fireball itself some sort of egg/hatchling smaller parasitic monsters.
ReplyDeleteI saw the new fireball scene... honestly, does it really matter WHAT or WHY it is? This movie looks awesome, and only 17 more days, don't get caught up in analyzation...
ReplyDeleteApologies for the double post... But if you listen, they showed the sme monster roar three times: During the party, out on the SOL Head's street, and the flying fireball scene.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that people survive the attack and the army finds the video and censors chunks. Sort of a Blair Witch meets CIA access-to-information files on video. It would explain the blurred out soldier's face. Perhaps the army had something to do with the alien invasion? Regardless, the "people are gonna want to know...how it all went down" line is terribly corny so I'm hoping the rest of it isn't all cheese.
ReplyDeleteI took 1/18 off work to go watch it, just for the record. Super excited.
Happy new year, all.
WHAT is the blue flare next to the SOL!? its there in like all the ads and at the beginning of the widget clip, during the newscast.
ReplyDeleteWhat could hang in the air all the time like that its freakin me out!
"Regardless, the "people are gonna want to know...how it all went down" line is terribly corny so I'm hoping the rest of it isn't all cheese."
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Nearly all of the lines delivered in the trailers do not feel natural at all...and it's painfully obvious at times that these are really beginner actors. I'm hoping that the film does not suffer on a whole because of this. However, it wouldn't be the first time I watched a genre film and still throughly enjoyed it despite the lousy acting!
For the last time, people: the floating flare is a helicopter's search light!
ReplyDeleteI don't think Mr.Pixelface is going to make the final cut- Matt Reeves said it was totally unedited, unlike Blair Witch.
stuve, you can not depend on what Matt Reeves says, hes just the director.
ReplyDeleteover at cloverfieldnews.com, they have this pic of the burning oil tanker. it looks like it has the tagruato logo on it. this is going to be sweet
ReplyDeletesuper pic ethan and if you guys havent noticed the footage of the monster was lengthed you can see him jump or his legs are double jointed.
ReplyDeleteI don't mean to be rude, but Matt Reeves himself, as director, probably made the descision of whether his face was pixelated. He said it was unedited... there you go. It's not a life or death situation, lol.
ReplyDeletealright, i guess i see a searchlight.
ReplyDeleteIt just always seems to be in the same spot, its weird. thanks.
This and other fansites related to the ARG would have benefited from a F.A.Q. page. Something like:
ReplyDelete"Let's Just Get This Out Of The Way To Reduce The Clutter"
1. It's a helicopter searchlight.
2. The shadow is a guy in a hazmat suit.
3. The monster is not a lion.
4. The monster is not Cthulu.
5. The monster is not Voltron.
6. The monster is not Godzilla.
7. The monster is not aliens.
8. The monster is not Biblical.
9. The dialog is "alive" (*)
10. Yes we know the guy's face is sometimes blurry, sometimes not.
11. Marlena is pretty much screwed.
12. Rob gets a job with Slusho. Slusho is owned by Tagruato. Tagruato owns the Chuai drilling station. Jamie's boyfriend Teddy works at Chuai station. Something bad happened there recently.
I would personally add a few more like...
12. The monster does not breathe fire;
13. That's a rocket streaking overhead;
14. The monster did not hitch a ride on a boat;
...but these personal additions are rooted in common sense, and do not yet seem to be accepted as obvious.
(*) As revealed elsewhere on the internet, the dialog in the bodega scene is NEITHER the word "lion" nor "alive," but something else altogether, having nothing actually to do with the monster. Since this flirts with the possibility of being a spoiler, that's all I'll say.
dont trust matt struve
ReplyDeleteI lucked into a cloverfield stand up. This thing is Rad but too large to be set up in my room so here is pics of it broken down in pieces.
This is just something that sticks out to me as new. The scene around 1:10 with the soldiers shooting, someone is shouting "Die Clover". Just thought this was kinda weird.
ReplyDeleteto adam: Thank you. that was very well needed. I've been reading some other people's comments and from what I gather, they haven't really been paying attention to all the discussions here. And I agree, that's definitely a rocket. You can see a quick trail of smoke following behind it like a rocket/missle.
ReplyDeleteBTW, if the line isn't "lion" or "alive" then what is it? I already read an interview where JJ Abrams said that he through in the line "I saw it, it's alive, it's huge" in the original teaser because in that one we don't see the clip of the monster, but he still wanted people to know it was a monster movie. He thought that people hearing the line that a huge living creature was in the city and seeing the liberty head thrown would show people it's a monster movie without seeing the monster yet.
stephan GREAT FIND ... only one bad side if you listen harder and think about what would make since hes saying "take cover".
ReplyDeleteBUT stephan never let anyone tell you that your theory isnt true, it could be die clover i dont know.
ReplyDeleteBut never the less great find dude.
The more i think about it the more im convinced the girl with the guys in hazmat suits isnt marlena.I mean come on would you film one of your best frinds death?...but on the other hand if its not her then why show it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if anybody's ever mentioned this. When the bridge collapses, I always thought I saw something hitting it on the commercials. Then I went though and manically hit the pause and unpause button.
ReplyDeleteBetween 1:25 and 1:27, I am 90% positive you can see GODZILLA crashing the bridge on the right side.
The times are different because this is a different version of the clip, it was easier to stop where I wanted.
No, sorry, this is not a Godzilla movie.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt might not be godzilla. Just based on the roar, and that clip, I believe it is. Still though, that might be a frontal shot of whatever is destroying the bridge
ReplyDeleteNo, see, it's an original property. As stated by the director and JJ himself. And besides, a long time ago wasn't it pointed out no one had the rights to Godzilla over here at this time?
ReplyDeletewhen did we become positive that rob was going to work for slusho!? i know its a possibility but isnt him going to wok directly fo tagruato? i dont remember ever being dead certain it was slusho!
ReplyDeletecburgess:Hud would have no idea what would happen to Marlena. She starts bleeding from her eyes/mouth and get's hauled away by guys in Hazmat suits, of course he's not going to turn away.
ReplyDeletevernon141; you are right, I was going to make the same comment. While it seems certain Rob will be getting a job for Tagruato [and good luck for him marketing Slusho after what happens], I don't think it's verified.
ReplyDeletethis looks like a killer movie
ReplyDeletewatching with my gf on our first date makes it ten times better :D:D:D:D:D
jester: yet here we are still pondering whether it might be godzilla...
ReplyDeleteI am far more intrigued by the very brief handful of frames of the fireball AFTER the rocket hits its target. They are shooting at the monster, right? Is there anything to be seen in those frames?
There are two separate phenomena that have spawned the alive/lion misquote. One is the dialog that was thrown into the teaser trailer which uses the word "alive." I suspect based on what Abrams and Reeves said about how off-the-cuff that decision was, that line might not even be in the movie. I've heard it used in various versions of "street chaos" scenes.
I was referring to the scene inside the bodega. It's at the very end of one of the commercials, right as the windows shatter. It's a snippet of a frantic conversation, which in the examples gets cut off so it's a little unclear. It concerns a much more mundane topic than anything worthy of the kind of clue-hunting speculation that has been going on (i.e., it does not even reference the monster). You'll understand in sixteen days.
Vernon: I guess I don't make a distinction mentally between Slusho and Tagruato. He's headed off to work for them though; Tag is trying to market their tasty beverage, Rob's ticket to a fresh start in life.
cburgess: it's Marlena. We're supposed to assume the camera gets left on for long stretches of time; with all the chaos happening it's easy to accept that extremely brief and horrific scene would wind up in front of the camera lens.
i obviously missed something here. when did we find out the name and identity of shadowy form behind the curtain?
ReplyDeletealso if you were holding a camera wouldnt you film whatever is going on in the shadows behind that curatin?
and third anyone else hoping the wikipedia page gets a temp lock? its going to be hard resisting the urge to wiki this movie since i wont be seeing it for a couple days after it comes out :( stupid college.
zurcher: Because Marlena gets hauled away by hazmat guys. The figure behind the curtain is being held by hazmat guys. There's a female scream every time that scene is showed and the hair style of the figure matches.
ReplyDeleteTrue there's no conclusive proof, but come on, things are pointing to it being her.
Ty: There is proof. Promo images were found with some hazmat guys holding Marlena. It's obvious that it's the same two hazmat guys and the same Marlena behind the curtain.
ReplyDeleteHaha, Adam, I can tell you and I think alike. Godzilla? That's been out of the question for a good month or two. Oh and that line in the grocery store is in the widget. He goes "Rob, Rob, I saw it... it's a..." and I can't tell if he says alive or lion (which i doubt it's lion) or like you said something completely different that we purposely won't be able to find out until the movie comes out. It's just placed to stir up more controversy.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to see if I can pinpoint at all the part where the fire ball/rocket shoots to see what it is hitting. If it's a fire ball from the monster then I assume it's just shooting a building out of anger. If it's a rocket then it's either hitting the monster or just malfunctioned and hit a building.
Thanks, thatwas awesome........ look at 1:07-:109 im not sure weather its a rocket or the monster throwing firballs xP that would be so freakin awesome though..... yaaaaaaaaay FIRE!
ReplyDeleteand to Stephan.....
he doesnt say "Die Clover" he says "Take Cover"
norik: Yeah, those pictures were what I was referencing when I said she gets hauled away by them. What I meant was there's nothing showing her getting pulled behind the curtain so the argument it might not be her could technically be made.
ReplyDeleteThe job opportunities page on the Slusho site-- how long has that been up?
ReplyDeleteTy: In the pics they're in the medical station. There are curtains everywhere.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAmanda: About a month and a half now.
ReplyDeleteNorik: I know, but people can argue against something because of the tiniest thing. Not that that's the case here, I'm just saying. In the past, and not particularly with this game, I've seen people argue because they didn't actually see something it didn't happen. I was just playing devil's advocate for a second.
ReplyDeleteIn the bodega he says neither lion nor alive. And it's hardly controversial, it's part of a longer exchange about a completely different topic. Only its seeming similarity to the lion/alive bit caused people to misinterpret its importance, and invent the controversy. But... there's been a lot of that going around...
ReplyDeleteThere's a great screen shot of the explosion right here on this site. This is definitely a rocket hitting something, not fire being spewed by a monster. Might just be friendly fire taking out the side of a building, or.....
...or the monster is right behind them.
ReplyDeleteAnd there was an interview with Matt Reeves.
At the last minute, when we were shooting the trailer, we wanted people to know - 'cause we hadn't created the monster yet - that it was a giant monster movie, we wanted a tease of that. I jumped to the microphone and said the line, "I saw it! It's alive! It's huge!" And one of the most amusing things is I had come home and someone on the web had taken that section and started to do an analysis on it and thought I said, "It was a lion."
lol the monster doesnt shoot fireball, why would a creature from the sea shoot fireballs, would be pretty useless attack/defence under water. Its more probable that Rob is going to work for slusho, they are looking for someone to join their marketing team, what is Robs main profession? Marketing! There is no proof that the person behind the curtain is mirlena, but its quite possible. From the look of the shoot its being taken from the street, so it would have happened either just before they enter the hospital area (which then it wouldnt be mirlena) or just after (probable that it is mirlena). I dont take nothing for granted though unless there is definate proof, not until i see the movie when all (or most) will be revealed. Im still wondering whats happened with jamie and the evidence from the parcell/presant? Also i thought there was something more to the bit where the monster is shown, its like you can see it more clearly. Have to look at that part more closely. Has anyone taken screenies of that part?
ReplyDeleteThe first time we see the monster, it's just its back and legs. This time it's its back, legs, and ass. :p
ReplyDeleteI still dont think the fireballs are rockets. In the clip when the giant explosion is first observed from the rooftop, doesnt anyone else find it strange that all of the fireballs are basically the exact same size and appear to be dispersed in a symmetrical pattern of some sort. I still think the fireballs contain the smaller monsters. I guess we'll find out on the 18th. :)
ReplyDeleteActually from what I saw, you could see more of the monster. I thought I saw a tail of some sorts. Plus, the footage from the bridge looked like it showed the statue of liberty with it's head still on? I don't know if anyone caught this or not
ReplyDeleteThe smaller monsters spawning from the fireballs, then biting people and making them explode seems like a good theory. Maybe Slusho has nothing to do with this.
ReplyDeleteAdam: Unless you saw a different clip of them in the bodega, I'm not sure what else they could be talking about other than the monster. In the widget the liberty head crashes down, people take pictures on their phones, they see the monster walk by behind a building, people scream, a building collapses, dust and smoke billow down the street towards them, they run into a bodega, the guy says "Rob, Rob, I saw it... it's (whatever)", the wall and glass on the bodega shatters shooting towards them, end of clip.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what else the guy could have been talking about that he saw other than the monster.
did you see a different clip?
BTW, I thought I would do this and end the madness because no one else seemed to want to do this. I managed to pause the video of the fire ball/rocket scene just as the object is coming into the frame, and know I am CERTAIN what it is. It's a rocket. I have the picture here that clearly shows the long shaft of the rocket with a pointy tip head part. There's a blast of the fire propelling the rocket behind it with a small trail of smoke following. Here's the link:
The link doesn't work.
ReplyDeleteThis link doesn't work?
That's craptastic!
ReplyDelete404 NOT FOUND
uh, that's what it did to me the first time i copied it but then i realized that i didn't copy the whole link. I left out part of the ending and the .jpg part. Let me see if i can figure something out.
ReplyDeleteWill this work:
Or this:
Yeah, that one works. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's totally a missile.
Screw it, my retardation decided to leave just long enough to allow me to realize that I should get a photobucket account, lol! So I just made an account and posted the image proving it's a rocket, not a fire ball. You can see the rocket saft, pointed head, fire propelling it, and small smoke trail.
oh sweet, so the facebook link worked. Well now I know that Facebook works, I'm sure photobucket will, but myspace is a giant load :P
ReplyDeleteSo you see what I'm talking about then. It's plainly a missile, unless the monster shoots fire balls disguised as missiles. Oh God, I shouldn't have said that considering how people on this site can make the stupidest things blown out of proportion. lol.
grrrr, why would a monster that come from the sea, whose natural habatat is the sea shoot FIRE as a weapon or defence or to spawn... it doesnt make sence!!!! Fire and water dont mix! But then didnt gozilla breath fire? I honestly think people are seeing what they want to see, not whats actually happening. I think its a silly idea anyway and seriously dout that the monster creates fire naturally in any way.
ReplyDeleteAgain people, for those of us "hooked up", the advance showings are on the 15th. Expect a *SPOILER FREE* review from this original member of this fantabulous site on the 16th. If D decides to post it; *SPOILER FREE* D.
ReplyDeleteA review of any type before the release won't be spoiler free.......
ReplyDeleteAlan: go to my link. I paused the frame at a perfect spot that shows that it's just a missile, not a fire ball from the monster.
ReplyDeleteIf u look at all the stuff going on I thought subway scene was at end. And marlena is there. We really have almost no way of knowing when and how she dies if she does or if itsbher behind screen. The bridge scene is not god zilla at all if u look close in right hand back corner towards end u see a column fall and it separates in to or sumpin wackin it comes in to sight. A tentacles or very long arm maybe. Slowed it down and that what I saw. Also new tido wave update. Someone went there and the chuai stations not there at all.
ReplyDeleteremember in that clip of teddy and jamie where he says somthing like "im at a company called tagruato and they "MADE" this thing"
you see MADE!!! its not exacly from the freakin ocean maybe they they maybe made it and tossed it in the ocean or something and theres always room for a freakin monster thats from the sea and breaths fire..... what the hell is wrong with that?? huh?? exacly xD....... anyways......
ALL!!!!...... those pictures that you said it was a missle and that you can see a trail of smoke behind it blah blah blah....... IS FREAKIN WRONG!....... thats not smoke...... that part of the light rays you see when your filming something in the dark....... why do you guys not know the light laws???
good god...... sorry for any spelling mistakes..... happy new year =]
Another thought I read somewhere is maybe more than one monster and or even type. Tagruato obviously has experimented with bio engineering and not. This trhing I read made the point that the title cloverfield may have to do with deception and what not. What if tagruatols ganu drinks nectar goes off deep end wants to demolish world. 14 stations maybe some legit maybe some hiding stuf and there launching points. Now that chuai is gone prolly no teddy either just a random thought. This plays on our fears terrorism or the threat of it and big corporations. And the movie is a govt found tape. Kinda opens lots of doors.
ReplyDeleteIf the tanker is the source of the initial explosion, then I would guess that the fireballs shooting around the big explosion are oil or chemical drums. If you've ever seen the footage from chemical factories burning, those things launch and explode like missiles. It would make sense to have some oil barrels on an oil tanker.
ReplyDeletePS- how do you get tickets for the advance screenings?
*sigh* I give up.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's a monster that shoots fireballs that turn into other little monsters. Of course it is.
Marlena is a 10th level druid with the power of reincarnation, which is how she rematerializes "later" in a scene which has not been shown to us in correct chronological order, but let's not bother with that important detail. It's done with a batwing and a jigger of fairy dust. Poof.
A gang of leprechauns will win the Superbowl. Why not. You can't prove that it won't happen, can you?
jester, it's been fun, man. Keep it real. The voice of reason in the wilderness. But before I go...
This is a spoiler-free zone, so I've respected that. Other sites are not, and unfortunately I've seen and read things by accident that I sorta wish I hadn't. Unless the transcript I've read is very wrong, the dialog in the bodega isn't about the monster (we have not been shown a continuous sequence in the trailers), but since it's similar to the "alive" bit that Reeves added to the trailers on a whim, people have connected it to that. Once the human imagination takes over, its futile to point out that the grease smudge on the interstate overpass is not actually the Virgin Mary. The faithful will still flock blindly to it.
But honestly it doesn't matter. There are going to be a lot of little moments in this movie that will totally pay off for those of us who followed the ARG; while the bulk of the audience is going "huh?" we are going to be smiling from ear to ear at the inside jokes and specific references the film makers have sprinkled throughout the movie, for our private enjoyment. And I guarantee, the "I just ran out of my Ritalin supply" crowd will be just a bit disappointed that their fevered ideas about fanciful monsters with comic book superpowers and manically patched-together DaVinci Code plot twists never stood a chance at being probable. I just thought I'd contribute a little, constructively, to the speculation and to the excitement level among the fans of this very clever project. What was I thinking?
I didn't even know that the Leprechauns made the playoffs
ReplyDeleteGO GIANTS!!
Shut up, Adam, just shut up. We don't need sarcasm right now.
ReplyDeleteNo, I totally agree with Adam. People are just starting to go off the deep end trying to make all these connection and figure all this stuff out when they have no idea what they're talking about.
ReplyDeleteNot of the clips that we've been shown have ever been shown in order, sound effects and dialog and screams and roars have been added into the clips at random times to for dramatic effect.
You remember in the first trailer that showed the girl expanding (we don't know who it is yet because we haven't seen the movie so stop saying it's Marlena), well as the girl expanded we heard this weird gargling sort of noise. In the newest commercial that noise is no longer there, just a scream. I bet in the actual movie there won't even be a scream. It's just for dramatic effect so don't waste your time speculating.
Next, it is a missile. I don't give a flying fart about any law of light or whatever. Even if there was no trail of smoke you can still see the missile itself. There is a shaft with a pointed head tip piece. It's a missile. Get glasses.
Finally, what the heck is all this tagruato/tidowave junk? We were told by abrams or whoever that there would be no back story to the monster, that way we could just focus on the issue at hand: there's a frickin' giant monster walking through the city destroying everything and the guys with the camcorder need to survive. Big friggin deal if someone decided to post a site about a company that does under water drilling and another that's trying to stop them and then we piece clues together to see if tagurato made the monster or whatever. IT HAS NOTHING SIGNIFICANT TO DO WITH THE MOVIE ITSELF. There's a giant monster killing people, end of discussion.
jester thanks for the vote of confidence. still so much ad hominem anxiety out there for no good reason, it's strange really how worked up people can get over something so inconsequential as a movie. The internet does strange things to some; taking ownership of discussions they do not moderate.
But jester let me help you out on something: Tagruato and TIDOWave are a HUGE part of the ARG/backstory, and exist so that we who are following the story will have a better appreciation of the movie, when we see and recognize the little references made to them on screen. These will be subtle, and none of it should be assumed to act as an explanation for the monster, just secondary bonus material for us.
Everyone please simmer down now ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd for the record, I agree that it is a missile or rocket.
Jester17 said... Finally, what the heck is all this tagruato/tidowave junk? We were told by abrams or whoever that there would be no back story to the monster, that way we could just focus on the issue at hand.
There will be no back story... in the movie. That's the whole point of this ARG, to give a back story to the characters and the company so they don't have to show it in the movie.
I think it is a great decision, because showing all the back story would slow down the pace of the movie. It is also a reward for people who like the movie, and want to lean more about what is going on.
ReplyDeleteCloverfield - Monstro: O Filme - The Movie
I guess the Tagurato thing is kind of a bonus for us. I personally just don't find it that interesting I suppose. I mean, I know the general story behind the whole company and I should be able to spot the little things in the movie. I hope at least we'll find out the complete back story before the movie comes out, like is Tagurato the ones who dirupted the monster with their drilling (that's what I'm assuming) or I've even heard that Tagurato might have been to experimentation and made the monster (sounds far fetched).
ReplyDeleteIf you guys like, my email address is available if you click on my name to my blogger account. We can chat up a storm, maybe even have a multi person party on MSN to chat with all us Cloverfield fanatics.
I don;t wanna drag things out, but... Matt Reeves is director. He oversees every second of the movie. Wouldn't he be the second best mind to go to, other than Abrams himself?
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's a rocket, no, it doesn't matter...
Ninja muffin, I'm not really sure you DO understand. The line is "It's like they're building, or making something". Not the monster. It may be the monster, but we have no proof.
Adam, we don't actually know Rob is going to work for Slusho, it's just likely.
Micheal Stahl-David has confirmed the monster was NICKNAMED Clover, and not named in-movie. "Die Clover" is so cheesy....
the movie is only 84 minutes long aswell, and the average film is around 90 minutes. It's not gonna be some long epic so it would be pointless to put backstory into the movie. Just think though when everyone else in the cinema is going "WHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTT", we'll be goin' "ah right, i'm well onto why that's happened."
ReplyDeleteso yeah, as Dennis put it, it is kind of a reward, (trying to say this in the least geeky way possible)
So they nickname it Clover? That's the stupidest thing ever. And so New York is Clover's field. Get it? Cloverfield.... OMG I'm tired.
ReplyDeleteThe Monsterrr
Michael Froseth said... http://aycu14.webshots.com/image/34893/2001230418515999011_rs.jpg The Monsterrr
ReplyDeleteFYI, that is NOT the monster. It is fan-made art. See: http://cloverfieldclues.blogspot.com/2007/09/fan-made-cloverfield-monster-art.html
Jester, I meant that the actors/ other movie goons nicknamed it that, in the movie itself, the monster will probably go by "It".
ReplyDeleteI think the average movie is more like 110 minutes (estimate) and I hope it's nice and long, but we've just got to take what they give us.
Micheal Froseth- Go away and never come back ever again. Ever.
Well I'm just assuming that if anyone calls the monster by a name in the movie, it will stick.